"Huh? You were able to resist my material annihilation. It seems that you, a challenger, still have some skills. Then you can try my next tricks."

Tian Qi glanced at Wang Ming with some surprise, then waved his big hand and started his own operation again, while Wang Ming just folded his arms and watched Tian Qi's coquettish operation without any movement.

Anyway, brushing the bond value doesn't mean killing the opponent. Mood fluctuations such as anger, fear, shock, etc., can all increase the bond value, so Wang Ming is also preparing to open Tian Qi's horizons.

Then Apocalypse began his one-man show: a big show of fancy superpowers!

Frost capable of freezing the universe forever.

The ultimate flame that can burn the universe to ashes.

An invisible shock wave that can completely disintegrate the soul.

The ability to decompose any matter into the most basic particle state.

Atom disintegration compared to the force of the Big Bang

Tian Qi was so tired that he was out of breath in the end. He just released a series of attacks that could easily destroy the universe level, but it didn't even cause any waves when he hit Wang Ming. Wang Ming just stood there and watched with a smile. He, and after seeing Tianqi stop, Wang Ming waved his hands enthusiastically and said with a smile.

"Well, don't worry about me, you go ahead, your fireworks are very beautiful, I love watching them."


Tian Qi was so angry with Wang Ming's words that his blood pressure was so high that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. To any effect, the guy in front of him seemed to be born immune to the superpowers of mutants.

"Wait! Are you born immune to all the powers? Yes, it must be so, otherwise there is no way to explain what happened just now."

Tian Qi thought about it, and suddenly thought of a very reasonable explanation. Only in this way can he explain why his attacks have no effect. Then Tian Qi showed a cruel smile, looked at Wang Ming and said viciously.

"So that's it. I know your abilities, so I don't need superpowers, so are you ready for the next beating?"

"I like confident people. You just have to let them go. Why don't I tell you not to waste your efforts from the beginning? Why do you act like you discovered some big secret?"

Wang Ming still had an arrogant smile, and then said in a tone of anger that would not pay for his life, Tian Qi's face turned green with anger. Looking back now, it seems that the hateful guy in front of him said at the beginning, directly let him If you come to melee.

"You don't think I'm really only good at the previous methods, do you? I'm not weak in close combat."

Tian Qi tore off the cloak on his body, revealing his strong muscles, and then with a thought, pieces of iron armor condensed out of the air and fit him to form a set of perfect close-fitting armor. He uses the condensed high-strength armor, which has considerable defensive power.

"Then let's get started."

Wang Ming didn't transform himself or summon the armor, he simply put on a fighting gesture, waiting for Tianqi to rush over.


Tian Qi did not disappoint Wang Ming either, he only heard a terrifying explosion in the air, and the next moment, Tian Qi's figure appeared in front of Wang Ming, and he directly punched Wang Ming's head!
"It's too rough and not elegant at all."

But Wang Ming's reaction speed was faster, he directly slapped Tian Qi's chest with his backhand, and sent the latter flying. out.

The power of Wang Ming's palm is more penetrating than impact. If it is impact, Wang Ming's palm can send Tianqi flying out of the Doujie.

But now that Tianqi received Wang Ming's palm, it only flew a few hundred meters away, but the damage it caused was not low at all. Tianqi's internal organs were beaten into the most basic particles by Wang Ming in an instant, but His surface has not suffered any damage, this is the penetrating power and ingenuity.

Of course, these injuries look serious, but they are not considered minor injuries in terms of the weather. At most, they are equivalent to scratching the skin. They just recover completely after a short breath, but the pain is real.

And what Wang Ming wants is this effect, not dying is not dying, not hurting is not hurting, these are two different things, if it hurts, you will get angry and angry, and the bond value will rise faster.

Of course, Wang Ming can transform himself, and directly slap Tian Qi to death. After all, for him, the general multi-level can really reach the point of instant killing.

But there is no need for that, the unconscious Apocalypse will not be able to generate bond value, and in that case his efforts will be in vain.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

At this time, Tian Qi was completely angry, and he no longer had the calm and calm look before, but before he could make any moves, he only felt a terrifying force coming from his abdomen!

"Teach you to be good, and weigh your own strength before you speak harshly next time. As a person, what I hate the most is when others speak harshly to me, especially when people without strength speak harshly to me."

Wang Ming pushed Tianqi up with one knee, and Tianqi flew into the sky immediately, and then Wang Ming's voice gradually entered his ears.

Because at this time Wang Ming had already appeared behind Tian Qi, and kicked him fiercely on the back again, Tian Qi, who had no super powers, would be so weak that he could not even play half a step multivariate if he simply played hand-to-hand combat. Hitting him is the same as a grandpa hitting a grandson.

Then Wang Ming sent a set of dragon ball combos to Tianqi in the sky, Wang Ming beat him non-stop, the speed was so fast that no one could see the movements of the two clearly, only two lines could be seen. Afterimages that keep flashing.

And in the afterimage is Tianqi who was beaten a little bit. Wang Ming really used all the fighting postures he had learned, knees, elbows, fists and other attack methods, which were constantly rotating in Tianqi. marks on the body.

The weather at this time was like a large sandbag, being used by Wang Ming to practice boxing, the armor on Tian Qi's body was broken, and scars were swollen one after another on the purple-black skin.

However, because its own skin color is purple-black, there are no traces of bruises at all, so Wang Mingou beat him for more than ten minutes before stopping.

"Now you know who the boss is?"

Wang Ming stood in a deep pit, grabbed Tian Qi's neck, and said with an arrogant smile on his face, by the way, this deep pit was also created by Wang Ming who threw Tian Qi from the sky just now.

Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

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