Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 372 The Limit of Saitama's Ability Card

Wang Ming used some close-quarters combat skills this time. Just now, he was just fighting Hulk with brute force, head-to-head, so he was at a disadvantage. Said it was almost crushing.

Wang Ming sideways dodged the punch of the Hulk who destroyed the world, and then turned around and kicked the opponent's stomach. The latter was immediately kicked out by Wang Ming's powerful force, collapsing several [-]-meter peaks Then he fell to the ground and stopped.

"Human, you completely pissed me off!"

The World Destroyer Hulk shook his head and got up from the ground, then uttered an extremely angry roar at Wang Ming, and then the World Destroyer Hulk rushed towards Wang Ming with an extremely terrifying aura.

And Wang Ming then taught Hulk what is the art of fighting. Hulk's battles are basically carried out by his own instinct and intuition.

To put it simply, it can be summed up in one sentence: it only needs to work hard, and the rest is left to miracles.

Anyway, he won't get tired, and the more he fights, the stronger he will be. The enemy can avoid his countless attacks, but he only needs to hit the enemy once, because greater strength means faster speed.

As the old saying goes, the best martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly. Hulk only needs to maintain his high-speed attack frequency, and then the rest is to wait for his opponent to be exhausted, or to be pressed to the ground by him when he makes a mistake hammer.

The fact is exactly like this. Wang Ming, who kept blocking and counterattacking the Hulk's attack, also discovered this. Hulk's strength and speed are getting stronger and stronger.

Although during this process, the Hulk, the God of Extermination, was sent flying by Wang Ming in different postures and angles, but he did not suffer any damage at all. On the contrary, he became more and more angry and stronger, and Wang Ming was also in this process. Over the course of the battle, he grew stronger as Saitama's cards worked.

But soon Wang Ming had already touched the limit of the Saitama Card. When the Saitama Card enhanced Wang Ming's power by 200%, it had already reached the upper limit and completely lost its effect. Contains overall strength.

To be honest, Wang Ming was a little disappointed. After all, he thought that it would be great if his strength could be continuously enhanced after the belt was strengthened.

But this is already quite good. Regarding this card of Saitama, Wang Ming spent a little time to strengthen himself with two multi-level power units, while the card of swallowing stars can only double his strength at most, Saitama This one can make him double the level.

Saitama's card has a slightly better effect than ordinary multi-dimensional cards due to its particularity, and Saitama's card has this effect. Now Wang Ming is even more curious. What kind of ability bonus will it bring to him.

As the power of Hulk became stronger and stronger, Wang Ming also accidentally exposed some flaws, and was kicked hard in the chest by his exaggeratedly fast kick, and he fell down uncontrollably. Flying out, he flew a distance of two light years.

He was smashed into pieces along the way, and the destroyed land formed a long ravine. If Wang Ming hadn't tried his best to control it, he still doesn't know how far he would fly. After all, the current Hulk can blow every punch There are hundreds of universes, but because of the special environment of the Doujie, they are not shown much.

But before Wang Mingsong could breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, a green figure shot in front of him at top speed, and without saying a word, he punched him hard on the head!

Wang Ming stretched out his hand to block and was sent flying again. You must know that his strength is now several times stronger than before, but even so, he still can't stop Hulk's random punch. This guy's strength is so great. , It just makes people feel creepy.

"You monster is really ruthless, so I won't be polite to you."

Wang Ming was also beaten a little angry, and then he directly summoned the Aurora Sword. When Hulk, the God of Extermination, rushed over again, Wang Ming unceremoniously waved the laser sword in his hand, and slashed fiercely with the sword. On his chest!
With a flash of sword light, a thousand-meter-long wound appeared on Hulk's chest, and a large amount of green blood flew out from it. Wang Ming's sword almost cut Hulk obliquely in the waist up.

"You bug!!!"

Suffering such a severe injury, Hulk let out an extremely angry roar, and the bond value between him and Wang Ming increased by 20.00% in an instant, and now the bond value between the two has soared to 90.00%.

You must know that it has been less than 5 minutes since the start of the battle, and the bond value between him and Wang Ming is almost full, which is why Wang Ming thinks that his bond value is easy to brush.

"It seems that it's time to get ready to run away. This guy is a bit difficult to deal with. It's really hard to take him down if you don't take it seriously, but if you do it, it may disturb Doom." '

Wang Ming also observed this phenomenon, so he also made up his mind. Faced with Hulk's crazy counterattack, Wang Ming took the initiative to distance himself from him, and he was going to make a big move. Brush up the bond value of two people at once.

With Hulk's current irritable personality, as long as Wang Ming can beat him up a little more, then everything will be within easy reach.

So Wang Ming decisively took off the Aurora Shield on his chest, and then combined him and the Aurora Sword into one Emperor's Battle Halberd. big.

If Wang Ming uses it now, the aftermath alone can wipe out the entire oasis, and that will definitely attract Doom's attention. He is not yet sure about facing God Doom, so it's better to keep a low profile.

After assembling the Emperor's Halberd, Wang Ming mobilized all the power in his body, the six infinity gems on the Emperor's Halberd immediately burst into dazzling light, and the six paths of reincarnation behind him also appeared, and began to spin crazily.

Endless energy poured into the Emperor's Halberd, and dazzling golden light radiated from the Emperor's Halberd, and then Wang Ming slashed this blow fiercely at the Hulk, the God of Extermination who rushed over!
"Emperor's Demon Slash!"

And Hulk, the God of Extermination, didn't know how to write fear at all. He rushed forward, and faced Wang Ming's earth-breaking slash, he raised his fist to meet Wang Ming without hesitation!
In the next second, a terrifying explosion swept across the entire oasis in an instant. Countless golden lights ravaged the entire oasis, and the terrifying wind swept away, taking away most of the green on the oasis, and the entire surface of the oasis was covered. A layer was scraped off.

The explosion formed an incomparably huge mushroom cloud. When the terrifying shock wave passed by, countless Hulks were sent flying for millions of kilometers, even a few light-years. The entire oasis was as terrifying as the end of the world. .

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