Chapter 388 Truce
That is to say, the Doctor Strange in front of Wang Ming is not a magician, he is simply a rule creator, a law maker, a terrifying existence at the level of a creator.

Even if Wei Shandi and the founding god of black magic came to Doctor Strange, he still has to be called Dad now, because Doctor Strange brought black magic and white magic into a higher realm, which directly surpassed the differences between these two kinds of magic. The founder, turned it into a manifestation of his own advanced laws.

This guy has already stepped into infinite diversity with half of his foot, and he is a little better than Wang Ming now. The reason why the two of them are inseparable is because Doctor Strange hasn't taken it seriously until now. Using some power to compare Big magic.

That's why Wang Ming felt a little headache. This kind of guy is hard to deal with. If you really want to fight with him, you may not be able to max out the bond value until the Year of the Monkey. There is no point in going down.

Wang Ming's thinking was quite lively and jumpy, and in the midst of this flash, he worked out another set of plans, commonly known as Plan B.

The original plan was for him to violently obtain Doctor Strange's card, but now it doesn't work, so he can only use the second plan.

Wang Ming's backup plan is also very simple, that is, to have a truce with Doctor Strange now, and then first gain his favor and help him instigate Doom's army.

This can get him a lot of goodwill. After all, this guy is not easy to get angry, but he can be regarded as an optimist, a person who is more happy than negative.

Then Wang Ming went with him to crusade against Doom, and personally dealt with Doom with him, and then backstabbed Doctor Strange at a critical moment.

In such a crucial battle, backstabbed by trusted comrades, Doctor Strange's anger and emotional values ​​will definitely explode.

After brushing up all the bonds of Doctor Strange, Wang Ming then quickly switched the target of the bond to Dum. At this time, Wang Ming turned back again and backstabbed Doom. This is a round of backstabbing two teammates.

Then I told Dr. Strange that I was acting just now, and I was just trying to gain his trust, and if I was looking for an opportunity to make a move, the other party would definitely choose to forgive him, and then decisively took out the hole card in the God Master mode, and joined the protagonist group Fight Doom, and finally get Doom's card and run away.

There seemed to be no major problems with this plan, and it was highly feasible. After thinking about it for a few seconds, Wang Ming decided to execute this crazy backstabbing Mission: Impossible plan.

So when Doctor Strange came to him again, Wang Ming spoke first.

"Don't fight anymore. If you continue to fight, you won't be able to tell the winner or loser. All right, I'll just listen to your plan and the so-called truth."

Wang Ming said in a helpless tone. Doctor Strange was taken aback when he heard his words, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face.

"You are finally willing to stop, then let's sit down and talk carefully."

Doctor Strange also said with a sigh of relief, and then he snapped his fingers, and a small floating island appeared in front of the two of them.

The diameter of this floating island is only 30 meters. There is an exquisite table and two exquisite shadows on it. Doctor Strange stepped on the island first in style, sat on a chair, and began to drink the favorite of Westerners. Here comes the black tea.

Wang Ming also canceled the transformation directly, then set foot on the island, and sat opposite Doctor Strange, he still looked very capable in that modern suit.

"Tell me, what is going on with all this, I just went to the outside world, and the world has become like this after I came back. Dum is the creator of this world, so I will naturally choose Follow him, after all the score will tell who is the boss."

Wang Ming picked up the black tea that Dr. Strange handed over, took a sip and said, Dr. Strange also tasted the black tea in his hand, and after feeling the taste was good, he nodded and explained to Wang Ming.

"The thing is probably like this. After we defeated the Protoss, according to the prior agreement, we should have used the power of the Protoss to reshape the entire multiverse and let the multiverse return to the previous peace and stability."

"But Dum, the villain, betrayed us. He monopolized the power beyond the Protoss, and completely shattered all the multiverses, and then created the world you see now."

"He also erased everyone's memory and re-introduced us into this world. Some time ago, because I left a little trick for myself, I recovered my memory, otherwise I have been fooled by him until now. Here, this guy is a traitor, he has completely betrayed us, so we will take back the power beyond the Protoss from him, reshape the entire multiverse again, and create countless peaceful multiverses."

Doctor Strange said something concise and concise. After hearing what happened, Wang Ming nodded thoughtfully.

Although these words are somewhat different from the plot of the comics he saw, but the general direction is correct, so the following plot can also be imagined. Doctor Strange is also considered indirect, helping Wang Ming to determine an uncertain matter .

"So, I probably understand, so you want to defeat Dum, and then all the universes will return to normal?"

After Wang Ming pondered for a while, he looked at Doctor Strange and said seriously. The latter also stared at Wang Ming with a serious expression at this time, and nodded slowly.

"That's right, for this purpose, we launched the rebellion. This world is deformed and unfair. I think you can also see that the lives living here can only be regarded as Dum's puppets. We need to find true freedom. , would you like to help us?"

After Wang Lin heard Dr. Strange's invitation, he didn't agree immediately, because if he agreed immediately, it would appear a bit deliberate and fake.

So Wang Ming remained silent on the spot, pretending to think for a while, then nodded slowly and said.

"Okay, to be honest, although this matter has nothing to do with me, after all, you see that I'm doing well now, don't I, but I still understand a truth."

"The king who has lost the hearts of the people will eventually go to the guillotine. I have a hunch that even if I don't join you, Dum will be overthrown by you sooner or later. So for my future, I should join you."

Wang Ming's words expressed his own considerations and reasons, but he didn't agree to it without thinking, because it would be too easy to see.

And Wang Ming's words really convinced Doctor Strange, a bright smile appeared on the latter's face, and he stretched out his hand to Wang Ming.

"You are welcome to join us."

"Let's work together."

Wang Ming also reached out to shake hands with Doctor Strange, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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