Chapter 395 Terrible Doom
"You two ants who don't know what to do!"

Dum looked at Wang Ming and Doctor Strange and let out an angry roar, and then his whole body exploded like an angry lion.

Dum doesn't have any specific ability in the fighting world, because his ability is omnipotent and can do anything, so he doesn't have a specific way to attack, even if he doesn't make any movements, as long as he moves his mind, he can release extremely terrifying attacks. s attack.


Dum just yelled loudly, and the surrounding space began to explode inch by inch. An incomparably terrifying force swept over Wang Ming and Doctor Strange in an instant. The two were caught off guard and could barely block it, but they were still hit.


The two of them were sent flying hundreds of meters at the same time, and they barely stopped. Wang Ming directly sprayed a mouthful of old blood into the inside of the visor, which immediately covered his face with blood.

Doctor Strange was not much better. He set up a lot of magic circles on his chest for a moment when he was blown away, but these magic circles, which can resist the full blow of the multi-level peak, fell under Doom's roar. , It was all shattered in just a moment of persistence, so it can be seen that the horror of its power is unimaginable.

In just the initial confrontation, the two were slightly injured by Doom. Although the minor injury recovered quickly, it was because of Wang Ming's multi-dimensional nature, and Doctor Strange just shared the damage between the two in disguise. A dozen people.

Wang Ming called people like himself who can run around as diverse as the heavens, while Doctor Strange and Dum are considered local pluralists. Although the strength gap between the two sides is not big, the essence is different.

The combat power of the Heavenly Diversity will be stronger. Although Wang Ming is half-step Infinite Diversity now, if he encounters an ordinary local Infinite Diversity, he can still fight.

It's just that his opponent is Doom now, and this guy can be considered a strong player in the infinite multi-level, so Wang Ming and Doctor Strange will fall into such an absolute disadvantage.

Because now it is basically counted as two infinity multiples fighting one, but it is still very reluctant, and what happened just now is just a moment, Dum is not the kind of villain who likes to fight and just say something.

This guy is a typical person who doesn't talk too much harshly, so he took the initiative to attack again without giving Wang Ming and Dr. Strange a chance to discuss a counterattack.

Dum casually pinched the void, and defined two of the hardest swords in the fighting world for himself. This is his world, and he defines all the rules.

So the hardest sword he defined was the hardest sword, and then Dum added the characteristics of the sharpest sword to these two swords.

With a thought, he turned his armor into the strongest armor in the fighting world, and even the white cloak he was wearing had special abilities.

This is his world, he can define it however he wants, he is omnipotent in the Doujie, and then Doom instantly appeared in front of Wang Ming and Doctor Strange with two swords in his hand, and he slashed out with a sword without fancy!
As if it could tear the world apart, the sword light shone in front of Dr. Strange and Wang Ming. Both Wang Ming and Dr. Strange reacted quickly. Wang Ming raised the card box sword and moved towards the sword that Doom slashed at him. Dr. Strange In his hand, countless magic circles were transformed in front of him!
With the sound of two huge explosions, Wang Ming and Dr. Strange were directly sent flying. Doom's strength was quite terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that his sword just now was equivalent to the weight of the entire Doujie. .

In addition, Dum used his power to greatly strengthen his own strength, so he was able to suppress Wang Ming and Doctor Strange with pure strength.

You must know that the two of them were only half attacked by Du. After all, Dum held swords in both hands, and each of them received a sword.

But even so, the God Lord in a violent form still couldn't resist this terrifying force. After Doctor Strange barely blocked the sharp and outrageous long sword, he was also sent flying.

The bodies of the two flew backwards at an incredible speed in an instant, and they flew hundreds of billions of light-years away in the blink of an eye.

Doctor Strange's hands have been scratched by many sword qi, and Wang Ming's card box sword was directly broken out of a gap. That's right, his card box has never been damaged since his debut. The sword, in the fight with Du Mou at this time, was unexpectedly broken by the opponent's sword.

Wang Ming couldn't believe his eyes. Although he had a premonition that this guy would be very powerful, it was outrageous to be so strong.

"Ahem, cough, is this guy so strong?"

In the process of flying backwards, Wang Ming couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood. The sword just now was not only the hole where the card box sword was broken, but also he himself was injured by that powerful force, but there was no injury. And the source is not in the way.

Fortunately, Doctor Strange and Wang Ming were shot in the same direction, and the two haven't separated for the time being, otherwise there would be no need to fight, but Doom didn't bother to shoot them one by one.

If he wanted to defeat the two of them one by one, he only needed one thought to throw them into the world of Doujie, there was no need to bother to beat them.

In Doujie, Dum can indeed do this kind of thing, because he has the final say on everything here. Wang Ming looked at Doctor Strange with his brows furrowed, and used his mind to speak the voice.

"Hey, is there anything else you can do? Why is this guy so powerful? If you do it twice, I feel like I can't stand it anymore."

"No, as long as he is still in the fighting world, he is invincible. We can't defeat him. We have to find a way to lure him to another dimension. Without the blessing of the fighting world's power, he won't be so ridiculously strong. "

Doctor Strange had been frowning just now just thinking about this matter, and he could see what kind of confidence and strength this Doom relied on to be so powerful, and the Dou Jie was the opponent's strongest weapon.

In other words, the two of them are equivalent to fighting against the entire Doujie and Dum at the same time, and it is not too exaggerated to be beaten so embarrassingly.

Because in the Doujie, Dum's strength is not the upper middle and upper reaches of the infinite multi-level as Wang Ming speculated, but the real peak of the infinite multi-level.

This is also the reason why the two seem so vulnerable. Although neither of them is weak, but Dum is too strong.

"Then you are better at going to other dimensions, but after you are sure that you are outside the Doujie, will your illegal little magic still work?"

After hearing Dr. Strange's proposal, Wang Ming also felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but he still reminded him, after all, Dr. Strange's current power is strictly speaking borrowed, and he can ignore the distance limit in the Doujie. It is not clear whether Wang Ming can be used outside the Doujie.

(The new world is decided, go to the day of wrath.)
(End of this chapter)

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