Chapter 398 Got the God Lord Dum Card
This time when the weapons of the two collided, there was no crisp sound of striking iron, but an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation erupted like a big bang in the universe.

The endless abyss has the characteristics of devouring all energy, but at this time it was still trembling, and the space was shaken to reveal substantial ripples.

Although more than half of the aftermath of this battle was absorbed by the devouring characteristics carried by the endless abyss itself, it still caused a devastating blow to the surrounding hundreds of millions of light years. However, the endless abyss has nothing, no matter how it is destroyed .

As for why such a terrifying effect was produced, it was because Wang Ming's strength was already several times stronger than when he first transformed. The reason was very simple. One was that he used skill cards.

The second reason is that his hole cards in the form of the god-lord are Saitama and Hulk, both of which have the characteristics of constantly becoming stronger, so Wang Ming will become stronger as he fights in the violent form of the god-lord.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, in terms of strength alone, Wang Ming has surpassed most of the powerhouses who have just stepped into the threshold of infinite diversity. In addition, Wang Ming has the bonus of infinite gems and the emperor's battle halberd. Be stronger.

And Dum is not a player who specializes in strength, so Wang Ming's attack was evenly matched with him, and neither side took advantage.

"You guys seem to have become stronger again?"

Apparently Doom also noticed this, but before he could say anything, Doctor Strange's chain was already on him. It's a bit strange to say that he is a mage but always likes to play with bindings and chains. Six more than Ghost Rider.

Swish swish!
Countless chains exuding orange-red light restrained Dumu's movements instantly, and Wang Ming also took advantage of this opportunity to stab Dumu viciously with a halberd!


Before Doom could react, his body was instantly pierced by the Emperor's halberd. The Infinity Gems on the halberd also emitted light at this moment, and began to erode Doom's body from within. The latter spurted out a mouthful of old blood immediately. come out.

At this time, Wang Ming and Dr. Strange cooperated quite well. The two of them assisted a fighter. Dr. Strange was responsible for controlling the enemy and adding buffs to Wang Ming from time to time. Wang Ming, who became stronger and stronger, was also qualified to be the main C. .

After all, Doctor Strange's magic is doomed, he can't play close combat with Doom, so he can only help Wang Ming release some control in the back, and by the way, do some small magic that can enhance Wang Ming's strength.

Now under the multiple bonuses and the passage of time, Wang Ming's strength is not much weaker than Doum's, and he will become stronger and stronger. If Doum doesn't have any hole cards, then Wang Ming can kill him directly. .

Moreover, the last straw that overwhelmed Doom was that he and Wang Ming only had a single-digit bond value left, so Wang Ming was not in a hurry to kill him at all.

The bond value of the two is about to be full, Wang Ming's poking just now directly increased the bond value of the two by 5.00%, and now the bond value of the two is only [-]% away from reaching full.

"What's wrong? My majesty, my majestic majesty, you look like a bereaved dog now."

Wang Ming didn't pull out the Emperor's halberd immediately, instead he said to Dum with a smile in a voice that didn't deserve a beating, how could the latter stand up to his insult like this, at that moment he became angry.

"I must kill you!"


Dum was so angry that he was like a mad lion. At this time, Wang Ming's tablet was just right, and a notification sound sounded, which meant that the bond value between him and Du had finally been maxed out.

After suffering so many beatings before, it was time to report back. Even Wang Ming didn't hesitate at all. He directly pulled out the Emperor's Battle Halberd, and then put it back into the card box. Seeing this, Doom also followed immediately. To, punch out fiercely!

"Be honest with me!"

Wang Ming turned around without being polite to him, and punched Dum's fist fiercely. The next second, the two of them flew upside down, because the strength of both sides was too strong, and no one could do anything to the other. Both will fly out.

"Help me hold him for two seconds."

Wang Ming said to Doctor Strange in the process of flying backwards, it stands to reason that he should run away immediately after taking the card, but Wang Ming feels that if he runs away now, it is not sure whether Doctor Strange can clean up Doom

The main reason is that Doctor Strange can't deal with Doom, and OAA will come to trouble him. Wang Ming is already a little bit stuck. After all, he still wants to find Cytorak. If he leaves the Marvel multiverse directly, then he But you can run away, you can slip now.

But he wanted the power of Setorak a little bit, so now he can only beat Doom half to death, let Doctor Strange solve it by himself, and he will go to the void to find Setorak.

Then Wang Ming also happened to try out the new law deck he formed. Currently, this should be his strongest deck form. After cleaning up Dum, he didn't bother to cancel the transformation, so he just went straight to the deck. Just look for Cytorak.

"it is good!"

Doctor Strange didn't ask why, or said other nonsense, and he agreed directly. Then Wang Min immediately took off the tablet on his belt, and clicked on the fusion interface again. It was still the familiar operation. After a while, Wang Ming Completed the coordination of the new card group.

At this time, after canceling the fusion deck, he had already returned to the most basic normal form, so he asked Dr. Strange to delay him for a second or two and let him switch decks.

In less than a second, Wang Ming completed the fusion configuration of the card group, and then he lit up the head portraits of the strong players represented on the card group one by one. The next moment, the voice on the belt rang again.





"Everything revives. God of Life!"

"The King of Blue and White!"



The names of strong men were read out. Of course, the voice must have been accelerated. Before Wang Ming finished reading, he directly inserted the tablet back into his belt.

In the next second, colorful brilliance lit up on him, and it was still the familiar look before, except that the embossed card on Wang Ming's chest had some changes.

Six totem-like reliefs appeared on Wang Ming's chest, and the characters printed on them were the strong men on the card just now. Among them, the last two strange names that appeared were the strong men Wang Ming met in the dimension space.

They are all dimension lords in the middle and upper reaches of the multi-level, so they are eligible to be used by Wang Ming to form a deck, and now Wang Ming uses this set of strongest configurations to form a deck, which directly improves his strength to an infinite multi-level high. level!

(End of this chapter)

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