Wang Ming artificially created a space maze through more than 300 space nodes. His last jump is to return to the place where he jumped at the beginning. This is equivalent to using his own space trajectory to draw a map in the space. A three-dimensional cycle route.

That's why Wang Ming hid his figure after jumping the last step, and Hulk, the God of Destroyer, faced him without hesitation, chasing after him with the traces of space he felt.

Then Hulk will fall into an infinite space loop jump, every 345 times he will loop around, and Wang Ming can slip away.

This can also be regarded as a game arranged by Wang Ming taking advantage of Hulk's furious mood. After all, people will lose some basic judgment in anger, let alone a pure reckless man like Hulk.

And when Hulk, the God of Extermination, came to his senses, Wang Ming had already run away for an unknown distance, and it was almost impossible for him to find Wang Ming again in this vast world of fighting.

This is also the shortcoming of Hulk, the God of Destroyer. There is no way. Apart from his great strength, he basically has no other abilities. Although his strength can really perform miracles, under the deliberate calculations of opponents of the same level, Still looked a little dazed.

After lurking for a while, Wang Ming just changed the direction and flew away. He didn't use the space to jump, at least he didn't plan to use it again in this range, because he was afraid that after the World Extinguishing God Hulk reacted, he would jump again. Follow these traces to find him, there is no way, this guy is really difficult.

"Where should I go next... The Eye of Agamotto is not suitable to go now, after all, it is next to Doom Sanctuary, and if there is a fight, it will 100% alarm Doom."

"According to the original plot, Doctor Strange will start a rebellion against Doom together with others in three months, and the battle in the fighting world will really start. That is to say, after three months, I only need to pretend to be on Doom's side." People who deal with Doctor Strange can get his card, and then turn around and deal with Doom."

"With the support of many superheroes and Doctor Strange, I don't have that much pressure on Dum. It shouldn't be a problem to get the full bond value, so what I have to do now is to go west to find Apocalypse. Does the guy have multi-level strength? If he doesn’t, I have to go to the dimensional space to lie down first. I must collect six multi-level cards before the big battle in three months. Otherwise, it will be impossible to compete with the god Dum of."

Wang Ming thought about the next plan carefully, and then decided on the next move. No matter whether Tianqi has reached the multi-level or not, Wang Ming still has to go to the dimension space.

Because it is a bit risky to fight with the existence of the multi-level here, the most important thing is that the multi-dimensional who can be pulled into the fighting world by the god Dum are not ordinary multi-dimensional, they are all unique and tyrannical multi-level powerhouses.

Fighting with this kind of existence, Wang Ming has no confidence to keep his hand, and he can't guarantee that there will be no big disturbances. Doctor Strange will not talk about it. This guy's status in the Avengers is similar to that of Batman and Superman in DC. The combination of strength and wisdom are top-notch, and the strength is unfathomable. It is recognized as the number one mage of Marvel.

And the Tianqi that Wang Ming is going to find next is not a good thing, the ancestor of mutants, the first mutant in history is basically omnipotent and has all kinds of abilities.

If the apocalypse is multi-level, then Wang Ming will be a little troublesome to deal with it. If he kills it, he may not be able to do it too quietly, but it may be possible to do it relatively quietly by brushing the bond value.

After all, the strength of each World Apocalypse is different. No one is sure which level of powerhouse he is, and Wang Ming is not very familiar with the rest of the area. He is not very clear about where there are strong people and where there are no. Searching aimlessly is a waste of time.

It's better to go to the nothingness to find trouble with the latitude lords. He is familiar with that place. In order to find Mephisto, he traveled through an unknown number of dimensions.

Go in now, eliminate the areas you have already searched, and find a few multi-level big fish. It should not be a problem, but this time you can't refine it. It takes too long to refine it. If Wang Ming delays for too long Will miss the next Doujie battle.

Compared with the Crimson Ruler Seltorak, who is suspected to be infinitely diverse, Wang Ming prefers the power of God Lord Dum that surpasses the Protoss. He needs to be singled out with Dum, the god king, and he has a large group of helpers to help him contain the firepower. He can also smoothly pull the hatred and increase the bond value.

This is simply a good thing with twice the result with half the effort. After getting the card of God Lord Doom, it is basically a certainty to go to trouble with Setorak. At that time, he will have two cards of infinite multi-level, and his strength will also increase. Usher in a qualitative leap.

But at that time, Wang Ming, who was too powerful, would attract the attention of OAA. In the end, Wang Ming could only choose to run away, but the benefits were indeed almost the same, and it was nothing to run away.

As for brushing the bond value of OAA?Wang Ming didn't even think about it. If an all-powerful universe-level existence really wanted to mess with him, he could be wiped out with a single thought. Are you kidding me? Are you looking for death?

Of course, the obliteration of OAA is limited to Wang Ming himself in the Marvel universe, and his incarnation in the heavens and worlds will not die. After all, there is no such thing as an incarnation in the Marvel universe.

Therefore, OAA will not hunt down Wang Ming because of this characteristic, so the worst result for Wang Ming at that time is to be resurrected from another clone, and as long as Wang Ming fights steadily, he can still retreat with the power of the belt.

In fact, as long as Wang Ming doesn't do anything too outrageous, the OAA won't pay much attention to him at the end of this chaotic fighting world.

After all, the Marvel Universe is undergoing a major reshuffle this time. In order to welcome the arrival of a new era and a new and completely different universe, as long as Wang Ming does not prevent the emergence of a new and completely different universe, OAA will basically ignore him.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Ming is so sure that OAA will not pay attention to him. After all, no matter what chaos happens at the end of the Doujie, everything will return to normal in the newly opened brand-new Marvel Universe.

So what if a bottle of ink is splashed on the white paper that is already full of ink?Anyway, this filthy paper will be replaced by a new white paper, probably for this reason.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Ming dared to mess around here. Anyway, Wang Ming decided to sneak into the nothingness to find trouble with Setorak after swiping the card of God Lord Dum.

As for the rest of the plot, I will leave it to Dr. Strange and Mister Fantastic to straighten them up and let them be the real creators of the world. Wang Ming will hide his merits and fame and run away. Anyway, in the original book, they also killed them smoothly. Lord Doom.

The presence or absence of Wang Ming actually has little influence, at most, Wang Ming helps them in the early stage, and they will make this matter go more smoothly. OAA would like to thank Wang Ming for this, how could it kill him.

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