
Although Tian Qi was beaten terribly, he didn't mean to give in at all, he still stared at Wang Ming very stubbornly, and Wang Ming threw a big slap at him without hesitation when he saw this.

"Call again?"


The inexplicably slapped weather made him even more furious, and when he was about to yell subconsciously, he saw Wang Ming's raised slap, and he became much more honest.

But this didn't change his fate, Wang Ming still slapped him, now Tian Qi was a little confused, he looked at Wang Ming innocently and asked.

"Why? Why did you hit me again?"

"How can there be so many reasons? If I want to hit you, I will hit you. Can you still resist?"

Wang Ming said in a casual tone, although his attitude is not bad, but this casual look is extremely insulting, Tian Qi, who was already a little convinced, became furious again, a sense of aggrieved and Anger welled up in his heart, and Tian Qi had released an extremely terrifying killing intent towards Wang Ming at this moment.

"You are quite fierce, incompetent and furious, right?"

Wang Ming didn't get used to him, and slapped him on the face again, which did not hurt much, but was extremely insulting. Tian Qi's head was about to explode at this moment, and at this moment, the tablet on Wang Ming's waist came. The familiar and crisp beep sounded.

This also means that the apocalypse card with multiple levels of strength in front of him has been collected by him, and Wang Ming doesn't need to continue to torture him, because he has no use value.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, just leave it like this, you can do it yourself, and be honest with me in the future, don't be so arrogant."

As Wang Ming said, he threw Tian Qi aside casually, then stepped out, and disappeared in the same place in an instant without knowing where he was going, leaving only his hand covering his swollen face, looking at Tian Qi around him in a bewildered and bewildered expression.

So why was he beaten just now?
So who the hell is this guy?

So he hid in his pyramid and stayed there honestly. He never came out to do anything, so why was he beaten up?
After Tian Qi fully reacted, Tian Qi fell headfirst to the ground, and then spewed out a mouthful of aggrieved and angry old blood from his mouth. He really couldn't understand why he was beaten.

It is estimated that after experiencing this incident, Tian Qi thought about it for a long time, at least for several years, he could not sleep at night, because he was too aggrieved, and because he wanted to know the truth.

After Wang Ming left the range of the pyramid group, he also took it out of the card box. He glanced at Tianqi's ability card, and after confirming that the opponent's rating was multi-level, he was relieved and put the card back into the card box. middle.

After all, there may be errors between the strength he judged by himself and the strength of the card and certification, so it is better to be on the safe side, and it is somewhat difficult for Wang Ming to find a suitable opponent in the fighting world.

Because he doesn't know where there are some other multiverse bosses hiding, and he has cleaned up the two multiverses he now knows. As for Doctor Strange, Wang Ming dare not jump in without seeing anyone. In conclusion, maybe that guy has stepped into the realm of infinite diversity.


But as I said before, Doctor Strange, he can't move for the time being, and he has to wait until later when he pretends to take refuge in the god Doom, and then fight with Doctor Strange, that is to say, the only place Wang Ming can go now, It is nothingness, he has to find trouble with the dimensional lords.

"Hehehe, all the lovely lords, are you ready for my uncle's arrival?"

Wang Ming also showed an arrogant smile when he thought of this, and then he took out the Emperor's Armor card without hesitation, and directly inserted it into the driver.

"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

In the bright light, the golden emperor's armor and the six shining infinite gemstones on its chest appeared on the stage. It is difficult for Wang Ming to jump from the fighting world to nothingness with his own space ability alone.

After all, the spatial strength of the Doujie lies here, so it takes the power of the Infinity Gem to travel through, that is to say, the emperor's armor must be summoned.

After summoning the Emperor's Armor, Wang Ming punched hard at the front without hesitation, creating a crack in the space in an instant, and then he also slipped in. When he reappeared, he had already arrived. between nothingness.

This place is still the same as before, empty and empty, but this is only the most superficial illusion. As Wang Ming burst out with all his aura, one latitude space after another appeared in the void, revealing their true colors , there are countless dimensional spaces around Wang Ming.

Then Wang Ming was not polite to these dimensional lords, he directly shuttled through the dimensional space one by one, looking for his target.

"This lunatic is here again!"

"Oh my god, he's never finished, he comes in every once in a while, and last time he came in, he messed up Mephisto's hell and beat Mephisto up , Why does he want to come in this time? Did he come to fight again?"

"I guess it should be, this guy is a lunatic, but fortunately, our strength is weak, he doesn't like us, honestly, what should we do, this guy should be looking for a strong man."

Seeing Wang Ming reappearing, these dimension lords immediately started chatting and eating melon mode. Of course, those who are free to chat and eat melons are all weaker latitude lords, and those powerful dimension lords are one by one. Also avoiding Wang Ming, restraining his aura.

I was afraid that Wang Ming would find their existence, but at this moment, some wise dimension lords suddenly rolled their eyes and had a very good idea.

The dimensional lords are not peaceful, and it is normal for adjacent dimensional lords to have friction, especially for the powerful dimensional lords, and it is common for them to bully the weaker dimensional lords.

Some dimensional lords even established federations. To put it mildly, they are called federations. To put it bluntly, powerful dimensional lords collect protection fees from weaker dimensional lords.

This naturally caused the dissatisfaction of many weak and small dimension lords. Of course, they just dared to be angry and dare not speak out. After all, there is still work to do after suffering a little loss. If they resist, they will undoubtedly die.

But when they saw Wang Ming, a guy who picks quarrels every day, they suddenly had a pretty good idea. Isn't this a ready-made sharp knife?As long as you lure him to your side, you can make those powerful latitude lords suffer severely, and even die.

Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

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