"Who are you?!"

Looking at Wang Ming who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, the thin and small Banner shouted in panic, but Wang Ming didn't answer his words, and he circled around Banner to look at him on his own.

"You, what do you want to do?!"

This Banner looked a little scared, Wang Ming looked at him as if he was looking at a piece of goods, no one would be afraid of anyone else.

"So that's the case, is it hiding in there? No wonder I couldn't find it before."

After Wang Ming circled around Banner for several times, he suddenly said something that made Banner feel strange, and then Wang Ming didn't care about Banner's reaction, he just stared at Banner's head and said something.

"Aren't you coming out yet? You know I'm looking for you, or if I destroy this body, you're willing to come out?"

"what are you saying……"

Wang Ming's words made Banner even more confused, but before he could react, his pupils were suddenly covered with thick green, as if something had revived in his body.

In the next second, Banner's body began to swell unnaturally, and in just a split second, it turned into a huge Hulk tens of thousands of meters tall. !
Although I don't know why this guy hid, he was still found by Wang Ming. After all, in this oasis full of fighting Hulks, such a thin guy suddenly appeared, no matter how you think about it, it will make people feel uncomfortable. Doubt, this is also the reason for Wang Ming's temptation.

"Human, are you courting death?"

Hulk's voice descended from the sky like the voice of the sky. Wang Ming looked up at the Hulk in front of him, who was two or three times taller than Mount Everest, and asked curiously.

"Who are you? Under everything? Or Hulk?"

"Huh? You actually know my existence. I am Oba under everything. Since you know my existence, you should also understand the price you have to pay for offending me."

The World Destroyer Hulk was stunned for a moment, and then he said to Wang Ming confidently and confidently, but Wang Ming shook his head with a contemptuous smile.

"No, no, you're not Oba, you're just his remnant or a doppelgänger, you've been hiding because you don't want Dum to find you, after all, this is his territory, although your current strength is not enough for him Big impact, but no one wants to die, right?"

"Asshole, how do you know!"

Wang Ming's eyesight is terrifying now, he can tell at a glance what kind of state the Hulk is in at this time, and the Hulk whose details have been exposed is also roaring quite angrily.

But Wang Ming was too lazy to answer his irrelevant question. He directly took out the tablet and bound the bond value of the two of them. After feeling Hulk's aura, Wang Ming directly confirmed that this guy is a multi-level existence. How strong it is, you have to fight to know, but as long as it is multi-level, it is worth Wang Ming to bind his bond value.

"How do I know, don't worry about it, just fight with me, and I'll tell you if I win."

Facing the angry Hulk, the God of Destroyer, Wang Ming didn't show any fear, he still had that somewhat provocative and arrogant smile on his face, and while talking, Wang Ming took out the Emperor's Armor card, and the other party His strength is unknown, so it's better not to waste money, and use the Emperor's Armor card to be on the safe side.

"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

With a golden beam of light shooting up into the sky, Wang Ming also successfully summoned the emperor's armor with six gems, and then Wang Ming also enlarged his body to the same level as the Hulk. Anyway, the territory of this oasis is big enough. A fight between two giants of tens of thousands of meters will not have much impact.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing the emperor's armor that was about the same size as him suddenly appearing in front of him, the World Exterminator Hulk let out an angry roar, and then punched Wang Ming's head without hesitation!
"Big man, haven't you eaten? Just this little strength?"

Hulk's fist was only firmly caught by Wang Ming, because now his main body strength has been strengthened after refining the swallowing star, so after summoning the emperor's armor, his strength is much stronger than before.

However, Wang Ming's punch seemed to be easy and freehand, but only Wang Ming knew in his heart how manic power was contained in it, and this World Destroyer Hulk is also a guy who believes in miracles with great strength.

How strong is this guy's power in the original book? To put it simply, it can explode with absolute power to grasp things that were impossible to grasp, such as laws, light, time and even space, even if it is invisible Immaterial souls can manifest and be seized by his terrifying power.

This is the strength of Hulk when he was in full victory, but now he can only be regarded as an incomplete version, so although his strength is very strong, it has not reached the point of exaggeration.

This guy is also quite difficult, like a candy-like character, his defense is quite terrifying, and he is almost immune to most of the law attacks.

If you want him to be injured, you have to play hand-to-hand combat with him, and this guy is a monster who gets angrier as he fights, and the angrier he gets, the stronger the monster. Hulk's strengthening after anger is not just pure strength, it is all-round Hulk's strength has been greatly improved, including various all-round improvements including vitality and resilience.

This characteristic is somewhat similar to Saitama's adaptability, but it doesn't seem to be as perverted as Saitama's adaptability, but the Hulk's upper limit is higher than Saitama's, and both sides have the characteristics of infinitely stronger.

The only difference is that the upper limit of the power of the Marvel Universe is much higher than that of the One Punch Universe, so even Saitama's adaptability can help him reach the peak of diversity.

The Hulk is a terrifying existence that is expected to impact the omnipotent universe. Of course, this is the full version of the Hulk, the one possessed by oba, and the incomplete Hulk in front of him is still in Wang Ming's hands. within the response range.

"Death to me!"

Hulk let out an angry roar, and then the veins and muscles in his arms exploded. Each of his veins was bigger than the river on the ground. It looked quite hideous and terrifying. It also used its full strength this time!

"Don't underestimate me either!"

Wang Ming also raised his fist with a loud shout, and the Infinity Gem on his chest shone brightly. His fist contained Wang Ming's own power, as well as the power added by the Emperor's armor, the power of the Infinity Gem, and the power of the Six Paths. The power of reincarnation.

It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Ming's punch is the most powerful punch he has ever had in his normal state!
The next moment, the golden fist and the green fist collided fiercely, making a deafening bang!

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