Tun Xing, who had withdrawn from the eating state, erupted with extremely terrifying power in an instant. He directly knocked Wang Ming's card box sword away with force, and then accumulated energy in his other hand, and directly ruthlessly hit him with an energy light cannon. It landed on Wang Ming's body and sent Wang Ming flying out of the earth.

And Tun Xing himself rushed up after him. He didn't want to fight on the earth, because it was his food, and no one would want to fight on his own food.

And the light below will see everyone, and they are relieved to see the two giants who have left, and then they decide not to stay here any longer, so everyone used some of their own tricks. The emissary of the tyrant was captured alive.

The Illuminati, who had captured the tyrant's envoy alive, brought this guy back to their own universe. They had a lot of things they wanted to ask this guy, so they couldn't just kill him.

And just when they left, an extremely huge figure fell from the sky and slammed on the earth, causing the entire continental plate of the earth to be displaced. For a while, all kinds of monsters appeared on the earth. Extreme weather disasters.

Tsunamis, tornadoes, and earthquakes were released like money, and the earth’s surface was destroyed in sevens and eighties in an instant, that is, the life on the earth is now killed by the tyrant’s messenger, otherwise the situation will continue Even more tragic.

Following the fall of this huge figure, there is also a figure holding a long sword. That's right, this is Tun Xing and Wang Ming. Tun Xing was beaten down by Wang Ming.

Wang Ming stepped on Tun Xing's chest fiercely, and then the card box sword in his hand stabbed towards his head without hesitation!

However, Tun Xing's reaction was not slow. At the critical moment, a bare-handed sword came and barely blocked Wang Ming's card box sword, but the earth under their feet was not so lucky.

Both of them now have multi-level standing strength, and every random move can burst out endless power, and the two of them directly shattered the entire earth, and the earth turned into dust and disappeared in an instant.

If you look in the 616 universe, you will find that the red earth suddenly disappeared, which means that their multiverse collision crisis has ended inexplicably.

At this time, in the multiverse of this position, Wang Mingzheng and Tun Xing launched an extremely fierce battle. The two fought in the most primitive fighting between the stars. It's useless, so he can only be like this.

Whether it is changing Wang Ming's molecular structure or transforming Wang Ming's physical laws, it is useless. The only thing that can pose a little threat to Wang Ming is the high-energy shock wave he condenses and the most primitive hand-to-hand combat. The most proud place, endless power.

Tun Xing is different from the other great gods who tend to fight against laws. The strongest part of this guy is his strength. It is a typical example of miracles with great strength.

Anyway, when Wang Ming fought with him, he realized how terrifying this guy's strength was. In terms of strength alone, he had surpassed the previous Mephisto.

Every time Wang Ming collided with him, he had to use all his strength so as not to be blown away, and the armor made of unknown metal that this guy was wearing was also quite strong.

Wang Ming's card box sword can't even leave a mark when it is cut, it can only splash a large amount of sparks. As for the attack on the law, Wang Ming has also tried it, but it doesn't have much impact on the swallowing star.

This Galactus can be regarded as a relatively hard stubble, at least Wang Ming's current state can't easily kill him instantly.

But Wang Ming didn't want to kill the opponent in seconds, he just spent time with Tun Xing out of enjoying the fun of fighting and killing boring time.

"If you have some skills, how about trying my trick."

Wang Ming's voice still carried an arrogant smile, and then he pulled out a card from his waist, which was his own kill card, and Wang Ming inserted it into the driver and pushed it with one hand!
'FinaL Attack Ride! '

'D, D, D, Decade! '

As the voice on the belt sounded, dozens of card-shaped light walls in the shape of holograms appeared between Wang Ming and Tun Xing. These card-shaped light walls spread for tens of millions of kilometers.

In the next second, Wang Ming took off directly, posing a knight kicking posture in the starry sky, and these dozens of light walls also rose up with Wang Ming's jump, and moved to the most suitable position.

Swish swish!
Wang Ming's body passed through these dozens of card light walls, and his speed soared to the limit in an instant. After being strengthened by the card light intensity, Wang Ming kicked hard and hit him with his hands crossed in a blocking state. Swallow Star!

In the next second, an extremely terrifying explosion came from the place where the two were fighting. Centered on the two people's fight, most of the Milky Way was kicked out by Wang Ming's kick.

It's just because the main power of his kick is concentrated on Tun Xing's body, and what escapes is only the aftermath that is less than one part in a hundred billion. If Wang Ming aims at the origin and origin of the universe, itself, then this universe will be exploded in an instant, and Wang Ming will also explode countless universes one after another.

After all, at their level, if they want to destroy the universe, it is really just an idea. Tun Xing doesn't do it because there is food he needs in the universe, and he won't smash his own dinner plate.

But Wang Ming didn't do this because he felt that there was no need to go everywhere to cause damage, so everything that happened in front of him was not intentional by the two of them.

And Wang Ming's kick was indeed ruthless enough. After using the kill card, the power of his kick was hundreds of millions of times that of his previous fist attack.

Tun Xing thought that the next attack would be impossible without paying a price. Only when the dust from the big bang dissipated gradually did he reveal the true face inside.

At this moment, Tun Xing looked a little embarrassed and even miserable. Wang Ming kicked Tun Xing's chest. At this time, the armor on Tun Xing's body had been completely broken by Wang Ming, and his hands were completely deformed and turned into Noodle-like soft objects.

There was an extremely terrifying blood hole on his chest, and even his helmet was cracked. At this time, Tun Xing was bleeding from all seven orifices by Wang Ming's blow, and his consciousness was about to collapse. the trend of.

And Wang Ming was standing opposite him at this time, very calmly took out the tablet that had been enlarged countless times to check something, and then Wang Ming felt that the battle was almost over, and the bond value between him and Tun Xing had risen to 90.00% Two.

In other words, as long as you give Tun Xing the last blow, you can get his card, and this time Wang Ming not only wants the card, he also swallowed Tun Xing!

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