Chapter 382 surrender
"Why does this picture feel a bit hot to the eyes?"

Wang Ming looked at the menacing group of thunder gods in front of him, he didn't feel scared, he just felt that his eyes were polluted, this scene was too funny and weird.

"Get down honestly."

Wang Ming stretched out a finger, and slid down in the air at will. In the next moment, the thousands of Thunder God troops in front of him, like dumplings, hit the ground one by one, making the ground pitted.

"That's right."

Looking at the Thunder Gods who had been suppressed, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction. At this time, these Thunder Gods were trying to struggle to get up, but their backs were like an invisible mountain, suppressing them fiercely. Holding them so that they cannot move an inch.

Then Wang Ming walked leisurely towards the center of Dumu Sanctuary. During this period, some other powerful guards wanted to stop Wang Ming, but they were all easily suppressed by Wang Ming with one finger.

In this way, Wang Ming came to the center of Dumu Sanctuary unimpeded all the way, and this is also the place where the Lord of the Doujie, God Lord Dumu is located!

"Mortal, you are a little rude."

Just when Wang Ming was about to step into the magnificent hall in front of him, an incomparably majestic voice came from the hall.

Although the voice spoke with the intention of scolding, but at the same time as he spoke, the resplendent and magnificent door in front of Wang Ming suddenly opened, which meant to let him in.

It can be seen from this that Dum's attitude towards Wang Ming is neither hostile nor murderous, but simply curious. After all, Doujie was created by him, so there should be people in it, and there shouldn't be. People, he is clear in his heart, and the appearance of Wang Ming is obviously an outsider.

So it's normal for Dum to be curious, but Wang Ming walked into this incomparably sacred and glorious hall with a calm face.

As soon as Wang Ming entered the hall, he saw God Dum sitting high on the throne at first sight. At this time, the other party also looked at Wang Ming calmly, and the two looked at each other for an instant.

At this moment, Wang Ming only felt a wave of terror to the extreme, a terrifying coercion that he had never felt in his life shrouded his body, facing this coercion like the might of God, Wang Ming almost couldn't bear it. Stopped, and knelt down directly.

But fortunately, Wang Ming was firm-willed and forcibly resisted the probing eyes of God Lord Dumu. After seeing that Wang Ming hadn't lost his composure, God Lord Dumu nodded in satisfaction and withdrew his aura. One light.

"I have met Lord Shenjun, I am the dimensional lord of the scorching sun dimension, Yemora."

Wang Ming made a bow to the god Dumu, which is a bow that Western nobles only use when they meet the monarch. At the same time, he also revealed his false identity by the way.

"No wonder, it turned out to be the lord of the dimension between nothingness. I said that in my impression, there is no such a number one talent as you in the Doujie. So what's the matter with you coming to me this time?"

After hearing Wang Ming's simple self-introduction, Dum immediately resolved his doubts. If the other party is the dimension lord, then this makes sense. After all, the void is independent of the main universe of Marvel. Whether it explodes here or destroys it, it will not affect that place.

"Respected Lord Shenjun, I have come to offer my allegiance to you. My dimension has been destroyed, so I came to your world in exile. Therefore, I have no choice but to be loyal to you."

Wang Ming still bends down and keeps his posture very low. He has to do a full set of acting. The more he acts like the god Doom now, the better the relationship with him. When Wang Ming turns his back on him, he will be more angry and more Angry, the bond value also rises faster.

"Want to trust me?"

After listening to Wang Ming's words, God Lord Doom fell into deep thought. To be honest, he had some doubts about Wang Ming's origin, but Wang Ming's argument was flawless, and the other party's purpose seemed to be reasonable.

After all, he is the creator of this world. It seems that it is not too unusual for a dimension lord who has lost his dimension to wander over and want to rely on him for a good position.

Moreover, Dum is currently employing people, and there are rebellions all over the fighting world. Now he urgently needs some powerful subordinates who can fight.

The most powerful force he has now is the Thunder God Legion, but the overall strength of the Thunder God Legion is said to be strong, but the individual combat power is not strong. Among them, the strongest Thunder Gods are only at the level of half-step diversity. The entire Thunderlord Legion couldn't find a multi-level powerhouse, which caused Dum a headache.

But now that Wang Ming, a multi-level powerhouse sent to his door, wanted to be his subordinate, Dum thought for a long time but didn't think that he had any reason to reject Wang Ming, so he nodded decisively and agreed.

"Very good, you have a good vision. I'm employing people right now. If you want to join, then I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Subordinates see Lord Shenjun!"

Wang Ming is also quite upright. He bowed again and performed a knight salute. This is the etiquette of ancient Western subordinates to lords. As a Westerner, Doom must know the meaning of this etiquette, so Doom is also very happy haha laugh it out.

"Hahaha, very good, you are very good, since you really want to join my empire, then I will not treat you badly, from now on you are the chief knight commander of the sanctuary, I will give you the right to deploy the three armies, In the entire fighting world, your status is second only to me!"

The benefits Doum gave to Wang Ming can be said to be quite good. He directly gave a position of less than one person and more than ten thousand. Of course, Wang Ming's strength is indeed worthy of this position. Wang Ming is the first one among the multi-level powerhouses.

To be precise, Du Mou has no direct subordinates who are multi-level powerhouses, but there are some lords with multi-level strengths in his territory.

For example, the Hulk and Apocalypse are considered the lords of the Doujie, and they also have multi-level strengths, but the Doujie adopts the enfeoffment system, which is similar to that everyone plays their own games, and only needs to obey the most powerful. The core sanctuary command will do.

The politics and other things in the region are all governed by the lords. These lords are more like little kings, so now when these people rebel, Doom will have a headache.

Because there are almost no strong people directly under him. If he himself came forward to suppress the rebellion, it would appear that he, the king of the fighting world, is relatively incompetent and has to do everything by himself.

And he also wanted to secretly observe who was behind the tricks, and the appearance of Wang Ming could be said to be able to help Doom suppress these rebellions very well, which was why Doom gave him such a high status as soon as he came up.

(End of this chapter)

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