Chapter 394

"Then it's over, Doctor Strange, my old friend, I hope you can choose the right side in your next life."

After Wang Ming said this, he slashed down with a sword!

With an unbelievable and incomparably angry scream, Doom was slashed in the chest by Wang Ming's sword, and he immediately flew upside down.

That's right, Wang Ming's sword didn't slash at Doctor Strange, but went directly to Doom. With Wang Ming's current strength, which is extremely close to the infinite multi-level, he suddenly launched a sneak attack and hit nothing. A defensive Doom was no surprise.

Dum really didn't expect Wang Ming to make a move on him, so he got caught without precaution. After all, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out what benefits Wang Ming would have in his attack.

Because from his thinking, no one would do such a useless thing. Now the situation is very good. As long as Wang Ming swings this last sword, he will be able to stabilize his position, thoroughly enjoy the glory, wealth, and endless benefits. position of power.


Doctor Strange, who was ready to die, looked at Wang Ming with a look of surprise and bewilderment. Wang Ming turned to look at him and said in a slightly provocative tone.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Let's go together! Let's talk about the unnecessary things afterwards. If I don't do this, can I deceive him? Get up, the battle is just starting now."

After hearing Wang Ming's simple words, Doctor Strange instantly understood and reacted. It turned out that everything just now was deliberately pretended by Wang Ming.

"You guys are so good at acting, I was fooled by you."

"The acting skills are not good, can you fool Dum?"

At this time, Doctor Strange had a confident smile on his face again, because he knew that he had read the right person. The partner he picked did not betray him, but performed a good show to sneak attack Doom.

"Hey guys cheer up, the final battle has begun!"

After sorting out the situation on the scene, Dr. Strange also said to the strong men he had summoned, that everyone had also sorted out the situation on the scene at this time, and everyone was refreshed at this time.

After all, Wang Ming used almost all his strength in that sword strike just now. Although Doom is a strong man at the infinite multi-level, he still suffered some minor injuries in the face of Wang Ming's sword.

Now the situation has completely reversed, and the next step is for all of them to deal with Doom who has suffered some minor injuries, and there is a strong man second only to Doom in our camp, as well as Doctor Strange, the top mage.

This battle can still be fought!

Everyone felt that things had a new turning point, and at this time Dum had already flown back from a distance, and he looked at Wang Ming angrily and said.

"Why? Why did you betray me? What I gave you is already the best. I don't think I've ever treated you badly. Why did you betray me!?"

At this time, Dum was so angry that he was about to go crazy, and the bond value between him and Wang Ming was also soaring. One thing to say, it was much easier to get his bond value than to get Dr. Strange's bond value.

After all, Doom didn't have the calm mind and calm personality of Doctor Strange. To the angry Doom, Wang Ming said in a mocking tone that made people want to hit him.

"Yeah, why? I'm also looking for a reason, maybe because I want to do this."


Wang Ming's words were like igniting the fuse of a dynamite package, completely igniting Dum's anger, and the latter fell into a complete rage, and the aura on his body skyrocketed crazily, which was much more terrifying than before!
"Hey, hurry up and cast your illegal little magic! This guy is so fierce, I can't stand it!"

Seeing that he had successfully irritated Doom, Wang Ming hurriedly said loudly to Doctor Strange, there is no way, this guy Doom is not an ordinary infinite multi-level.

Even in the Infinite Diversity level, Dum's level is still in the middle and upper reaches. Even if Wang Ming has filled up six Diversity Peak cards now and has turned into the violent form of Infinite Diversity's initial stage, he still can't handle Dum who insists on going crazy. attack.

"Don't resist, I will cover you with the connection magic!"

Doctor Strange also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately said loudly, everyone was serious when they heard the words, nodded, and then Doctor Strange waved his hands, and several magic circles immediately lit up on everyone's wrists.

Then everyone only felt that their powers were all connected together. Before they could feel this power, Doctor Strange said loudly.

"You all fall back and focus all your strength on me."

Those strong men summoned by Doctor Strange also obediently instilled their power into Dr. Strange. Of course, this did not include Wang Ming, because for some unknown reason, Dr. Strange's connection circle could not connect to Wang Ming. , This also led to the fact that the strength of both parties cannot be shared and cannot be concentrated at one point.

"This magic circle seems useless to you, forget it, the two of us will do it together!"

Doctor Strange glanced at the screen name in confusion, and then didn't want to talk nonsense at this critical moment, because Dum was ready to attack at this time.

That's right, the purpose of Doctor Strange bringing these powerful men here is not to let them fight head-on, but to let them play the role of a backup hidden energy source or a battery pack.

Through this power-sharing magic circle, it was originally one of Doctor Strange's plans to concentrate the power of these people on himself, and then fight Doom by himself.

At this time, Doctor Strange has directly possessed infinite multi-level power under the sharing and concentration of more than 20 multi-diversity powerhouses.

Because he was originally the strength of the peak of the multi-level, with the addition of these magic circles, his strength has also undergone a qualitative change. The improvement of his strength is no longer a simple addition, but a multiplication.

This is actually easy to understand. This is equivalent to Dr. Strange opening a God Lord 21 in disguise, or even more. If Wang Ming has 21 multi-level cards, even if he is not the top, he can also change his usage. The quality has changed, and it has piled up to an infinitely diverse level. Unfortunately, he still lacks a few cards.

That is to say, the current situation on the field has become, an infinite multi-level, plus a half-step infinite multi-level, to deal with Dum, who is at least the middle and upper reaches of the infinite multi-level.

Although the combat strength of the two sides is still uneven, at least there is hope for this battle, and there is hope of victory, and Wang Ming is absolutely confident in defeating Doom.

There is no other reason, because the faction he belongs to now is the destiny. Even without Wang Ming's intervention, Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic in the original book, relying on their current strength, overthrew Doom and robbed him. Beyond the power of the gods.

(End of this chapter)

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