At this time, the final battle in the Doujie is not far away, Wang Ming needs to rush back to catch a ride, and now he has enough confidence to face the god Dumu, even if he can't beat him, he can still protect himself.

After all, he has the bonus of the main story line and the luck bonus of the protagonist group. The fate is already doomed. This struggle is the failure of the god Lord Dumu, so Wang Ming is just following the trajectory of fate, and there is nothing wrong with it. .

So Wang Ming resolutely left the Void and returned to the Doujie. It is said that after Wang Ming left, many powerful dimensional lords in the Void gathered together for three days and three nights of carnival.

And everyone is praying in their hearts, this plague god will not come again, but they can't be happy for long, because Wang Ming has planned a long time ago, when the big battle on the Doujie is over, he will come and completely harvest the nothingness , and then prepare to run away to leave the Marvel world, if you don't run away, you will be in danger.


"Come on! Overthrow Doom's tyranny! He lied to all of us, he is not a god of creation at all, he is just a thief who steals the achievements of others!"

Just as Wang Ming returned to the sword, he heard someone yelling like this, and then Wang Ming looked in the direction of the sound with some curiosity, so he found that the whole Doujie seemed to be in chaos now.

At this time, a great battle was going on on the land below Wang Ming. A group of unknown superheroes in strange costumes were fighting fiercely with the Thors of the Thunder God Legion.

Of course, the battle situation here is not optimistic, because there are only three members of the Thunder God Legion besieged by this group, and they have thousands of people.

The Thunder Gods of the Thunder God Legion are indeed powerful, but when Wang Ming saw them, he knew in his heart that the chaos in the fighting world might have reached the point where Du Mu could not control it.

Because the Thunderlord Legion is the personal guards guarding the Sanctuary of Dum, and now even the personal guards have been sent out to suppress the rebellion, one can imagine how many places are rebelling now.

Moreover, every area in the Doujie is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It has its own forces and superpowers. It's okay for one or two to rebel. If everyone rebels together, it will be difficult for Dum himself to control the situation.

Wang Ming also released his perception, searched several areas within the limit of his perception, and found that basically these areas have begun to rebel, and some areas have even become completely independent, and Dum's army has been wiped out or persuaded to surrender.

And when the matter developed to this point, Du Mou hadn't even come forward, so there was only one explanation, it should be that Doctor Strange led a large group of strong men to hold him back.

Or it could be said that Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic are still secretly controlling the overall situation, while Lurking Doom is holding back, wanting to see who is behind the scenes. After all, no one is behind the scenes to organize such a large-scale rebellion, right? may be mobilized.

"Now is the time. Go directly to Doom Sanctuary and 'surrender'. Presumably Doom won't reject a strong man like me to join."

Wang Ming calculated the time, and there was more than half a month before the final battle in the fighting world. It should be impossible for Doctor Strange to find Doom now, that is to say, now is the best time for Wang Ming to pretend to seek refuge.

This kind of routine gave Wang Ming a sense of sight that he is Brother Xiaoming. After all, this kind of routine is Brother Xiaoming’s favorite. First pretend to be a bad guy, sneak into the enemy’s interior, beat the protagonist group in the early stage, and turn against the water later. .

Isn't this exactly what Wang Ming is doing now?
After confirming the plan, Wang Ming did what he said, without any delay, he rushed towards the Sanctuary of Dumu directly, jumped hundreds of times, and after an hour of tossing, Wang Ming finally arrived at Dumu. Sanctuary.

But as soon as he appeared, he triggered the alarm of the space device, and a large group of Thors with different looks surrounded him with hammers.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into the Sanctuary of Dumu! No one is allowed to enter the Sanctuary of Dumu without the order of the Lord Shenjun. Now you have to go with us. After we investigate your identity Make a decision."

A black Thor said righteously, yes, it is a black Thor. The Thor in the Thor Legion is full of strange things, not to mention black, there are all Asian Thors. Anyway, with that hammer, everyone can become Thor.

"The strength is not bad, but it's just not good, let's go down."

Wang Ming looked around at Thor God who surrounded him, there was nothing unexpected, he still had a faint smile on his face.

Then Wang Ming didn't see any movement, but these thunder gods seemed to have suddenly lost their source of power, and one by one they all fell towards the ground under their feet.

Then the ground was smashed into big holes one after another. Wang Ming didn't do anything, but simply used a little power of law. No one could fly in this airspace except him.

The power of law does not seem to be very effective for the strong in the same realm, because even if the opponent does not know how to use the power of law.

It also has extremely strong resistance to the law. For the strong above the multi-level level, the law is basically a tasteless thing, but it is really quite useful to crush opponents lower than your own level or to pretend to be aggressive. easy to use.

Because the multi-level is already detached, if you are still afraid of things like the law, then it is really a bit of a drop, and it is not worthy of being called a multi-level powerhouse, even Hulk, who majors in the flesh body, can ignore the law the power of.

It's not that multi-level powerhouses can't use the power of the law, but they have strengthened all the power of the law on themselves and used it in another way, and this kind of operation is generally called: the great power belongs to oneself .

No matter how low-level powerhouses manipulate the law, the law is just a foreign object to them. Only by making the law completely their own can it be said that the great power belongs to themselves.

I am the law, the law is me, I am the Tao, and the Tao is me. This is another characteristic of pluralism.

It is also why multi-level powerhouses can perfectly display all their power in any world they go to, because they don't need to adapt to the environment and laws of other worlds, their laws and mighty power are all on their own, and they themselves can is the interpreter of the word great.

So even if the world they enter is quite advanced, it will not affect them to use their own power. This is also one of the secrets of multiple powers.

"Level [-] alert, someone has invaded the sanctuary!"

Wang Ming's actions successfully attracted the attention of the Thunder God Legion, and then Wang Ming saw a large group of Thor Gods with hammers and capes rushing out of the Sanctuary of Dum. There were at least a few thousand people in this vast area. , it does look a little scary.

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