After all, in the past, Wang Ming only needed to find the strongest Hulk, slap him in the face, tie up bond points, and walk around like a dog for a few laps, and the bond points will be maxed out.

This may be regarded as the easiest bond value to brush, and there is another bond value that is easier to brush, that is, those gods who represent various original sins have extreme emotions. There seems to be nothing in the Marvel universe, the stronger original sin gods or demons.

In fact, the Doujie at this time is a bit like the Great Desolate Continent in ancient Chinese myths and legends. There is only this one world in the rather huge world, and there are no multiverses or other planets. It is just such a planet. Although the Great Desolation is a continent, here is planet, but it should have a similar meaning in comparison.

After Wang Ming briefly judged the direction, he used the space jump to go to the northernmost part of the Doujie. The gathering place of the Hulks was at the North Pole of the Doujie, and the environment of the Doujie was different from the planetary environment in the traditional sense. The northernmost part of China is not a world of ice and snow, but a huge oasis.

Hulks from many parallel universes live in it. Wang Ming made several long-distance space jumps, and the distance covered has almost reached the diameter of an ordinary universe. One can imagine how big the Doujie is. , Wang Ming jumped more than ten times before arriving at his destination.

As soon as Wang Ming got out of the space passage, he saw a mountain smashed to pieces in front of his eyes, and the instigator was a purple Hulk fighting with a green Hulk.

You must know that Doujie is not an ordinary world or universe. This is a powerful world spliced ​​together by many multiverses. Whether it is the strength of space or the strength of the world itself, it is ridiculously high.

An ordinary cosmic-level powerhouse hit here with all his strength, and at most it can destroy a place as large as an ordinary city. If it is half-step multi-dimensional, it can only destroy the scope of a planet at most.

But this is the world of fighting, the world is so large that it far surpasses the general universe. A place the size of a planet is really small here, and multi-level powerhouses can destroy an entire world with all their strength. The extent of the galaxy.

Therefore, it is only possible to destroy one percent of the Doujie when the powerhouses of the infinite multi-level explode with all their strength. How could it be simple in a world controlled by an almighty cosmic horror with OAA in the dark?
So Wang Ming fights here, and to be honest, he can let go of his hands and feet, because the space here is very solid, and the quality of the world is quite good, so he doesn't have to worry about blowing up the universe at every turn.

So the two seemingly ordinary Hulks below are actually cosmic-level powerhouses. Seeing this, Wang Ming suddenly felt hopeful, because it can be seen from the two most ordinary Hulks, The comprehensive strength of the Hulk living here must be extremely terrifying.

"I don't know if there will be that guy. If there is, it will be a bit interesting."

Wang Ming had a somewhat expectant smile on his face, and then swaggered around, hovering over the territory where Hulk gathered to search.

The Hulk below is either fighting or on the way to fight. Their physique is special and they don't need food. Anger is the source of all their strength, so they don't need to worry about food at all.

The only thing they can do all day long is to fight. The entire Hulk gathering place is like a large ancient battlefield, with the sound of collisions and explosions everywhere. From time to time, a Hulk is hammered into the sky and almost hits Wang Ming.

Of course, they didn't bother to care about Wang Ming, a little bug flying in the sky. After all, Wang Ming didn't show his aura. In their eyes, he was no different from a flying bug, and they didn't need to care about it.

And what Wang Ming is looking for is a rather terrifying Hulk, whose strength is conservatively estimated to be at the multi-level, and can even reach the peak of the multi-level. If it is in a full state, that Hulk is at least infinitely multi-level.

Wang Ming doesn't know if the Hulk here is infinitely far away. If it is, it would be the best. After all, Hulk's bond value is the easiest to brush up. With Wang Ming's current strength, he can bear the pressure for a while with all his strength. It is no problem to drag until the bond value is full.

The Hulk that Wang Ming is looking for is the strongest one in history, but he doesn't know if God Lord Doom has brought him in.

This Hulk is called Hulk, the God of Extermination. In its full body state, it is possessed by OBA under everything. In this state, Hulk is just like his name, and he is not afraid of anyone except oaa.

The Hulk, the God of Destroyer in the full body state, definitely possesses the combat power of the infinite multi-level peak, and even the God Lord Dum may not be his opponent, so Wang Ming doubts whether he will pull this guy in, and then In other words, the Hulk who was pulled in was not the complete Hulk of the World Destroyer.

This Hulk is most likely just the Hulk who has obtained the power of oba, rather than being possessed by oba, which is equivalent to the Hulk who descended from oba himself.

Therefore, the determination of the strength level is estimated to be similar in the multivariate. Now Wang Ming is looking for this guy. He can't wait for Oba to come in person. Anyway, that guy is also a bad temper, and the bond value is quickly collected.

But it should be impossible, even if there is the Hulk, the God of Destroyer, it is only an incomplete version, because the god Dum doesn't have the confidence to pull Oba in yet.

And who is the OBA?This is also an incredible guy, he is the master of the real hell, not the pseudo-hell of Mephisto's dimensional space, like the pseudo-hell of his dimensional space, Doctor Strange can open a portal to enter at will.

As for the real hell so far, no creature other than the Hulk has been able to enter. The power in the Hulk's body is not just as simple as the gamma ray mutation. All their power sources come from the energy leaked from the real hell. .

Oba, who controls the real hell, is not an exaggeration to say that he is the creator of the Hulk, so why he became the strongest Hulk after taking She Hulk is so strong.

And Wang Ming searched this oasis for a long time, but he didn't find the existence of Hulk, the God of Destroyer. Logically speaking, that guy should be easy to find, because his size is at least the size of a normal planet.

The complete World Destroyer Hulk has a huge body the size of an entire galaxy. If the complete World Destroyer Hulk is there, Wang Ming can find it at a glance.

But now it seems that this guy does not exist here. Just when Wang Ming was a little disappointed, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin and thin Banner wearing glasses. This guy gave him a strange feeling, and Wang Ming didn't think Thinking about it, he flew directly towards Banner.

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