"Looks like it's time to finish you off."

Wang Ming looked at the appalling Tun Xing and said with a smile, his voice was a little arrogant and arrogant, which made people feel inexplicably angry, but before Tun Xing could react and make any counterattack, Wang Ming had already reacted. action.

"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

Wang Ming decisively pulled out the card and began to switch forms. The rest of the fetter value can be filled up in the process of Wang Ming swallowing the star. After all, at that time, the star will not lose consciousness immediately. After all, he is also a multi-level Wang Ming still has to spend some time to erase the existence of it.

After Wang Ming summoned the emperor's armor, he immediately manifested his own six reincarnations. The two six reincarnations, big and small, echoed and worked together to kill a multi-level existence.

Then Wang Ming activated the six samsara grinding discs without the slightest hesitation. The huge grinding disc formed by six kinds of light directly wrapped the huge body of Devouring Star, which was more than [-] meters high, and the upper and lower layers of six kinds of light spun crazily.

The origin of swallowing star is being consumed and dissipated at a terrifying speed. Devouring him is slower than devouring Dormammu. After all, in terms of strength, Dormammu is one or two steps behind swallowing star.


"Bastard! What are you doing?"

Tun Xing, whose consciousness was a little slack, suddenly felt a tremor from the soul, which made him wake up all at once, and then he began to struggle in the six big millstones.

Here you can see the difference between him and Domamu. After being sucked in, Domamu had no power to resist at all, while Tunxing was able to resist, and even beat the entire big millstone slightly. Trembling, let him continue to make trouble, it is estimated that the big millstone will be directly smashed to pieces.

"Be honest with me."

So Wang Ming naturally wouldn't let him act like this. Wang Ming directly used the power of six infinite gems, blessed them in the Six Paths of Samsara, and together suppressed Star Swallowing.

In the next second, Tun Xing only felt an inexplicable force suppressing him, making him unable to move. This inexplicable force, coupled with the power of the six reincarnation grinding disc itself, directly made Tun Xing completely crushed. Suppressed and controlled.

Now the six paths of samsara finally stopped, no matter how hard Tun Xing tried and how he exploded, he couldn't break free from the huge shackles under the blessing of these two forces.

He could only watch helplessly as he was being devoured bit by bit, but he had no way to do anything about it. For a while, various negative emotions such as despair, unwillingness, and anger grew in his heart, which also led to the relationship between him and the king. Ming's bond value is almost like a rocket speed soaring, and it is completely full in just three to five seconds.


Soon, Wang Ming who was outside also received a reminder from the tablet. A satisfied smile appeared on his face under the visor, and then he increased the power and speed of destroying the swallowing star again.

"Bastard! I curse you to die!"

Tun Xing, who can't do anything, can only start to yell incompetently and furiously. He can only do this kind of thing now. His power that can change any matter in the universe at will can't be used at all.

His terrifying power, which can easily punch through the barriers of the universe, was also severely suppressed. This is an all-round crushing without dead ends for Tun Xing, so he has nothing to do except scolding people now. Do something else.

But Wang Ming didn't care about it at all. He was a mere alien, and he didn't even know how to swear.If he likes to scold, let him scold. Anyway, he will become Wang Ming's nourishment in a short time. He is going to die, so why not let him scold?

In this way, the time passed bit by bit, Tun Xing's resistance became weaker and weaker, until finally there was no movement at all, and Wang Ming knew that he had burped.

But strictly speaking, it does not count as death, because there are countless people living well in the parallel world, and the multi-dimensional in Marvel only has multi-level combat power, and does not have the unique essence of Ten Thousand Realms.

Wang Ming has the true diversity of the only essence of the Ten Thousand Realms, so he is inherently overwhelmed in terms of personality, and Marvel's multi-level combat power is superior.

The swallowing star in this world is dead, but the swallowing star in another world is alive and well. If Wang Ming killed the swallowing star itself, it should be counted, but if he killed the existence of the concept of swallowing the star , that is almost impossible.

Unless Wang Ming destroys the entire Marvel multiverse, the existence of the concept of swallowing stars will never be eliminated, and will be born in countless parallel time and space.

But Wang Ming has nothing to do with this guy, he has to eliminate the deep hatred that he has no concept of existence, so he won't do it so extreme.

In fact, this can be simply understood as that, except for the dimension space, every powerful existence of multiple levels in Marvel is a powerhouse of infinite multiple levels.

Because in the infinite Marvel universe, there are parallel worlds of them, and even Tun Xing can be regarded as an infinite multi-level powerhouse, but there is a premise that these swallows distributed in the infinite universe of Marvel All the stars are integrated into one, that is the real essence of swallowing stars, that is, the powerhouse of infinite multi-level.

To put it bluntly, in the Marvel Universe, if these multi-level powerhouses want to break through to infinite diversity, they only need to return themselves in all parallel worlds to achieve the unique effect of the Ten Thousand Realms, and they can easily break through.

But this is by no means impossible, because although these multi-level powerhouses are powerful, most of them don't even know that they have their own existence in parallel universes, let alone find ways to constantly integrate themselves .

If they really find a way to merge, then their strength will double with a geometric index of abnormality, reaching an infinitely diverse level. It's really not bragging.

So this is actually the limitation of the world. If it is a character like Wang Ming who can shuttle and run around at will, he must be able to see the essence of various worlds. Although it is difficult to break through infinite diversity, it is not impossible.

In this way, Wang Ming obliterated Tun Xing for more than two months, and then barely devoured the source of Tun Xing, and then he has to carry out more complicated and cumbersome refining, and this process will probably take him another several months.

But all the sacrifices and waiting are worth it. Before Wang Ming devoured Domamu, he barely stepped into the multi-level realm. Now that he has devoured the stars again, his own strength should be able to rise to the mid-term stage of multi-level.

This can't be blamed on Wang Ming's indigestion. The main reason is that he has too many things to offer. seven times that of those.

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