Chapter 385 Wang Ming vs Doctor Strange!

"This thing is pretty hard."

Wang Ming's hands were numb from the shock, and he also sighed, and then he used his hands again to increase the energy injection of the Aurora Sword, and the Aurora Sword suddenly became sharper, and cut off the tentacle with a single sword, and then Wang Ming Ming smoothly cut off the remaining tentacles that were attacking him.

After these tentacles were cut off, they turned into octopus-like monsters and attacked Wang Ming again. It can be said to be quite disgusting and weird.

This is the black magic created by Doctor Strange. After learning black magic, he strengthened the black magic according to his own understanding. I don’t know how many times the current Doctor Strange is not only proficient in white magic, but also proficient in black magic. The God of Law in the Marvel Universe is not an exaggeration.

Swish swish!
Just as Wang Ming was entangled with these tentacles, Doctor Strange's other skills were successfully activated, ready to attack Wang Ming.

Doctor Strange didn't use magic like energy and laws, because he knew very well that such things were useless to the strong at their level, and using them would be a waste of time and effort.

So Doctor Strange chose the very effective summoning magic and strengthening magic. These magics are basically physical attacks, which can greatly restrict Wang Ming's actions.

Every time Doctor Strange summons a dark creature, he will apply a layer of extremely powerful white magic protection to it, which is why Wang Ming kept cutting his tentacles with his sword just now.

After all, it's just the tentacles of the ancient evil god, and it's not so powerful. Even if the ancient evil god came by himself, Wang Ming could kill it with a single sword. The main reason is that Doctor Strange's magic protected him. attack.

Then Wang Ming fell into the crowd tactics commonly used by summoners. Doctor Strange was more like an orthodox summoner at this time. He summoned all kinds of strange creatures, including inexplicable tentacles and prehistoric ones. Ancient dragons, and some very high-tech looking robots.

There were even mythological creatures like angels and demons. Wang Ming was surrounded by a large group of strange creatures. Each of these summoned creatures possessed a multi-level strength under the blessing of Doctor Strange.

From here, Wang Ming can directly judge that Doctor Strange should only be at the same level as him at the peak of the multi-level, maybe slightly stronger than him, but it should not be much stronger.

Because if Doctor Strange is a strong man of infinite multi-level, then the things he summons, after his own magic bonus, will definitely not be lower than multi-level, because there is such a big difference between infinite multi-level and multi-level. difference.

Of course, these summoned creatures are only difficult for Wang Ming. After all, he is also a strong man at the peak of the multi-level. Multiple levels of strength.

"It's endless, isn't it?"

After cutting a summoned creature in half with one sword again, Wang Ming also became a little impatient. Not only did he not stimulate Doctor Strange's emotions, but he also made himself quite irritable. This summoner is indeed quite disgusting. People, so Wang Ming decisively took out a skill card and inserted it into the driver!
"Qiankun Aurora!"

Wang Ming yelled, and then drew a Taiji pattern on his chest. In the next second, this golden Taiji turned into a golden shock wave, hitting the summoned creatures surrounding Wang Ming fiercely!
Bang bang bang!
There were several explosions around Wang Ming like firecrackers, and the summoned creatures swept by the terrifying golden shock wave were blown to death in an instant. Wang Ming's move is considered to be his relatively good group attack Skill.

A terrifying air wave swept across the surrounding world, and the superheroes watching the battle below and the Thors of the Thunder God Legion were all affected, but they were not ordinary people, and all of them withstood the aftermath of this horror.

However, the ground under Wang Ming's feet was a huge pit that sank suddenly. Although all the power of this move was applied to the summoned creatures, it was inevitable that some of it would escape, so it would affect the surroundings.

In fact, it stands to reason that Wang Ming and Doctor Strange can concentrate the power of their attacks on one point to cause the greatest damage. If they really fight, they can do it without causing too much damage. It's just that it depends on the mood of the two of them.

At least Doctor Strange did this, but Wang Ming didn't have as much patience as him, and now Dr. Strange's suppression of Wang Ming in the early stage was completely eliminated, and Wang Ming also seized this opportunity and stepped forward. Go to Doctor Strange and slash with a sword!
The sound of metal and iron clanging that shook the entire world spread, followed by a terrifying air wave caused by Wang Ming unilaterally, impacting on all surrounding objects, Wang Ming didn't care about whether there was a fight or not Aftermath.

Wang Ming's sword was also blocked by two magic circles condensed out of thin air by Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange's white magic attainment is quite high, and it can be directly blocked by two nothingness magic circles. Wang Mingzheng can cut it into pieces. A sword of hundreds of universes.

But Doctor Strange also stretched out his hands at this time, resisting with all his strength. It can be said that he did not use weapons to face Wang Ming who had the Aurora Sword, and he really couldn't take advantage of melee combat.

Therefore, the most urgent thing for Dr. Strange is to find a way to distance himself from Wang Ming and continue to use summoned creatures to harass and attack him. Not every mage likes melee combat, at least Dr. Strange does not like melee combat. All his powerful skills are Requires remote release.



Doctor Strange's reaction was also quite fast. One second after colliding with Wang Ming's light sword, his body suddenly disappeared in place, leaving only two magic circles like rootless duckweed standing in front of Wang Ming.

And Wang Ming's Aurora Sword also directly slashed up. These two mysterious magic circles were able to block Wang Ming's Aurora Sword for an instant.

Wang Ming's body paused slightly, and then he successfully split the two magic circles, but when his sword fell again, Doctor Strange's figure had disappeared in place.

What was waiting for Wang Ming was a huge magic circle, one up and one down, sandwiching it in the middle. Before Wang Ming could do anything, the terrifying beam of energy instantly covered his entire body!
Huge energy enough to destroy hundreds of ordinary universes hit Wang Ming in an instant, and Doctor Strange's control over this energy was extremely subtle.

Such a huge amount of energy has not leaked to the outside world at all. It looks ordinary, but its power can only be perceived by Wang Ming, who is at the Fazheng Center.

(End of this chapter)

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