At this moment, the entire oasis seemed to tremble. You must know that the scope of the entire oasis is comparable to the size of an ordinary universe.

And here is the Doujie, the spatial structure is extremely stable, and the quality of the world is quite high in the Doujie. The shock produced by the collision of Wang Ming and Hulk's fist still makes the entire oasis tremble.

The strength of the two of them can be imagined, this trembling was just an appetizer, and as the sound came out, a terrifying wave of air centered on the two of them swept across the entire oasis in an instant!

Those Hulks who were still fighting were blown into the sky one by one, and then fell hard, that is because they are all Hulks, otherwise, there should be a bunch of people who were smashed into meat sauce on the entire oasis at this time .

"What happened?"

"Not sure, could it be an earthquake?"

"Are you stupid? Can an earthquake be so powerful!"

The Hulks got up from the ground shaking their heads in bewilderment, and then looked around blankly, but found nothing unusual.

After all, the entire oasis is really too big, equivalent to the size of a complete universe. At this time, although Wang Ming and Hulk are tens of thousands of meters tall, they are taller than bacteria in the dimension of the entire oasis. Be small.

But these two guys, who are smaller than bacteria, can erupt with power that makes the entire oasis tremble, and their strength is evident.

That is to say, this is the Doujie, otherwise, the punch of Wang Ming and Hulk just now is enough to blow up hundreds of universes.

At this time, Wang Ming and Hulk, the God of Destroyer, are just a confrontation of forces at the multi-level. Although both of them are the most peak existences in the multi-level, the aftermath of their battle can still be endured by the entire oasis. collapse.

"I didn't expect that you, a big monster, are quite strong, but I underestimated you."

Wang Ming and Hulk, the God of Destroyer, maintained a fist-fight posture, and they were deadlocked in place. Then Wang Ming said in a contemptuous tone, he did this on purpose, and now whether he can beat Hulk or not, Wang Ming has to fight to the maximum extent. Let this guy get angry, so that the bond value will increase quickly.

"What right do you, a tiny bug, have to talk to me like that!"

Hulk, the God of Extermination, was originally in a state of extreme anger, so Wang Ming could arouse his anger by provoking him casually, and the consequence of this was that its strength became stronger and stronger, and Wang Ming felt a little overwhelmed. Couldn't hold back anymore, so they took the lead to take a few steps back, and the two ended their stalemate.

The strength of this World Destroyer Hulk has reached an outrageous level. In traditional oriental terms, this guy has almost touched the origin of the Dao of Power.

Moreover, his strength is pure destructive power, without any other things mixed in it. Even if Pangu used brute force to create the world, at least it also contained some other attributes.

The Hulk, the God of Destruction, is different. He is pure destructive power. There is no other way to express this destructive power. His power is full of endless destruction just like his name.

Wang Ming withdrew and the World Exterminator Hulk didn't intend to let him go, he rushed forward and punched him fiercely, you can clearly feel that the surrounding space is under his punch, slightly appearing Some cracks were opened, its power can be imagined, it can be described as abnormal!

"I can't help it, you guys have to force me to use some hole cards."

Wang Ming didn't choose to take this punch forcefully. In terms of strength, although his current strength is very strong, it is still weaker than Hulk, the God of Destroyer. If he takes it hard, he will definitely suffer.

'Ability to control! '

'Saitama! '

Wang Ming retreated to avoid Hulk's domineering punch, and then pulled out a card from the card box at an extremely fast speed, and inserted it into the drive.

That's right, he is using Saitama's ability card. Although he doesn't know where the upper limit of Saitama's ability card is, because this thing may be strengthened by the belt because it becomes a card, but now he does You need to hang an ability card to be able to compete with Hulk, the God of Destroyer.

The three multi-level cards Mephisto, Dormammu, and Swallowing Stars are not suitable for the current situation. Even if they are equipped with the ability card Swallowing Stars, which is also known for its strength, it will only increase Wang Ming's strength. It's just a click, but Hulk on the opposite side can improve infinitely.

So to deal with this kind of infinitely stronger, you still have to use cards of the same nature, otherwise you can't beat it. After all, the Hulk, the God of Destroyer in front of you, is a guy with incomplete oba power. From this, it can also be seen that Wang Ming is now infinitely far away. Diversity is not far off.

So Wang Ming wanted to use Qiyu's ability card. It was because he had never used it before, so he didn't know where the upper limit of this card was.

When Saitama's ability card was inserted into the drive, Wang Ming didn't feel any obvious changes, but when he thought about the characteristics of Saitama's abilities, he understood a little bit.

Without external pressure, this card might not be able to play a role, so when Hulk punched again, Wang Ming mobilized all the power he could mobilize without hesitation, and punched him hard!
Centered on the two of them, the land that spanned several light years was cracked and sunken, and terrifying air waves swept out, setting off tornadoes one after another. The devastation within more than ten light years of the two people's fighting range was unbearable.

But this time it wasn't a stalemate. Wang Ming was directly punched by Hulk, the God of Extermination. There was no way, the opponent's strength was too abnormal.

Wang Ming took a dozen steps back on the ground before he managed to stabilize his figure. He also covered hundreds of kilometers in these ten steps, but at this moment he didn't have any thoughts of depression.

Because Wang Ming felt that some restraint in his body was broken. At the moment when the restraint was broken, Wang Ming's strength directly increased by a full 10%. This is not easy. With Wang Ming's current strength, he can still If you improve it further, it will prove how powerful this ability card is.

"Big man, let's continue!"

At this time, it was Wang Ming's turn to shout excitedly, he really wanted to see where the limit of Saitama's ability card was, so this time it was Wang Ming's turn to take the initiative to rush towards the World Destroyer Hulk.

Wang Ming didn't use a weapon or anything, he just rushed over. Now he just wanted to try Saitama's ability card, and he wasn't really facing this battle with a life-and-death attitude, so he still It's not time to get real.

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