Chapter 392

As soon as Wang Ming heard Doctor Strange's words, he immediately understood why he was able to persuade the elm-headed Hulk, the God of Destruction, to join them. After a long time, it turned out to be the temptation to go home.

After hearing Doctor Strange's words, Hulk, the God of Destruction, froze in place as if he had been cast with a holding spell, not daring to move.

"You're lucky this time, and I'll settle the score with you after the battle is over."

In the end, his temper was as violent as Hulk, who had to bow his head in front of Dr. Strange, and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. It can be seen that Dr. Strange's means of manipulating the character of these guys is quite powerful.

Tian Qi was terrified after seeing Wang Ming, the expression on his face was anger at first, then turned into unwillingness, and finally, there was a little grievance.

Doctor Strange gave him a strange look, and then he didn't delve into anything further. After the scene subsided, Doctor Strange said to everyone.

"Okay guys, now that everyone is familiar with it, let's make the final plan. Let's go directly to the center of the winning percentage and launch the final decisive battle against Doom."

"Although his strength is a level higher than ours, don't be afraid, I have some little magic that violates the rules, which can temporarily gather everyone's strength to fight against Doom."

After hearing Doctor Strange's words, everyone nodded in reassurance. After all, Doom is so powerful that there is no need to prove it. Just look at the world in front of him. He created it.

The creator of such a powerful world is far more powerful than they do not know how many times. If Doctor Strange dares to go directly because he has no backers, everyone will not dare to come.

"Then let's go, I will show you the way, I know where he is now."

Seeing this, Wang Ming also had a confident smile on his face and said, when everyone saw that there was such an internal response, they immediately felt a little more confident.

Then Wang Ming took Doctor Strange, and they rushed directly towards the study where Dum usually stayed. This guy is a bit strange, he doesn't like to stay on the throne, but likes to be in the study.

Sometimes I also like to do some weird things in my laboratory. Although I already have the power to surpass the Protoss, I still like to do some weird experiments. In a sense, this is indeed a weird person.

The speed of the crowd was extremely fast, and they had already broken through many restrictions in less than 1 minute, repelling many ordinary guards who didn't know the truth, and came to Dum's study room. They said it was a study room, but in fact it was a huge room. Western-style palace.

"Hahaha, it seems that our guests are here, let me see what are there, are there any old friends in there?"

The crowd had just arrived, and before they had time to make a move, the gate of the palace opened by itself, and a burst of hearty laughter came out of the palace.

Following the laughter, a figure wearing a cloak and armor came out of the palace, and it was Dum who had changed into a battle costume.

In fact, for an existence like his, the battle attire doesn't make any sense, it only shows that he has entered the fighting state.

Just when everyone was confused and didn't understand the situation, Wang Ming suddenly kicked Doctor Strange on the back fiercely. It hit Dum in front of him, and the whole body was wide open, and Dum might take his life at any time!

However, Doom did not kill Doctor Strange directly, instead, like a confident king, he quietly looked down at Doctor Strange lying on the ground with an extremely complex expression on his face, and the others were also frightened by this sudden scene shocked.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"Why are you doing this!?"

"Who the hell are you!?"

Everyone stared at the screen name in horror, and vaguely guessed some facts that they couldn't believe, but Wang Ming walked out of the crowd with a smug smile on his face, and bowed deeply beside Du Mu A knight salute was performed.

"My lord, is my mission complete?"

"Hahaha! Aiqing is indeed my right-hand man. You did a good job in this matter. It seems that there are so many old friends who want me to die. If it weren't for you, Aiqing, I might never find them in this life. wild ambition."

Du Mu saw Wang Ming take the initiative to jump out and admit his identity, and he smiled even more proudly on his face. Now he is like a king who has no plans to control everything. His eyes are very contemptuous. Everyone said.

"You think you are smart? Do you think you can really buy my most capable general? Then I will tell you that you are really thinking too much, because the benefits you can bring to him are far inferior to mine."

"That's right, after you overthrew His Majesty Doom, I won't get half a dime. What kind of multiverse do you want to reshape? The survival of the multiverse is none of my business? I'm living so freely and comfortably now, why go to a new one?" From the beginning of the universe, the strong will dominate the weak, otherwise, what is the meaning of the existence of the strong?"

Wang Ming also expressed his ideas with an arrogant smile on his face. Doctor Strange, who was suppressed by Doom and unable to move on the ground with his divine power, was immediately pissed off when he heard Wang Ming's words. He pointed at Wang Ming Said in disbelief and sadness.

"I thought we were like-minded comrades-in-arms, but I didn't expect you to think so in your heart. You are such a shameless villain like Dum. I am so disappointed in you!"

"No, no, no, this is not shameless, and this is not a villain. His Majesty Doom and I both insist on believing in our own ideas. In this world, the strong should rule the weak, and the strong should guide the weak. Hasn’t it always been like this? This tradition has been passed down from ancient times to the present, so His Majesty Doom and I are just more traditional people, and we can’t accept your new ideas.”

For Dr. Strange's scolding, Wang Ming also argued with reason, and what he said was quite reasonable. After Dum heard Wang Ming's words, he immediately felt that he had met a bosom friend, because he thought so too.

"That's right, people like you are the real outliers. Since ancient times, what's wrong with the strong being respected? Without the guidance of the strong, the weak can only kill themselves!"

Dum also followed Wang Ming's words. Doctor Strange now only feels hopeless, and his whole body is showing signs of turning black.

On Wang Ming's tablet, the bond value between him and Doctor Strange is rising rapidly at a rocket speed, as if the original download speed was 2G, and now it suddenly becomes 5G.

(End of this chapter)

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