"Who are you guys? So are there any remaining humans on this planet, so let's die together!"

Just when everyone in the Illuminati was confused, a cold and heartless voice came from behind them, and then they saw the envoy of the tyrant under Tunxing, looking at them coldly.

They are similar to the role of the waiters under Tun Xing. Before Tun Xing eats, these messengers are needed. After finding the next target planet and establishing coordinates, Tun Xing will go to eat.

And in this process, if there are creatures on the planet that dare to resist or obstruct, these envoys of swallowing stars will wipe out all the creatures on it, leaving a clean food, waiting for swallowing stars to come to eat.

And the power of these envoys comes from Tunxing himself, so their strength is quite powerful, and they can be ranked in T1 in the entire universe, otherwise, they are not qualified to help Tunxing clean up the tableware and plates .

"Hey, guys, we seem to be in trouble. This guy is the messenger of swallowing stars. He is a bad guy who does all kinds of evil and can be killed."

Doctor Strange recognized the identity of the Tyrant's Messenger at a glance. The other party's nickname was Tyrant, and his identity was the Messenger of Devouring Stars, so it was read together as the Tyrant's Messenger.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go together!"

The black panther flashed its sharp claws instantly, and then rushed directly towards the tyrant messenger, and a group of people immediately fought fiercely with the tyrant messenger.

Although people like the Illuminati are powerful heroes, the Messenger of the Tyrant is not a weak person. For a while, the two sides fought back and forth. A situation of balance.

On the other side, Wang Ming also teleported directly in front of Tun Xing, and Tun Xing, who was enjoying the delicious food, was awakened suddenly. After all, Wang Ming suddenly appeared in front of him, and his aura was hidden, making it hard to figure out. This directly aroused the vigilance of swallowing stars.

"Who are you guy?"

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember it for me."

Tun Xing lowered his huge head and looked at Wang Ming with some doubts. Wang Ming replied with an arrogant smile on his face. He pulled out a card from the card box while talking.


'Kamen Rider'

'Decade! '

Wang Ming inserted the card into the driver, and under a flash of purple light, he transformed into the passion form of Kamen Rider Decade.

"Big guy, how do you want to die? Sliced ​​or cut into pieces?"

Wang Ming's tone was quite arrogant and domineering. While talking, he took out his card box sword, wiped it skillfully on the gauntlet, and bound the bond value between himself and Tun Xing by the way, which has not been used for a long time He still feels very nostalgic.

After all, he used this form at the beginning, and when he fought, those juniors and seniors in the world of kings screamed. The main reason is that Wang Ming's power level has improved a lot now, and he doesn't need the passion form under normal circumstances.

To deal with weaker enemies, Wang Ming didn't need to transform at all. To deal with stronger enemies, Wang Ming usually used the Six Gem Emperor Armor or God Lord Mode.

Only when you encounter an enemy like swallowing stars, can other cards play a role. After all, the bonus of a card is calculated according to the percentage of its own strength.

In other words, the stronger Wang Ming's strength, the stronger the mask he transforms into. There is no doubt about it. It just means that Wang Ming couldn't meet a suitable enemy and it was useless. Now he has met him. So Wang Ming used it directly.

"A superhero on Earth? Ants dare to disturb my interest in eating. I'm simply tired of living."

Tun Xing looked at Wang Ming who was transformed in front of him and said with some disdain. After all, in his impression, the guys who need to transform in this way are not too strong, and most of them rely on the power of technology.

And who is he?One of the five creation gods, would he be afraid of the power of technology?Just don't underestimate him!

"You grow so big, I will not bully you, I will become as big as you."

Wang Ming looked at Tun Xing's arrogant face, and also showed a more arrogant smile than him, but Tun Xing couldn't see it.

Originally, Wang Ming wanted to use Noah's character card because he was so big, but to be honest, Wang Ming didn't like to see Noah's character card. There was no other reason, he just felt a little uncomfortable.

At the beginning, he was beaten up by this guy. Although the divine Wang Ming didn't care about it, the demonic Wang Ming kept it in his heart. He didn't go back to the Ultra World to beat him up again. Demon fusion, there is not so much hostility towards Noah.

But he would feel awkward to use this guy's power again, unless it was a last resort, Wang Ming would not choose to use his card.

Therefore, Wang Ming, who did not choose to use Noah's power, directly pulled out a gigantic card and inserted it into the card box. If it was his own body, he could grow as big as he wanted.

But now he is in a transformation state. To follow the rules of the card box and belt, he must use a giant card, otherwise it is against the rules, and he can't directly become bigger.

After a burst of purple light flashed, another [-]-meter giant with the same height as Tun Xing appeared on the earth. Everything on Wang Ming, including the equipment, became bigger.

The Illuminati, who was fighting fiercely with the tyrant's envoy, saw that everyone was dumbfounded after seeing this scene, and the tyrant's envoy also had his brain shut down because of Wang Ming, a guy who suddenly entered.

Just when they were in a daze, Wang Ming on the other side had already held the card box sword, and slashed at Tun Xing with a sword!

An extremely huge sword light flashed, Tun Xing subconsciously reached out to block it, and then he regretted it, and a biting pain came from his outstretched palm.

Wang Ming's sword indeed cut through the bones of Tun Xing, but it has to be said that this guy's defense is really high. His card box sword barely broke through the opponent's flesh and cut to the bone, and it did not attack the opponent. It does substantial damage.

Of course, this is also related to Wang Ming's weapon. If Wang Ming was using the Aurora Sword at this time, his head would probably have been chopped off, not to mention his hand.

Although beheading will not lead to death for their existence, it is also a huge insult, and this insult is also the main motivation to stimulate the bond.

"Stupid human being, you pissed me off!"

Wang Ming's sword directly chopped Tun Xing out of the eating state, and directly put the latter into a fighting state. When Tun Xing was eating, he actually didn't have much desire to fight.

Because at this time his appetite had surpassed his desire to fight, but Wang Ming's sword firmly cut off his desire to fight!

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