Chapter 383 Suppressing the Rebellion
"Very well, since you have joined the sanctuary, you have to do things for the sanctuary. Although I am in a hurry, I do have an important thing for you to do right now."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

After thinking for a while, Du Mu said, Wang Ming also entered the play very quickly, playing the role of a loyal courtier. After seeing Wang Ming's attitude, Du Mu nodded quite satisfied.

"Very well, I did not misread you. The thing I want you to do is actually not difficult. You must have seen it on the way here. There are too many places in the fighting world that are now in rebellion. I need your help." I'm going to put down these rebellions."

"I will definitely complete the task."

Dum slowly said what he wanted Wang Ming to do, and Wang Ming didn't disappoint him at all, he agreed directly without asking any more questions, which meant that he had a lot of money. strong confidence.

"Very well, since this is the case, you can leave tomorrow. I will hold a grand banquet tonight, announce your identity in front of everyone, and hold an award ceremony for you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

With a satisfied smile on Du Mu's face, he stated his arrangement, while Wang Ming still nodded respectfully.

Soon it was night, and Doom really held a grand banquet, gathering all the senior managers of the sanctuary, and announced Wang Ming's identity as the great knight commander of the sanctuary in front of everyone.

In the West, the status of the Great Knight Commander is equivalent to that of the Ancient Marshal of the East. It is as famous as the Prime Minister and other civilian positions. It can be regarded as the highest official position of a general. From this, it can be seen that Dum still values ​​Wang Ming very much. of.

Soon the next day came, and Wang Ming led the Thunder God Legion to various places to suppress the rebellion. In fact, Wang Ming also liked this task quite a bit.

After all, he can justifiably fight with other powerful multi-levels, directly suppress the weak ones, and swipe the card for the powerful multi-levels. He earns it no matter what, and he doesn't have to worry about any accidents, and he doesn't need to keep his hands. of.

In this way, Wang Ming embarked on his own road to suppress the rebellion. Under the leadership of Wang Ming, the Thunder God Legion advanced extremely fast, because Wang Ming could take them through space together, so they just flew out of the sanctuary After a while, the first target area has been reached.

This place has been completely occupied by the rebels, and even the lord has been killed, so Wang Ming didn't show any politeness, and directly led the Thunder God army to suppress this rebellious area.

To put it bluntly, these rebels are a kind of alliance army composed of various superheroes, so Wang Ming still has no pressure to fight them.

In this way, under Wang Ming's push all the way, more than a dozen areas were suppressed in just two days. After the news was sent back to the Sanctuary of Dumu, the god Dumu was quite happy.

Although these rebels are not a threat to him, they are like mosquitoes, and he is annoyed by the noise every day. Now that Wang Ming is so capable today, Dum is naturally very happy, and he has all the military power in the entire sanctuary. handed over to him.

With the current winning rate, besides the Thunder God Legion, Wang Ming can mobilize several other armies, so he can be regarded as the real commander-in-chief of the Doujie soldiers and horses.

During the two days of suppression, Wang Ming actually encountered a multi-level lord. After a big battle, he also beheaded the opponent on the spot under the awe-inspiring eyes of all the members of the Thunder God Legion.

There are mainly two types of rebels, one is the rebel army formed by superheroes, and the other is the ambitious lords who take advantage of such a good opportunity to do things.

What Wang Ming met was the kind of ambitious lord who took advantage of the opportunity to do things and wanted to compete in the world, so he was not merciless in killing him.

For those superheroes, Wang Ming may be more merciful. After all, they are all familiar faces, so I am too embarrassed to hit hard. You must know that Wang Ming has been fighting for the past two days. Met more than 20 people.

After all, it is a world composed of fragments of the multiverse. It is normal to meet people from other multiverses. These high-profile actions of Wang Ming were also noticed by Doctor Strange, and they also regarded them as a considerable threat. threaten.

That Wang Ming also intentionally made such a high profile, he just wanted to change the Sanctuary's decline in a very short period of time, because only in this way could he attract Doctor Strange's attention.

Then there is no need for Wang Ming to find Doctor Strange who is hiding in the dark. After the latter discovers Wang Ming's threat, he will take the initiative to come to him. After all, if Wang Ming, a strong man, is not dealt with, their subsequent plans will be very difficult. go on.

The Doctor Strange here is not a good Doctor Strange like in the movie. The Doctor Strange here is for the overall view of the world and the future, but he is a ruthless person who dares to sacrifice himself. Wang Ming, a stumbling block, will be stared at by him. above is normal.

So when Wang Ming led the Thunder God Legion to suppress an area again on the third day, they finally encountered resistance. We are losing ground.

"Your Excellency, Grand Knight Commander, this group of rebels is really too powerful, brothers can't stand it anymore, please act quickly!"

A member of the Thunder God Legion ran up to Wang Ming and said eagerly, Wang Ming also had a faint smile on his face when he heard this.

"Okay, I see, I'll go right away, it seems that the big fish has bitten the bait."

Wang Ming waved his hand to let that person back down, and then said something quite confidently. After hearing the words of this Thor, Wang Ming understood almost immediately that Doctor Strange and the heroes he had summoned had already set their sights on him.

Because the combat power of the Thor Legion is quite powerful, the worst of them also has cosmic-level combat power, and the strongest even has a half-step multi-level level.

If they could all fall into a hard fight, Wang Ming couldn't think of other existences besides the protagonist group. Only the protagonist group possessed such terrifying strength.

Among other things, the dark priests recreated by Doctor Strange are enough for the Thor Legion to drink a pot, not to mention that they also have a dark cabinet. The members of the dark cabinet are all famous in Marvel The super big boss, like Thanos and swallowing stars, are all in it.

There are other decent superheroes, as well as the magical powers of various parallel universes, and it's really normal that Thor's Legion can't beat them.

The small-scale civilian rebellion in the Doujie was led by them. It is no exaggeration to say that the Thunder God Legion has encountered the main force of the so-called rebel army this time, and even the Thunder God Legion can't do it. Even if the legion is served, it is only delivering food.

This is not to mention that in the original book, they instigated the Thunder God Legion, and in the end, almost the entire fighting world was beating Doom alone.

(End of this chapter)

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