Chapter 391
In fact, to be honest, if OAA hadn't forced to reshape the entire universe, Dum's conditions would have been quite good, and he could even be regarded as a conscientious boss.

"Thank you Your Majesty, I will do my best to get rid of these traitors!"

Wang Ming also knelt down on one knee and said loudly, and then he briefly chatted with Dum about the situation, and finally left Dum's study alone.

On the other side, the strange doctor is also intensively recruiting people, and among the people he summoned are several old acquaintances of Wang Ming, such as Hulk and Tian Qi.

After all, these two are considered to be famous, well-known multi-level powerhouses, it is normal for Doctor Strange to find them.

And the most amazing thing is, I don't know what method Doctor Strange used to successfully persuade Hulk, the God of Destroyer, who didn't have much IQ at first sight, to join their team.

Let Hulk, the God of Destroyer, join their team and obey orders. The difficulty is no less than teaching a sow to climb a tree. It can only be said that this is the strange charm of the protagonist group. That's about it.

All in all, Doctor Strange and the others had tossed around, and they actually got a vote of multi-level powerhouses. If you just look at the number, there are almost 20 of them.

This is quite a terrifying force, and the time is passing bit by bit with the respective actions of the two sides, and soon came the sixth day, and there is only one day left before the time agreed by Wang Ming and Doctor Strange .

So that night, Dr. Strange took the initiative to contact Wang Ming. This is what they agreed in advance. The way the two contacted was to use a special communicator that Dr. Strange gave Wang Ming. This thing is a magic item made by himself. , It is quite a powerful thing to be able to communicate without the perception of God Lord Dum.

"Our side is ready. It is estimated that we will arrive at the sanctuary tomorrow. How is your side?"

Dr. Strange's serious and serious voice came from the communicator. After all, this matter was not a joke. What Dr. Strange didn't know at this time was that it wasn't just Wang Ming talking to him in front of the communicator, but Dum. Standing beside Wang Ming.

After hearing Doctor Strange's words, Dum and Wang Ming looked at each other and smiled knowingly, then Wang Ming cleared his throat and replied.

"Don't worry about this, our side is ready. As long as you come, I can open the city gate and close the barrier for you. Then everything will go smoothly according to plan."

"Very well, everything is under our control, then tomorrow at the right time, I will send you a communication, and then we should cooperate to break through the sanctuary!"

Doctor Strange also showed a satisfied smile after hearing Wang Ming's words, and then he exhorted, after hearing these words, Wang Ming and Doom showed strange smiles at the same time, and then Wang Ming also said in a serious tone.

"Yes, everything is under our control."

Then the two ended the communication. After all, Doctor Strange is a cautious person. Even if it was such a short-term communication, he would not communicate for too long, so as not to attract Doom's attention.

"Your Majesty, please get ready tomorrow, our guests are coming."

Wang Ming said with a malicious smile, and Dum was quite cooperative, showing a villain's smile and said.

"That's natural, I will definitely treat them well."


In the early morning of the next day, Wang Ming boarded the city wall of the sanctuary to conduct inspections. Originally, this kind of work was not his job, and lower-level personnel would do it.

But Wang Ming had a different purpose today, and in order to make Doctor Strange completely believe in him, he even replaced all the guards on the city wall with members of the Thunder God Legion. Let the bad guys be frightened.

These Thors are invincible in the eyes of ordinary rebels, but in the eyes of Doctor Strange and their men, they are allies who can open the door at any time.

Doctor Strange outside the sanctuary used magic to hide the traces of a group of people. This time they brought a superhero team with a total of more than 10,000 people, and more than 20 top powerhouses, in order to capture the sanctuary in one fell swoop.

The sanctuary is actually not that big, the size of the sanctuary is equivalent to the area of ​​an ordinary city on the earth, but the people living in it are very noble.

"We are ready and we can launch an attack at any time. How about your side? Are everything arranged?"

Just after Wang Ming wandered around the city wall for several times, a necklace hanging around his neck suddenly heard a faint movement. Wang Ming, who was officially contacted by Doctor Strange, didn't dare to neglect, and immediately said with a smile.

"I can do it anytime. When do you choose to attack? Now?"

After listening to Wang Ming's words, Doctor Strange also heaved a sigh of relief, and now all the plans are as expected, and they are going well.

And Doctor Strange is not a person who likes to procrastinate. Now that he has decided to act, he also said without hesitation.

"That's right, it's now, catch Dum by surprise, and today we will restore the multiverse to normal and save all universes!"

Dr. Strange's tone was rarely impassioned, and he seldom spoke in this tone, so Wang Ming could conclude that he was serious, and Wang Ming replied excitedly.

"Okay! Today we will kill Dum, destroy the sanctuary, and restart the multiverse!"

After Wang Ming finished speaking, he sent a voice transmission to all the soldiers of the Thunder God Legion in his heart. The Thunder Gods who had been explained to them a long time ago also began to act very obediently.

In just three to five seconds, the protective cover covering the sanctuary, which could resist the full-strength bombardment of multi-level powerhouses for half an hour without breaking, suddenly disappeared.

Then the thousand-meter-high gate of the sanctuary slowly opened at the same time, and the whole sanctuary became defenseless for a while!

"It's time for the decisive battle, let's go!"

Doctor Strange, who had been ambushing outside the city for a long time, was naturally aware of what was happening in front of him. Following his order, an army of tens of thousands of superheroes attacked from outside the sanctuary.

More than [-] multi-level powerhouses also leaped to the top of the city, and came to Wang Ming's side in a short while. With their strength, they could naturally see where Wang Ming was, so it was normal to find him immediately.

"It turns out that the insider was talking about you, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Hulk, the God of Extermination, was very excited when he saw Wang Ming, and he rushed up to punch Wang Ming, but was stopped by Doctor Strange in time, and Doctor Strange said threateningly.

"If you still want to return to the real hell, don't make trouble for me. With the existence of Doujie, no one can open the door to the real hell except me now."

(End of this chapter)

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