Chapter 396: Procrastination

"Don't worry about this. If you can't use it in another world, how can it be called a small magic that violates the rules? But I need a little time to prepare for the forced teleportation. When he comes over, you must try your best to delay it." Stay with him for a while."

Doctor Strange's tone was very confident, but Wang Ming's face was not very good-looking. It wasn't that he didn't want to block Doom, it was because he couldn't stop him. This guy was so angry now, and he was most angry with Wang Ming .

Wang Ming rushed up to block him twice, and he would have to knock him out after two hits. Don't doubt the strength of a peak powerhouse at the infinite multi-level.

Not to mention that Wang Ming is only half-step infinite now, even if he is truly infinitely diverse, it will be difficult to stop him, so Wang Ming said with some embarrassment.

"I think……"

"Found you!"

Before Wang Ming could finish his words, Doom's angry voice reminded them that he had arrived in front of them at some point, and Doctor Strange immediately formed a magic seal in his hand when he saw this, and then passed Mind-reading said something to Wang Ming.

"Please, hold him for ten seconds. Whether we can win this battle depends entirely on you!"

After Dr. Strange finished speaking, he began to form a seal in his hand without waiting for Wang Ming's memory. His hand speed was quite fast, and even a mage of his level would still need to form a seal to release him. The power of spells is definitely not small.

But Wang Ming is completely stupid now, he uses his head to block it!It is definitely not possible to block hard, and you have to find a way to delay the time. Wang Ming had no choice but to bite the bullet.

To be honest, this is the biggest crisis he has encountered since his debut. If he is not careful, his real body will be gone, and he can only be resurrected from other clones.

I just don't know if the belt will be resurrected to other bodies with him, if not, then Wang Ming will die, this is why Wang Ming has countless clones, he will not die no matter what, but he still keeps This is because of relative caution, after all, the belt is his biggest hole card, if it is gone, he will be heartbroken for hundreds of years.

"and many more!"

Just when Doom was about to attack again, Wang Ming suddenly stopped his movement with a loud shout. The latter didn't know why, and subconsciously froze for a moment before asking.

"What do you want to do again?"

"Your Majesty, I'm actually a false surrender!"

Wang Ming suddenly shouted with emotion, Wang Ming can swear that the most disgusting appearance he has ever made in his life is definitely like this now.

Even Wang Ming himself thought it was fake, let alone Doom, who was once again enraged by Wang Ming, and then rushed forward with his sword in hand. Doom shouted angrily while waving his sword.

"Even if I believe in a dog's words, I don't believe in yours! You really think I'm stupid!"

As soon as Du Mu finished speaking, the terrifying sword light had already arrived in front of Wang Ming. Wang Ming had no choice but to raise the card box sword in his hand again, and swung it forward with all his strength!

Doom's sword strikes with hatred, although it is not a sword with full strength, it is enough to make Wang Ming quite uncomfortable, and Wang Ming who bears this sword forcefully, only feels the blood in his body surging wildly, as if countless It was as if two universes were falling on him at the same time.

And the fact is almost the same, the most terrible thing is not Doom's huge strength, but Doom's sword directly cut the cardbox sword into two sections, which was unexpected by Wang Ming.

And the broken card box sword naturally couldn't stop the advancement of Doom's long sword, and then Doom's sword slashed firmly on Wang Ming's body!


Doom's long sword directly slashed on Wang Ming's breastplate. Immediately, a lot of sparks shot out from the armor on Wang Ming's chest, and a shallow sword mark was left on it.

Fortunately, the defensive power of the God Lord form was strong enough to resist Dum's hateful sword, otherwise Wang Ming might be cut in two at this time!
In a sense, Wang Ming had tasted the evil consequences of playing with other people's emotions at this time, but Wang Ming didn't regret it. He wished that Doom would get angrier as much as possible. Time for him to educate Doom.

At this time, only five seconds had passed, and Wang Ming had to take another move from Dum before Dr. Strange's magic circle could be completed.

And after Wang Ming was cut, his body also unconsciously flew backwards. Before he could move, Doom's figure appeared behind him unconsciously, and then kicked him hard again. Kicked back!

"Bastard, you are enough! If the tiger doesn't show his power, you will treat me as Hello Kitty!"

Wang Ming was also a little annoyed at being beaten. After all, being passive and being beaten is really annoying. He used to suppress others like this, but he didn't expect to be so uncomfortable after being suppressed once today.

Wang Ming kind of understands the bond value between himself and those people before, why he rose so fast in the battle, this Doom is still talking about whether Wu Deguang can taunt, when Wang Ming beat those people before, he taunted while beating , the extent of its fire can be imagined.

Of course, Wang Ming cursed this sentence just to attract Doom's attention. He couldn't let this guy find out what Doctor Strange was doing. Now that the other party's hatred was all on him, he had to spend the rest of his time Hold on.

'Emperor's Halberd! '

While talking, Wang Ming drew the card at the speed of light and inserted it into the driver. In any form of Decade, Wang Ming can use other masks or armor weapons and skills, so even if he can't directly summon the emperor's armor now, he can still use it. Through this method of summoning weapons, you can take out the emperor's war halberd with six infinite gems inlaid.

There is no way, who called the Kahe sword was cut off, and the most powerful weapon on his body is indeed the Emperor's Halberd, it is just right to use it now.

"Aurora Slash!"

Wang Ming waved the Emperor's Battle Halberd, and the six infinity gems on it burst into shining light, and then slashed fiercely at Doom, who was about to attack again. This sword can be said to be the best that Wang Ming can currently Fast speed, the most powerful move used, no matter how powerful it is, it will take time to insert the card, but Doom will not give him this time.

Although he is not using the Emperor's Armor, his skills can be released normally, and it is even much stronger than when using the Emperor's Armor. After all, the strength of the God Lord form is stronger than the Emperor's Armor, and it is not even a little bit stronger !
In the next second, the incomparably terrifying sound of metal and iron clattering spread across countless light-years around, and a circular gas mask suddenly exploded from the spot, radiating to everything around.

The sky was torn into countless ugly openings, the space was trembling, and the terrifying power set off countless destructive winds. In just a moment, the surrounding land of hundreds of millions of light years was completely flattened, leaving only a deep hole. Big pit!

(End of this chapter)

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