Chapter 384 Doctor Strange Appears
At that time, Dum could fully interpret what it meant to be a lonely family and a widow. If Wang Ming stabbed him in the back at that time, wouldn't the bond value be very high?

But at this time, Wang Ming had to brush up Doctor Strange's bond value first, which was why he didn't bind Doom right away.

There must be an order in everything. Now let's compete with Doctor Strange first, and then take advantage of the trend to turn against the water. By the way, we will also instigate the Thor Legion together. In this way, Dum will be so angry that he will jump up.

So after Wang Ming received the news, he rushed directly to the scene. He took a step forward and arrived at the forefront of the battle between the two sides in an instant.

At this time, the Thunderlords were all holding hammers, fighting fiercely with the superheroes on the opposite side. After Wang Ming arrived at the scene, he probably took a look, but he didn't find Doctor Strange, not even Mister Fantastic.

He didn't even see one of the high-level members of the Illuminati, and it could be seen that the other party was still hiding in secret and waiting for an opportunity.

"Since you don't want to come out, I will force you to come out."

Wang Ming understood what the situation was at a glance, so he also had a faint smile on his face, and then Wang Ming stretched out his right hand and swung it down gently.

In the next second, an invisible and qualityless terrifying force instantly enveloped all the heroes present. In just a moment, all the hot superheroes who were fighting with the Thor Legion just now lay on the ground, obediently following what It seems that there is no way to move an inch.

"The Grand Knight Commander is mighty!"

"The Grand Knight Commander is too powerful!"

"This guy is really too vulnerable, he really deserves to be the Grand Knight Commander!"

After seeing this scene, the Thunder Gods of the Thunder God Legion cheered and shouted excitedly. For their praise, Wang Ming didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his heart. He focused all his attention on the surrounding space. Doctor Strange was in a desperate situation right now. Not showing up anymore.

Swish swish!
And Wang Ming's guess and idea were right. When he was looking at the surrounding space, thousands of portals suddenly opened from different directions, and figures walked out of them, the leaders of which were Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic. .

As well as some other members of the care group and famous superheroes, the largest number of them are the group of dark priests who are dressed in exactly the same clothes, and the villains of the dark cabinet.

"Hehehe, this is really a luxurious lineup. I didn't expect you to hide so much power, but everything you have done is in vain. You can't defeat His Majesty Doom."

Wang Ming looked at the group of people who appeared suddenly, with a villain-like smile on his face, he still had to do a full set of acting, otherwise Doctor Strange might not fight him seriously later, and the increase in bond value would be slow if he released the water .

"It turns out that the newest Grand Knight Commander of the empire is actually you. I think we can talk about it, and I am afraid that you are not my opponent now."

When Dr. Qi saw Wang Ming, he recognized him almost at a glance. After all, the impression Wang Ming gave them was quite deep at the beginning. He can't forget that powerful crushing force now.

"Talk? There's nothing to talk about. Let's disagree. His Majesty Doom is the true God. You rebels are unlikely to succeed. I advise you to give up, because it may save you a few deaths." personal."

Wang Ming perfectly played the role of an obsessed villain. After seeing Wang Ming, you don't know what Wang Ming went through to be so loyal to Doom, but he is still going to try to persuade him, after all One more friend is better than one more enemy.

"No you're wrong, you've been completely lied to, he just stole our battles, he's just a scumbag, now we're going to overthrow him, and create a whole new world, a world where everything is at peace .”

"Enough! You are not allowed to insult His Majesty Doom like this! If you really want to persuade me, then fight with me. If you win me, I will obey you!"

Doctor Strange still wanted to persuade, but Wang Ming said with righteous words and a face of loyalty. He also told his real purpose by the way, but no one could understand it. Everyone thought he was talking to Doom. Quite foolish and loyal.

"Since you insist on this, then we have only one fight."

Seeing Wang Ming's posture, Doctor Strange also made up his mind to fight, and Wang Ming also waved his hand, and said to the Thunder Gods of the Thunder God Legion behind him.

"You don't want to interfere. I'll fight him one-on-one. It's not something you can interfere with at our level."

"You don't want to interfere, I'll fight him one-on-one, so that he will be convinced."

Doctor Strange also waved his hand, and said to Mister Fantastic and a group of superheroes beside him, everyone nodded to express their understanding when they heard the words, the battle before the battle will not only be an oriental tradition, but also more biased towards individual heroism The West also respects this tradition quite a lot, and even they have been influenced more than the East.

Doctor Strange stepped out to the opposite of Wang Ming, and the two stood high above the sky. Wang Ming also directly took out the tablet, first bound the bond with Doctor Strange, and then took out a card from the card box. card.

"The Emperor's Armor!"


'Armor fit! '

With a golden beam of light that seemed to be able to penetrate the sky and the earth lit up, Wang Ming successfully summoned the Six-Gem Emperor Armor, and after equipping the armor, Wang Ming's aura was also fierce, soaring a lot.

Doctor Strange, who was standing opposite him, narrowed his eyes suddenly, his expression became solemn, and then a series of formation runes lit up on his body, and formations emerged beside him.

Then tentacles exuding a terrifying and dark aura stretched out from them. Doctor Strange also used ancient black magic to summon the tentacles of the ancient evil god.

The aura emanating from these tentacles was very strong, and it was not simple at first glance. Wang Ming was not polite to Doctor Strange, and he directly took out his Aurora Sword.

Because in Wang Ming's suspicion, Doctor Strange may be infinitely diverse, or close to infinitely diverse, and he can be regarded as a truly powerful enemy. If he is not serious, he may not necessarily win.

"Then let's start!"

Wang Ming yelled, took the Aurora Sword, and slashed at Doctor Strange!

Doctor Strange also responded very calmly, and then controlled the tentacles in his hand, and patted Wang Ming!

In the next second, the crisp sound of metal and iron clanging spread throughout the audience, Wang Ming's Aurora Sword slashed fiercely on one of the tentacles, and the tentacle was harder than Wang Ming imagined, and he swung the Aurora Sword with all his strength. After chopping, there was only a shallow bloodstain left on it!
(End of this chapter)

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