Because of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, including himself, he is seven independent existences, but the advantage of this is that Wang Ming's combat power is definitely not what it seems on the surface, and it is almost as good as multiplying it by seven times.

In other words, when Wang Ming's enemies thought that Wang Ming was just a middle-level multi-dimensional, what he actually had to face were seven of the same existence, and this was only in the normal state of Wang Ming's unchanging body. combat power.

After Wang Ming summoned the six-gem emperor armor, his own strength and combat power bonus will be soared again, although it doesn't mean that he can defeat Infinite Diversity by stepping up the ranks.

But that should also be regarded as an invincible opponent under the diversity, and even when Wang Ming himself breaks through to the peak of the diversity, he can add a sentence, one for one above the diversity.

In this way, three months have passed in a flash, and Wang Ming's devouring of Tun Xing has reached the final juncture, and he is about to completely refine Tun Xing.

And it didn't take long for this time, about half a day later, a tyrannical aura suddenly erupted in the cosmic starry sky, which was a symbol of Wang Ming's strength rising to a higher level.

"Finally a breakthrough."

Feeling that there is a lot more power in this body than before, Wang Ming murmured to himself as if sighing, then he looked at this lifeless universe again, shook his head and said.

"This universe is on the verge of extinction, and there is nothing to stay in. It is estimated that the five creation gods are basically the only ones who survived swallowing stars."

Wang Ming originally wanted to find the other four creator gods of this universe, but after feeling the state of this universe, he gave up.

Among the five creation gods, only Tun Xing is the most special one. Strictly speaking, he is considered an outsider and should be an outsider god, while the other four creation gods are closely related to the origin of the universe.

The universe will become what it is now, which also indirectly proves that the other four creation gods are probably dead, otherwise they would not allow the universe to decay like this. This is the decay of the universe itself, not that the universe The big bang started all over again, and as gods, they couldn't sit idly by.

The only explanation now is that among the five creation gods, only Tun Xing is still alive, and the other gods are dead. This is also the reason why Tun Xing in this universe dares to devour planets so blatantly.

Because he is already invincible in this universe, that's why he is so unscrupulous.

"Go back, I just don't know how far the plot has developed."

Wang Ming didn't think about it anymore, he directly stepped out of the coordinates left before, and returned to the Marvel 616 universe. Although he couldn't travel through time unscrupulously in the 616 universe.

But the time he experienced before is synchronized with this universe, so how long he has been away is how long the time in this universe has passed.


"Um... If I remember correctly, the coordinates I left are not wrong, right? What's the situation now?"

Wang Ming looked at the incomparably huge world in front of him in some bewilderment. After repeated confirmation many times, he was able to come to the conclusion that he did not go to the wrong world.

He has only been away for more than half a year, and it seems that there have been great changes here. How should I put it, this change made Wang Ming feel bewildered and surprised.

Because Wang Ming discovered after traveling back, that when he sensed other multiverses again, he could no longer sense anything.

This means that just as Wang Ming left, the universe he was in, including all the remaining multiverses, was destroyed.

At this time, the world in front of Wang Ming is a brand new world, to be precise, it is a super large multiverse made up of many multiverses.

"Wait, shouldn't this be?!"

Suddenly, Wang Ming seemed to have thought of some key details. He looked at everything around him in a little shock, and then he immediately released his perception, spread to the limit, and observed this brand new universe.

It is an extremely huge planet, which is divided into 41 regions, and among these 41 regions, forty regions are put together by different multiverses.

That is to say, this planet contains the components of forty multiverses. To put it simply, in Wang Ming's eyes, this planet is forcibly spliced ​​together by the fragments of forty multiverses.

As for this scene, Wang Ming immediately thought of a place, and Wang Ming also confirmed his conjecture from the fairy tale books in this world.

He saw this sentence from a fairy tale book in a certain area: In a void, everything began to be born. There was a god named Dum. He created light, created the earth, and created everything in the world. In terms of territory, he established his own kingdom and divided the kingdom into 41 regions.

After seeing this sentence, Wang Ming immediately guessed where this place is. Before the creation of a new and completely different universe, there was a transitional world called Doujie.

The Doujie was created by the god Dum who fused countless fragments of the multiverse. At this time, all the multiverses have been destroyed, and only the Doujie is left.

When Doujie was also destroyed, it would be the new era of Marvel, when a new and completely different universe was created, Wang Ming probably guessed that during the time he was devouring the stars, the timing was very clever.

He had just digested the swallowing star, and the 616 universe and the 1610 universe on the other side had completely collided and destroyed, and the destruction of the remaining multiverse was not done by the god Dum, but it was also related to him.

The destruction of all the remaining multiverses is because the god Dum and the Molecule Man, as well as Doctor Strange, who became the leader of the dark priest, went to the universe to fight against the transcendent gods, resulting in the destruction of the universe.

That's right, the destruction of all the multiverses was only caused by the aftermath of their battles, and at that time, God Lord Doom was not called God Lord Doom, he should be called Doctor Doom.

After the war, Doom gained all the power beyond the Protoss and became the real God Doom. At this time, the multiverse of Marvel has basically been completely destroyed, and God Doom gathered the remaining fragments of the multiverse to create The world in front of me is called Doujie.

Wang Ming happened to step on the destruction of all the multiverses, and entered the Doujie at the moment when the Doujie was opened up. This can only be regarded as a coincidence among coincidences. Even Wang Ming himself was dumbfounded. react.

Then Wang Ming's expression became a little dignified, because God Lord Dumu is also a very powerful existence. It is no exaggeration to say that he is guaranteed to be an infinitely diverse level, or even stronger.

Because the power beyond the Protoss is so terrifying that even the Tribunal of Life has to bow down in front of it. After all, the first generation of Transcendents is a fierce man who can sit on an equal footing with OAA.

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