Therefore, some dimensional lords who have been bullied all the year round have the idea of ​​killing people with a knife, and some lords with strong mobility have already begun to prepare.

Just as Wang Ming was running around looking for a suitable target, a group of latitude lords with different purposes kept approaching him.

These dimension lords have different ideas, some want Wang Ming to teach the dimension lords who often bully him, and vent their anger.

Some, for the sake of fighting for power and profit, disclosed the location of their competitors to Wang Ming, and asked Wang Ming to kill the opponent, or severely injured the opponent, so that they could take advantage of these things that Wang Ming did, achieve their own goals.

So when Wang Ming was driving in the void, a large group of people suddenly appeared in front of him. At first, Wang Ming was taken aback, thinking that he always came to the void to make troubles, which aroused the public indignation of the other party. , People came to encircle him.

But after feeling the aura of the person blocking the way, Wang Ming's heart calmed down a little bit, because none of the people in front of him were multi-level, and more than half of them were only half-step multi-level. It's even just the pinnacle of the universe level, which can be regarded as a relatively good lineup.


Wang Ming looked at these people and asked tentatively, but before he finished speaking, a group of people surrounded him with yelling.

"My lord, I know you are looking for a strong man, I know where, and I will guide you!"

"My lord, I also know, and the strong man I know is not much weaker than Dormammu!"

"My lord, I know too!"

The scene fell into chaos for a while. These people yelled at one another, saying that they had information in their hands. Wang Ming was suddenly confused. Are these people out of their minds?

"Stop! Don't worry, come one by one!"

In the end, Wang Ming couldn't stand their chattering, so he could only shout loudly to shock the scene. After hearing Wang Ming's voice, everyone fell silent.

Seeing that the scene was under his control, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction, then he casually pointed to a dimension lord and said.

"Tell me first, what information do you want to provide?"

"Yes, my lord, I know the location of a dragon demon. His strength is even stronger than Domamu, the lord of the dark dimension. I wonder if you are interested in taking action against him, my lord?"

The dimensional lord was dressed in western aristocratic costumes. He looked exactly like a human. Except for his ears, which looked like elves, he was no different from a human. At this time, he was kneeling in the void with great respect, reporting his information to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming's eyes lit up when he heard his words. This is really sleepy. It's our pillow, a dimensional lord who is similar to Dormammu. This strength is completely enough for Wang Ming to form his own card deck.

"Okay, tell me where it is, and I'll go find him later."

Wang Ming was not afraid of cheating, so he directly asked the other party for a position. After all, with his strength, even Saitorak might not be able to keep him. No trap can trap him.

"Going back to my lord, you also know the particularity of our nothingness. We shuttle here with our own memory, because there are no coordinates here. If you want to go, you can only go if I personally guide you. find him."


"That's all right, you lead the way ahead, and if you have any information to provide, the rest of you can follow along."

Wang Ming also readily agreed to the other party's request. After all, the other party has said so, which means that the matter is true and there must be no problem.

Wang Ming also guessed at this moment, what on earth are these smart people wanting to do? It's nothing more than borrowing a knife to kill people, but Wang Ming thinks it doesn't matter. Seeing injustice on the road, draw your sword to help.

This is why Wang Ming has no doubts about their words, because Wang Ming has already guessed what these little clever ghosts want to do.

The relationship of mutual utilization is the most reliable and credible. Compared with unilateral employment or coercion, the credibility is dozens of times higher, because mutual utilization is what everyone is willing to do, and they are happy to see it come true, because everyone achieved his purpose.

Then, under the leadership of this dimensional lord, Wang Ming went to the dimensional space of the dragon demon he mentioned, and behind them followed a large group of dimensional lords who were neither strong nor weak.

After driving for about two hours, they came to the dimensional space where the dragon demon was. At this time, Wang Ming also knew the real name of the dragon demon, Titan Dragon Demon Vickery!
This is a hybrid dragon demon, a hybrid born from the combination of a Titan and a dragon, but because of the mutation of the hybrid, its strength is much higher than that of its parents, and this is how it has multi-level strength.

"Vickery, get out!"

Before Wang Ming could speak, the dimensional lord who brought Wang Ming over fully played the role of leading the younger brother and leading the party, and began to clamor.

His strength is not weak, and he can already be regarded as a relatively powerful type in the half-step multi-dimensional, so when he roars with all his strength, he can indeed spread throughout the entire dimensional space and wake up the titan dragon demon.

In fact, this was exactly the case. Not long after the lord of the elf dimension yelled, the huge monster with a head covering the sky and a few light-years in size suddenly flew from the ground to the sky.

This dimensional space is about the size of a constellation, not too big but not too small, so putting such a big Titan Dragon Demon in it is actually not too exaggerated.

But for Wang Ming and the dimensional lords who were only about the size of a normal person, even if the guy in front of him was a scale, they couldn't see the edge at a glance, and in the eyes of the Titan Dragon Demon, everyone was smaller than bacteria.

"I remember you, you are the lord of the elf dimension, your dimension has been destroyed by me, do you still want revenge now? But even if you brought so many ants, it is not enough for me to eat in one bite. "

"It's such a pity. I was thinking that you would rebuild the elf dimension and multiply the elf bloodline again. In this case, it won't be long before I can eat cute little desserts again."

The Titan Dragon Demon stared at his eyeballs that were bigger than the planet, and looked at the lord of the elf dimension jokingly and said, although everyone is small in size, but at the multi-level level, even if it is half of the multi-level level, things like vision and five senses are not enough. It is no longer a hindrance. They observe things not with eyes, but with a wonderful perception.

That's why the Titan Dragon Demon can accurately capture the positions of several people and rush over immediately.

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