What few people didn't realize was that Wang Ming watched their actions from beginning to end. He didn't stop their internal strife just now, he just found it interesting and amusing.

"This Illuminati is really just like the rumors say. It's full of stars scattered in the sky, and it's a bunch of flying together. It's obvious that any one person can pull it out alone, and they are all good players who can shine. Now when they gather together, their IQ is actually collective. going offline."

Wang Ming said something funny, but just now the Infinity Stones did not take effect as expected by the Illuminati, but Wang Ming himself pushed the other universe away, because there were no strong people in that universe, it was not he who wanted it. The target to look for.

And everyone in the Illuminati also began to actively prepare for the secret war. Everyone on the US team felt guilty for him, so after the US team woke up, Tony approached him immediately, and discussed rebuilding the Avengers with him. A matter of expanding the team size.

Then they began to look for various superpowers or superheroes again. Tony and the US team bought Wolverine with beer and abducted the little spider with money. The most powerful Avengers team ever.

After all, superheroes are more or less eccentric, if they are not weird, it will not work, and Tony has not forgotten about the collision crisis of parallel universes.

He built a huge Dyson circle to collect the energy of the sun. Mister Fantastic named it the Sun Hammer. When necessary, it can release terrifying star energy to deal a devastating blow to the enemy. It is not a problem to store energy for a longer time and destroy some planets.

And Doctor Strange is not idle, he found some taboo little magic, ready to use it at the critical moment, after all, the destructive power of black magic is much stronger than that of white magic, even Doctor Strange is ready, at the critical moment A means of summoning demons.

At this time, another invasion is slowly coming. Over an unknown forest, a phantom of a red earth suddenly appears. At this time, this phantom is approaching the earth at a slow and firm speed.

Beep beep!

At the same time, all members of the Illuminati received an alert. Doctor Strange immediately opened the portal and pulled the members of the Illuminati into the forest. They looked at the blood-red earth above their heads with serious expressions.

"What should we do this time? Destroy the planet?"

"Now this planet is only in a phantom state. We can't influence it here. If we want to destroy it, there are only two ways. One is that we take the initiative to go there and destroy this planet before returning. Destroy the planet as soon as it becomes a reality!"

The panther looked worriedly at the red earth above his head, but Mister Fantastic said two solutions that he had thought of long ago, and Doctor Strange suddenly proposed.

"I have a better way. We can go to another earth, get the infinite gems in their hands, and exert influence on their parallel universe on another earth, so that they will take the initiative to leave us."

"It turns out that Infinity Stones really can't affect other universes, but we can let other universes leave, use their gems in their universes, and affect their universes. That's okay, right? What we did before may be It would really break the Infinity Stones, but for now it should be possible."

Dr. Strange explained the core and meaning of his proposal in detail, and the eyes of several people brightened when they heard what he said, and felt that what he said was reasonable, and it was quite feasible, which could be regarded as a relatively safe method, so they He also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it's okay to try it, so we can also make two-handed plans. If we don't get the infinite gems, we will destroy their planet. If we find the infinite gems, we will let them stay away from us."

"Yes, it makes sense. Our original intention is to protect our own universe, but we are not cruel executioners. We can save or choose to save. There is really no way to think about destruction."

Both Mister Fantastic and Black Panther nodded in approval of Doctor Strange's plan, and after they reached an agreement, they rushed directly to the red earth above. They were going to another parallel universe to prevent this disaster!

"I seem to have found something particularly interesting, Devouring Star? And it is still swallowing up many planets in its peak state, and its combat power has almost reached the upper-middle level of the multi-level. It seems that waiting is still effective, and finally met A guy worth my shot."

Just as the members of the Illuminati had just left, Wang Ming stood where they had just stood at some point. With an expectant and playful smile on his face, he stared at the red star above his head. Earth.

In Wang Ming's line of sight, a giant with a height of tens of thousands of meters stood quietly above the red earth. He emitted some strange energy and was devouring everything around him.

And this guy is one of the five creation gods of the other multiverse, who swallowed up more than half of the planets in the universe and swallowed stars at their peak!
Among the five founding gods, the one with the highest upper limit and lower limit is Tun Xing. The full Tun Xing is the strongest among the five creation gods, but if the hungry Tun Xing is the shame of the five creation gods.

The star swallowing in front of Wang Ming is almost completely full, and now he is at least half full. His strength is far from the peak of the multi-level, but his strength is enough for Wang Ming Shot him.

So Wang Ming also took a step forward and came directly to another earth. At this time, this earth has fallen into a state of self-defense, not to mention solving the crisis of parallel world collisions. The entire earth has been eaten by swallowing stars. A small half, like an apple with a bite.

"My God, what happened to this earth?"

"Isn't it time for us to come?"

"I feel that we don't need to take action on this planet, and we will collapse immediately, and this crisis will be resolved along the way."

The people of the Illuminati also saw the shocking scene in front of them. The giant standing tens of thousands of meters above the ground was really conspicuous.

As long as they are not at the complete ends of the earth with each other, they can directly see this terrifying existence with the naked eye, devouring this planet.

It’s not that he can’t swallow the earth directly in one bite. He’s just enjoying the wonderful process of eating at this time. It’s the same as human beings enjoying food. , and the lack of taste will affect appetite.

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