The Hulks who were thrown into the air were still lucky. Some unlucky Hulks were directly hit by the golden light that escaped, and they were immediately beaten into the most basic particles, making it impossible to revive them.

This is just the aftermath of Wang Ming's blow. Hulk, the God of Destroyer, who is in the middle of the attack, is also in a shocking situation at this time.

After the aftermath of the explosion gradually dissipated, the most central scene of the explosion was revealed. Wang Ming stood behind Hulk with the Emperor's Halberd in his hand, and the two stood with their backs facing each other.

As for why Wang Ming stood behind the World Destroyer Hulk, it was because the World Destroyer Hulk had been split in half by Wang Ming at this time, and the reason why he looked complete was because Wang Ming The speed is too fast, so fast that Hulk's own body has not reacted yet.

And at this moment, two dull crashing sounds came from behind Wang Ming, and the body of the World Destroyer Hulk was split in two from the middle, split open and fell to the ground.

Of course, this does not mean that he is dead. For an existence like them, the physical body is almost immortal. The reason why Wang Minghui seems to kill a multi-level person every so often.

That's because he directly refined him, and it doesn't mean that he killed him. This is just a superficial death. In the real sense, Wang Ming didn't kill any multi-level opponents, because it was too troublesome. No, it can't be killed at all.

The immortality of the multi-level has reached its peak. Even if the infinite multi-level wants to completely kill a strong man of the multi-level, it will take a long time, and this time is calculated in tens of trillions.

Therefore, even if a strong man of infinite multi-level is too idle, he will not think of killing a strong man of multi-level completely. Therefore, Hulk at this time is at most slightly injured, not even seriously injured. Not counting, let alone death.


At this time, there was a crisp notification sound from the tablet on Wang Ming's waist, which meant that the bond value between him and Hulk, the God of Destroyer, had been maxed out, and this multi-level pinnacle card with great potential had already Into his bag.

"It's finally done."

Wang Ming sighed with relief. If he didn't get it done, Wang Ming might really be chased and beaten later, because the Hulk, the God of Destroyer who became stronger and stronger, was no longer what Wang Ming in this state could just do. The enemy is in front of him, and if he wants to continue to brush his bond value, he has to adopt a roundabout tactic, running while fighting.

"Bastard! I'm going to eat you alive!"

At this moment, Hulk's extremely angry and terrifying roar came from behind Wang Ming. Wang Ming turned his head to look and found that the opponent's body that had been split in half was wriggling with granulation and glued together again. Together, it returned to its original state.

"You are very good, you are a good opponent, but I am not interested in you anymore, let's just say goodbye and see you again."

Wang Ming, who has already got the card, naturally won't continue to fight with Hulk, the God of Destroyer, even if he succeeds, he won't fight anymore, because if he continues to fight, the noise will be too big, and it will disturb Dum of.

"Slip away~"

Wang Ming, who didn't want to get entangled with Hulk, the God of Destroyer, yelled strangely, returned his body to normal size, opened the space channel and ran away.

Wang Ming also didn't have a specific running direction, so he fled casually. After walking out of the space passage, Wang Ming was relieved. Fortunately, Hulk, the God of Extermination, is a guy who works miracles vigorously. He doesn't understand these things in space, otherwise It is still a bit difficult to get rid of his entanglement.

"Where are you running!!!"

At this moment, a terrifying roar came from behind Wang Ming, and a huge figure covering the sky and the sun suddenly shattered the space and appeared behind him. The person who came was not Hulk, the God of Extermination, who else?

Wang Ming was so frightened by the sudden roar that he trembled all over, and then he looked at Hulk, the God of Destroyer who was chasing up with a dazed expression, and asked.

"How did you catch up? Could it be that you also have spatial abilities?"


But obviously, Hulk, the God of Extermination, was not in a good mood at this time. He had no intention of answering Wang Ming's question, so he slapped Wang Ming directly.

As a last resort, Wang Ming turned on the space teleportation again, and this time he specially set the coordinates at a far away place, trying to see if he could be found by the World Exterminator Hulk.

But the result made Wang Ming a little disappointed. Hulk, the God of Extermination, still followed. It still smashed the space into pieces with that kind of extreme violence, and then followed.

Different from Wang Ming's tricky time travel, the World Destroyer Hulk's time travel is completely extreme violence, smashing the space directly.

You must know that this is the fighting world, and the stability of the space here is not comparable to that of ordinary worlds. Wang Ming would have to spend a lot of effort to break through it, but Hulk did it very easily. This is also a side proof How terrifying and powerful his current power is.

In this way, after Wang Ming passed through several times in a row, Hulk found him very accurately and rushed over, which made Wang Ming quite strange. This guy is so powerful that he can smash the space, let alone, but now What is the meaning of this precise tracing operation?

Finally, after dozens of space jumps, Wang Ming discovered a rule, that is, every time Hulk waited for a while, at least one or two seconds later, to catch up with him, instead of following Wang Ming immediately. Ming came.

"I understand, this guy can actually see the traces left by my spatial jump, and he followed this to catch up, which means that if I don't jump and leave no traces, he won't be able to find me again, or he can so……"

Wang Ming suddenly murmured thoughtfully to himself, he thought of a way to crack it, space jumping will leave a shallow trace, just like drawing a line on a piece of white paper , and Hulk, the God of Destroyer, traced Wang Ming through this line.

Now that he knew that the other party had found his own reason, Wang Ming had a good way to deal with it. Wang Ming probably built a coordinate thinking map in his heart.

Then he started to jump in space non-stop along the point he set. After jumping like this for about more than 300 times, Wang Ming suddenly stopped jumping, and blocked all his breath and hid.

Then the figure of Hulk, the God of Destroyer, suddenly appeared, smashed into the space and disappeared in place, completely ignoring Wang Ming who was hiding.

"Finally I got rid of this stupid big man, it really took me a lot of effort."

Wang Mingsong muttered to himself, if he had known how the other party found him earlier, he would have been able to get rid of the other party earlier, but unfortunately his reaction was still a bit slow. very simple.

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