At this time, everyone knew that the dimension lord who led the way had such a deep blood feud with this guy, no wonder he dared to risk everything to lead the way.

"Okay, you go back first, this guy is handed over to me to deal with, he is still a good opponent."

At this moment, Wang Ming stood up and interrupted the conversation between the two of them. Wang Ming didn't care about the hatred between them at all, and it was none of his business. His purpose was very simple, just to get the card. As for these grievances and entanglements, it's none of his business.

"Yes, my lord."

The dimensional lord also responded obediently, and then stepped aside silently. Wang Ming also felt a little novel looking at such a huge titan dragon demon. Although he knew that there were all kinds of creatures in the infinite heavens, but so It was the first time he saw the big one.

"When you grow up so big, don't you think you're amazing? Who wouldn't look the same if you made it so big?"

Wang Ming's tone was quite arrogant. While talking, he bound his bond value to the Titan Dragon Demon, and then he pulled out the gigantic card from the card box. This gigantic card is quite easy to use.

The size of the increase is completely controlled by Wang Ming himself, and it is the overall increase. If it is his own increase, the belt will not be used to him, so the card must be used.

With Wang Ming's strength, he can naturally control the size of his body, but he can't control the size of his belt. The only thing on Wang Ming's body that is not under Wang Ming's complete control is the belt.

After Wang Ming inserted the card into the card box, with a flash of light, Wang Ming also turned into a giant with a body as large as several light years. It is not the standard for determining combat power, so except for some natural giant monsters, no one will deliberately make themselves too big, and the normal body shape is almost the same.

"Come on, big guy, let me try your weight."

As Wang Ming spoke, he took out his Aurora Sword, which meant that Wang Ming was serious about this battle. He would not test the opponent's reality, but would go all out to blow up the opponent!

"Are you a human being? You look very similar in breath, but you dare to challenge me, so I can only say that you chose the wrong person. Today I will let you understand that not everyone can be a dragon-slaying warrior." of!"

The voice of the Titan Dragon Demon trembled the entire dimensional space. This dimensional space cannot be regarded as a world at all. , It is estimated that they were all killed by him.

And this is not a cosmic starry sky, this is a desolate and desolate continent. What is certain is that this continent should be full of vitality and lush water and soil before.

Wang Ming can see the ruins of the once prosperous continent. It is estimated that this continent is also the latitude space that the Titan dragon Mojiu occupied the magpie's nest. The devil eats it.

Originally, Wang Ming came to the door for no reason to provoke, and felt that he was a little bit wrong, but after seeing that the opponent was such a guy, he suddenly became more righteous.


Even now Wang Ming still feels that he is doing good deeds for the sake of helping others, so Wang Ming no longer has any worries, and he directly slashed at the head of the Titan Dragon Demon with a single sword!
A golden sword light flashed, and the Taitan Dragon Demon was caught off guard by Wang Ming's sword, and Wang Ming immediately let out a painful roar.

You must know that after Wang Ming summoned the Emperor Armor, he is a real multi-level peak powerhouse, and the strength of the Titan Dragon Demon in front of him is at most in the middle of the multi-level level. beat.

So for Wang Ming's sudden attack, it's normal that the Titan Dragon Demon didn't expect it. It's not that he is too good, but that Wang Ming is too strong. The current Wang Ming can basically be regarded as Cytorak in the entire void. No.1 below.

And after the titan dragon demon got a sword in his head, it seemed that his potential had been stimulated, and his speed also became faster. I saw that it opened the distance from Wang Ming with a jump. At this time, He stared at Wang Ming with respect and awe and roared.

"Who the hell are you? I have no grudge against you. Why do you bother me?"

"I'm just a Kamen Rider passing by. Remember it for me. As for why I'm bothering you, it's because I like it. I'm happy. Can you control it?"

Wang Ming's answer was definitely able to make Titan Dragon Demon's blood pressure soar, but he couldn't do anything with Wang Ming, so he was very angry, and then Wang Ming didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he rushed up with his sword.

"Aurora Slash!"

Wang Ming was already a bit serious, he had already used his skills as soon as he came up, and the powerful light power covered the sword body, giving the Aurora Sword the invincible characteristic.

Just now, Wang Ming's random sword cut a huge bloody mouth on the head of the Titan Dragon Demon, and now this sword directly cut off the hardest horn on the top of the Titan Dragon Demon's head.

Although the latter stood up and wanted to fight back, under the pressure of Wang Ming's absolute strength, he had no strength to resist at all. This time, Wang Ming was really crushed by his strength. Abusive dishes.

Wang Ming didn't kill it all at once, but Wang Ming started to attack while ridiculing. This made the latter howl in anger, and there was nothing he could do.

The process of the battle was actually not exciting at all, the whole process was Wang Ming playing with the Titan Dragon Demon with a laser sword, and the dimensional lords who came to watch the fun were stunned.

Before they came here, they imagined many scenes. For example, this mysterious strongman fought the Titan Dragon Demon for [-] rounds, and the last sword cut off his head, completing another great cause.

And the battle situation in front of him is basically like an adult teasing a child, it is not serious at all, and Wang Ming already has the strength to instantly kill the Titan Dragon Demon with a single sword, the suppression of the multi-level peak on the multi-level mid-level is basically unsolvable Yes, when it comes to the powerhouses at their level, if they are close, that is a world of difference.

So after Wang Ming teased the Titan Dragon Demon for about an hour, he finally maxed out his bond value, which meant that the other party was useless to him.

Then Wang Ming cut off its head decisively with a single sword!

This evil dragon with a great reputation, who had harmed countless dimensions between nothingness, just died under Wang Ming's sword. Of course, he was not completely dead.

A few years later, it will return and be resurrected under the gestation of nothingness. This is a multi-level characteristic in itself. Even if Wang Ming swallows it, this guy will be resurrected again. It is only a matter of time.

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