Chapter 397 Endless Abyss
And this was the destruction caused in an instant. The aftermath of the battle between the two was still spreading towards the surroundings, and countless creatures died as a result, let alone the creatures on the ground.

Even the creatures in the sky are not much better. On the ground, there is a visible wind blowing, and in the sky, a completely invisible shock wave kills them instantly. Even a cosmic-level powerhouse can kill them in an instant. Was beaten into a blood mist.

After the aftermath of this blow has completely dissipated, there will be no more survivors in a radius of billions of light years except for Doctor Strange, Wang Ming, and Doom.

Undoubtedly, Wang Ming's sword that exploded with all his strength could barely resist Doom's sword with [-]% strength. This time, he was not sent flying. .

"You are quite capable, but that's it. How many times can you withstand such an attack?"

Dum drew back the long sword that had been slashed out and said something in surprise, and then he began to gather strength to prepare for the next slash, but at this time, Wang Ming's face under the mask was relaxed with loneliness. Tone of a smile, because in his own countdown now exactly ten seconds had elapsed.

Swish swish!
Just when Doom was about to swing the sword of judgment against Wang Ming, countless bracelets emitting orange-red light suddenly emerged from the surrounding void, and then wrapped around Doom's limbs and body at an incredible speed. neck.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Facing this sudden attack, Dum wasn't afraid at all, and immediately he tried hard to break free from these chains, and at the very moment he wanted to break free from these chains.

Two huge magic circles appeared above his head and under his feet. In the next second, Dum's body instantly disappeared in place. Wang Ming and Doctor Strange also disappeared with him.

Those chains just now were just a gimmick released by Doctor Strange, in order to attract Doom's attention for a moment, and then take advantage of this moment to teleport him away.

And this plan was very successful, quite successful, Doctor Strange's main goal has been achieved, and after leaving the fighting world, Doom is equivalent to a big boss with blood bars exposed.

And Dum, who was in the fighting world before, was an invincible existence with no health bar at all. Even if Wang Ming and Doctor Strange fought with all their lives, it was impossible to beat him.


In the eternally silent endless abyss, some ripples suddenly appeared at this time, and three figures appeared out of thin air in the deepest part of the endless abyss, and this place is also one of the dead places and jedi in the endless multiverse, and its world strength is only stronger than that of the fighting world Not weak, the same level as real hell.

"Bastard, what have you done!"

After Dum was pulled in, he looked around in a panic, because he could clearly feel that his connection with Dou Jie had been severed.

Doujie is something he has spent a lot of money and effort on, and in a sense it is his strongest amplifier. It is no exaggeration to say that his strength has been halved instantly after leaving Doujie.

"Welcome to the endless abyss, don't try to sense the space, you can't get out without a specific magic circle and some illegal little magic, including us, because everything will be swallowed up here, even your own existence can be devoured."

"Of course I don't plan to stay here for a long time. I will leave after I defeat you. As a battlefield, this is the most suitable battlefield."

Doctor Strange appeared in front of Doom with a confident smile on his face, and Wang Ming also followed to Doctor Strange. Now that Doom has been greatly weakened, the two are somewhat sure of matching him.

But Doom didn't pay attention to Doctor Strange's words. He still waved his sharp sword and cut around frantically, trying to open the space channel, but the fact is that, as Doctor Strange said, the space here can be said to be is indestructible.

If Doom in his heyday, the infinitely diverse and top-notch Doom, might really be able to forcibly open up a passage back to the fighting world, but the current Doom is just ahead of Wang Ming and Doctor Strange. It is impossible to do this.

"Old boy, you beat me really hard just now, come on, let's settle the score properly, I will smash your nose crooked!"

Seeing that Doom had no choice but to forcefully run past, Wang Ming also felt relieved, and his previous self-confidence and arrogance returned to his tone.

"Let's start the second round now. Let's see how arrogant you are this time."

Doctor Strange seemed to be infected by Wang Ming, and he blurted out a mocking remark, and then the magic circle in his hand was unfolded, and countless magic circles in the surrounding space suddenly lit up, and this is his home field at this moment!
"Hehehe, you two ants, do you think that I really can't beat you if you leave the Doujie? Are you kidding, you have to have a limit when you look down on people!"

Doom also laughed back in anger, and then he also had terrifying power fluctuations unfolding on his body. Doom, who has lost the almighty power of the fighting world, can only fight with his own strength now, of course his own strength is not weak.

"let's go!"

Wang Ming took the time to check the bond value between him and Dum, and found that the bond value of the two was only [-]% behind the last, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense, and was going to rush directly to fill up the bond value.

And Doctor Strange followed closely behind. He waved countless magic circles with both hands and sent out terrifying attacks. One by one, the summoned creatures were also summoned by him from nowhere.

Obviously, Doctor Strange once again launched his best human sea tactics. With the blessing of his magic, these summoned creatures are quite powerful.

For a while, Dum was directly surrounded, and he also fell into the same situation as Wang Ming. He was so annoyed by these things that he couldn't get out to do other things, and Wang Ming also used this gap to complete his energy accumulation. , activated the strongest skill.

'Perfect power control! '

Wang Ming inserted a skill card that belonged exclusively to the violent form of the God Lord into the driver, and as the voice of the belt sounded, Wang Ming directly rushed towards Du Mou with the six-jeweled emperor's halberd.

As I said before, Wang Ming's form doesn't have too many skills, and some only have the purest violence bonus. It was useless before because he couldn't fight back when he was beaten by Doumu, and he didn't have time to use it at all.

But now that Wang Ming has used this skill card, he has completely possessed overwhelming violence. He came to Dum in a flash, and then held the Emperor's Battle Halberd in both hands and slashed down fiercely. !
The next second, a golden horse appeared, and the powerful light instantly illuminated half of the endless abyss. Wang Ming definitely used all his strength in this blow, and Dum was not to be outdone, he mobilized all the strength in his body , slammed a sword and won!
(End of this chapter)

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