Chapter 387 Enraged Doctor Strange

"Shut up."

Now Doctor Strange couldn't bear it anymore. The first news was just a little confusing to him, but Wang Ming's second news was purely insulting his dignity as a man. Can't stand it.

"What? Aren't you curious at all? Or do you know, just pretend not to know?"

Wang Ming's tone had already taken on a bit of meanness. Doctor Strange also lost his calm and calm appearance at this time, and became a little irritable. He frowned and said to Wang Ming.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, I know that you are irritating me, but I want to congratulate you, you really succeeded in irritating me, so I decided to let you suffer a little bit."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do so."

And Wang Ming was not afraid at all, because he had already broken free from the shackles of the seal. Although the seal was strong, for Wang Ming, it could only trap him for a while at most.


Those red chains were torn off by Wang Ming!

Then Wang Ming punched Doctor Strange in the chest with lightning speed!
Although the latter had reacted, he had no room to dodge. He could only forcefully set up a defensive magic circle on his chest, and then he received a solid punch from Wang Ming, and he flew upside down.

The people below, who thought the battle was over, exclaimed again after seeing this scene, and how could Wang Ming let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he directly rushed over Doctor Strange, and the Aurora Sword in his hand flashed Just cut out hundreds of millions of sword lights!
Boom boom boom!
Terrifying explosions were constantly heard from the sky and the earth. It was that Doctor Strange was releasing magic circles one after another to resist Wang Ming's attack. After these magic circles touched Wang Ming's sword light, they exploded in an instant. The light cancels out.

Doctor Strange is very smart. He didn't use the traditional defensive magic circle that would only be beaten. The principle of the magic circle he used was similar to the reactive armor of a tank. It would explode after being touched, and use the power of the explosion to offset Wang Ming's attack. Jian Guang, that's why there was such a big commotion.

But Doctor Strange's actions were just a hasty resistance. After all, Wang Ming's offensive was like a torrential river, sweeping towards him continuously.

This left him no time to condense the powerful magic circle, so he couldn't launch a counterattack. After all, it was already very difficult for him to resist now.

It's quite normal for a pure sorcerer to be at a disadvantage in close combat with a warrior like Wang Ming, even if the sorcerer is Doctor Strange.

But being so passively beaten all the time, even Doctor Strange, who has a good temper and a very calm personality, is a little angry at this time. After all, Wang Ming just arranged him like that, and he is quite upset now.

So after the two of them fought each other for more than a minute, Dr. Strange finally couldn't help but prepare to change his moves. After Dr. Strange took Wang Ming's sword light, he won a chance to make a move for himself.

"Endless abyss!"

Doctor Strange gave a loud shout, and then drew a magic circle with both hands at the same time. The moment the magic circle appeared, all the sword lights and attacks that Wang Ming displayed were sucked in, and the attacks on the scene were instantly cleared. Even Wang Ming himself They were all forced to fall towards the dark magic circle.

The other extra worlds in Marvel are not only between the dimension space and nothingness, but also some weirder places, similar to real hell or endless abyss.

Most people don't know about these places, even most multi-diversity powerhouses, even infinite multi-diversity powerhouses don't know, but as Doctor Strange who studies this way, he can be said to be proficient in this kind of thing.

What he is opening now is a different space of the same level as the real hell. Although the endless abyss does not have infinite multi-level powerhouses, the endless abyss itself is not like a world at all. If it is visualized, it is more like a great existence of the digestive organs.

Any material or non-material that enters here will be slowly drawn away by it, and finally die completely. There is no life here, and there is only endless darkness and void.

Doctor Strange wants to exile Wang Ming here, and then release him after his strength is almost exhausted, extending an olive branch to him.

From the beginning to the end, Doctor Strange didn't want to kill Wang Ming, because the strength Wang Ming showed was enough for him to have this kind of patience. If the crusade against the god Dum had such a helper, it would definitely go much smoother. , so Doctor Strange wants to preserve his own combat power.

So the most suitable solution he thought of was the endless abyss, which would not kill Wang Ming, but also allow him to consume excess power, so that he could sit down and have a good talk.

Of course, Wang Ming also felt that the world opposite the black magic circle had extremely strange and terrifying power, so it was naturally impossible for him to submit so obediently.

"Five saints will kill!"

The situation was already quite critical, Wang Ming was locked by this weird magic circle, and his space ability and some displacement abilities were all invalid.

The only thing he can do now is head-to-head, so he didn't hesitate to use the move that he can exert the most powerful power in the shortest time.

Five cards representing the five elements appeared in front of Wang Ming. Holding the Aurora Sword in his hand, Wang Ming fiercely pierced through these five cards, gained five power bonuses, and then slashed fiercely at the source of the dark magic circle. down!

The next moment, the sky burst into endless light, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded from a high altitude, sweeping across the surrounding earth in an instant, affecting and affecting thousands of light-years around.

At the very center of the explosion, the Thunderlord Legion and all the superheroes were blown away one by one, and they fell in a rather embarrassing situation. Even Doctor Strange was blown upside down by the sudden terrifying impact.

The only one left in the field was Wang Ming who was holding the Aurora Sword in his hand. There was no trace left on his golden armor, and he still looked so flawless.

Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. The incident just now consumed a lot of his strength. Although his strength is close to unlimited, it still takes some time to replenish it.

'It's not an option to continue fighting like this. I was so tired of fighting with him that I only increased the bond value by 30.00%. Advanced magic, the power of this kind of magic, is actually stronger than the laws of this world. '

Wang Ming secretly groaned in his heart. Doctor Strange's magical attainments were indeed too terrifying. He felt something was wrong during the battle just now. Only now did he realize why Doctor Strange's magic is so strong.

That's because this guy's magic is already above the rules, it is magic beyond the rules, and it is another brand new advanced law.

(End of this chapter)

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