Chapter 389 Rebellion
The moment he shook hands with the two, Wang Ming quietly explored the progress of the bond value of the two, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that this cooperation actually increased the bond value of the two by a full 30.00%. The fetter value has reached 60.00%.

The bond value increased by this conversation was even faster than when Wang Ming and Dr. Strange killed him for half a day just now. This can only be understood as Dr. Strange really took the negative emotions lightly.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll call all the people from the legion and see if they are willing to follow us. After all, there is more strength and more confidence."

Wang Ming, who has already decided to act, naturally knows how to do a full set of tricks, so he also quickly joined the play, and put forward his suggestions very seriously.

"That's really great. If the Thor Legion can be persuaded to rebel, then this matter will be more assured."

Doctor Strange is also very happy about this. After all, what they want to do requires enough manpower and strength, and the Thunderlord Legion is definitely a powerful army that can be called the backbone. If they can make them turn back, then the capture of the Sanctuary is almost 100% able to succeed.

At that time, the only thing everyone needs to think about is how to deal with Doom, because without the Thunder God Legion, Doom has basically become a loner.

Then Wang Ming and Dr. Strange each sent messages and summoned their subordinates. Dr. Strange returned to the superhero team and briefly talked about what happened just now.

When those superheroes heard that Wang Ming was willing to help them, they immediately became very excited, and they all felt that it would not be too difficult to win the Sanctuary.

And Wang Ming is also very serious here. He held a meeting for the Thunder God Legion. Of course, he will not be foolish enough to persuade these people to surrender. In the original book, there is a very important reason why these people rebelled. Now this reason It has not happened yet, it is impossible for Wang Ming to persuade him to surrender.

So Wang Ming directly found another way, playing a double agent to fool you, simply speaking, he sent an order directly to the Thunder Gods of the Thunder God Legion through his mind.

The content of the order is very simple. It probably means that in order to annihilate this group of rebels and let His Majesty Doom watch them perish with his own eyes, they and Wang Ming himself need to pretend to surrender and join the other side as undercover agents.

In other words, it is equivalent to Wang Ming revealing half of his Mission: Impossible plan to everyone in the Thunder God Legion, and the remaining half of the second betrayal. Naturally, Wang Ming would not tell them, so the Thunder God Legion people listened. After receiving Wang Ming's order, they all felt quite good.

In fact, whether or not the Thunderlord Legion turned against the water had little effect on Wang Ming. His main purpose of doing this was to brush up the bond value of Doctor Strange.

After all, this guy is a stickler. If you fight with him, he won't necessarily be angry. Only by playing with his feelings and trust many times like now, will the bond value between the two soar. In the end, Wang Ming's own goal was achieved.

But Wang Ming can't do it otherwise. After all, Doctor Strange is known for being calm and wise, and it takes a little effort and brains to get rid of his bondage.

In contrast, it's much easier to brush Dum's bond value. This guy doesn't have such a deep city, he is at most a little clever conspirator, but now that this conspirator has gained strong strength, his mentality is also different. It's changed and it's easier to deal with than before.

Although he was giving orders to the Thunder God Legion through the words in his mind, Wang Ming still made a gesture of persuading him to surrender on the surface, chattering all kinds of reasons there, which superheroes love to listen to anyway.

On the Thunder God Legion side, there are also a few actors who are particularly dedicated and understand what Wang Ming means. Immediately, these actors began to take the lead in performing. All in all, there are no loopholes in this scene. It was as if Wang Ming had influenced them.

Only half an hour later, Wang Ming came to Doctor Strange, nodded his head and said with certainty.

"They have all agreed to join us now to overthrow the evil and brutal rule of God Lord Doom. I don't think it should be too late. We should directly take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Go to the sanctuary and fight Doom directly for the final decisive battle, and seize the power beyond the gods. Come back, and reshape the entire multiverse."

Wang Ming directly proposed what he most hoped to happen, so that he could make a quick decision and clear up the bond value in advance, and because Wang Ming persuaded the Thunder God Army to surrender.

The bond value between him and Doctor Strange has increased by 20.00%, and now the bond value of the two has reached 80.00%. If this bond value is in a friendly state, it can already be regarded as a close friend, or a very good comrade-in-arms. kind of degree.

Of course, if it's a relationship of hatred, a bond value of 80.00% is a little bit better than revenge for killing one's father.

"Very well, you really helped me a lot this time, but there is no need to rush to the sanctuary now. We still need to win over some allies, some powerful and reliable allies who can help us confront Doom head-on."

However, Doctor Strange refused, and Wang Ming couldn't wait to go to Sanctuary, because he felt that the low-end power was enough, and the high-end power was not enough.

With his cautious personality, it is natural that he must be foolproof before making trouble. Otherwise, it would be a bit ridiculous if they win in the low-end battlefield and lose in a mess in the high-end battlefield. Not only will all previous efforts go to waste One battle will cost the lives of many people.

Wang Ming is not a fool, he almost immediately thought of what Doctor Strange wants to do, and he also thinks it makes sense, he better not spoil the original plot too much.

Otherwise, Dr. Strange lost a few important combat powers in the original plot, causing everyone to lose all games, and Wang Ming would be in bad luck.

Not only would he not be able to brush Doom's bond value, but he was also very likely to be targeted by the OAA, and the probability of sudden death was quite high, so Wang Ming nodded in agreement after hearing what Dr. Strange said.

"You are right. Doom is indeed not something that ordinary people can deal with. We need stronger allies and teammates. Otherwise, we may not be able to beat him. You can go and find all you think are qualified to participate in the battle, or Those who are willing to participate in the war must be fully prepared."

This time it was Wang Ming's turn to take it easy, and he told Doctor Strange very seriously, for fear that this guy would become arrogant because of his joining.

At that time, it will be really fun to find a few less people who can play a key role, and the butterfly effect has to be guarded against.

(End of this chapter)

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