Because according to the setting, more than half of the entire Marvel multiverse is a pocket universe deliberately created by the transcended.

The so-called pocket universe is the crib of the Transcendent Protoss, prepared for the birth of the new Transcendent Protoss. To put it simply, this is a perfect, omniscient and omnipotent race.

The existence of this race is completely at the bug level. They are born with almost multi-level strength, and the adult Transcendent Protoss has the lowest infinite multi-level strength.

You must know the premise that the Transcendence Protoss dared to play like this, that is because they killed the Life Tribunal in advance. Needless to say, the power of the Life Tribunal, except for OAA in the entire Marvel, they are the most powerful.

And it was such a mysterious and powerful race that was solved by God Doom, Molecule Man and Doctor Strange, although they paid a heavy price.

Doctor Strange's army of dark priests was almost completely wiped out. You must know that Doctor Strange at this time may not even be an opponent to Wang Ming. After all, he commands a large group of dark priests, and dark priests are similar to multiverse immunity.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the subconscious incarnations of the Marvel Multiverse. Any one of them is estimated to have half-step multi-level power, otherwise, they would not be able to defeat the Transcendent Protoss.

Now the Doujie formed by the fusion of all the broken universes is definitely the world of the pinnacle of power in the history of the Marvel Universe, and there are a lot of multi-level combat power, and there are many infinite multi-levels.

Even Dum himself is suspected to be a terrifying existence close to the almighty cosmic level, otherwise Wang Ming really can't figure out why the OAA didn't come out to stop him, or all this was deliberately arranged by the OAA. No one can spread it for what.

After thinking of this, Wang Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the situation now, it should be close to the latter. OAA should be too lazy to take care of these things, or this is his arrangement. After all, in the Marvel Universe, its will can affect everything .

In this case, Wang Ming didn't have such a big sense of crisis. He was afraid that Dum would be the legendary almighty universe class. Now he can be regarded as the peak of the infinite multi-level at most, which is much stronger than the general infinite multi-diversity.

In this case, Wang Ming still has the confidence to fight him, but if Dum is Almighty Cosmic Rank, Wang Ming will run away without saying a word.

"It seems that there is no need to deliberately look for any strong people. There are many strong people in the fighting world, but at most they can only brush the bond value. If it takes too long to swallow, it is very likely to be targeted by other strong people. If I interrupt my refining process, the gains will outweigh the losses."

Wang Ming muttered to himself thoughtfully, he was going to swipe a few multi-level cards first, and then go to the Void to swipe Sai Torak's card, so that with an infinite multi-level card with five A multi-level card, transformed into a god-lord mode.

Coupled with his own strength and the Six Realms of Reincarnation, Wang Ming is still confident that he can fight the God Lord Dumu. In addition, he only needs to delay enough time.

This point of Marvel is more beneficial to Wang Ming. No matter how powerful the existence in it is, there are very few strong people who have no feelings. It really couldn't be more appropriate.

"Then let me think about which guy to fight with first..."

Then Wang Ming began to think about which regions in the Doujie had multi-level powerhouses. If he remembered correctly, the division of regions in the Doujie was particularly distinctive.

There is an oasis in the far north, which is the gathering place of Hulk in various parallel universes, and the potential of Hulk is endless. If it is possible to have multi-level existence there, then it is really possible.

After all, a bunch of Hulks get together and fight every day. The more they fight, the angrier they get, and the angrier they get, the stronger they become. It is really possible that there will be multi-level Hulks.

Here I want to say that Hulk is Hulk, and Banner is different from Banner. A group of Banners will most likely conduct scientific research together, while a group of Hulks will probably fight every day when they gather together.

There is a large area in the west of the fighting world, and there may also be multi-level powerhouses. There are Apocalypse and his four knights, as well as X-Men from various parallel universes who are vying for the territory.

Iceman, Magneto, Dark Phoenix, etc. in the X-Men all have the potential to become multi-level powerhouses, not to mention Apocalypse, the ancestor of mutants. In the comics, he already has multi-level in some multiverses. strength.

In the middle of Doujie, there is another place called Miejing, which was built by God Lord Dumu in order to maintain his rule.

There is a group of Thunderlords from the multiverse here, and the combat power should not be underestimated. It belongs to Dum's direct guard force. In terms of strength, it should not be too bad, and there may be multi-level combat power.

There is also a place called the Eye of Agamotto, the sheriff of the god Doom, the area ruled by Strange, yes, this is the site of Doctor Strange, and it was the one who killed the Transcendent Protoss with Doom before Doctor Strange, so the Doctor Strange here is very likely to be an infinitely multi-level powerhouse, a powerful existence second only to God Dum in the fighting world.

And next to the Eye of Agmoto is the Sanctuary of Doum, which is also the king's capital where the god Doom is located. Doom himself sits here and governs the forty regions of Doujie.

In the southernmost part of the Doujie, there is a place called the Land of Dead Silence, which can be regarded as one of the most dangerous areas in the Doujie, because the fragments of the legendary zombie universe that make up this area are full of zombie superheroes And the villain, as to whether there is a multi-level powerhouse here, Wang Ming is not clear.

The above are the general areas of Doujie that Wang Ming remembered. There are 41 areas in a Doujie. Wang Ming has never known about other areas, so he doesn't know what unknown existence exists.

And these places he learned are the places with the most strong people in the fighting world, and the places where multi-level strong people are most likely to appear, and other insignificant areas will become clear after he investigates.

"Where should I find a fight..."

Wang Ming thought about it in his heart, and finally he decided to go to the Hulk gathering place in the north to see, after all, Hulk is the first choice at present no matter from which aspect.

There is no other reason, just because his bond value is the best. After all, Hulk relies on anger to increase his strength. The angrier Hulk is, the faster the bond value will increase. Wang Ming even doubts that he doesn't need to spend much. strength, you can achieve your goals.

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