Chapter 399 Sealing Doom
It is no exaggeration to say that the current Wang Ming will not be much weaker against Dum in the peak state of Doujie. Even Wang Ming can mobilize the power of Doumu because of the use of Doom cards.

So even if he returns now, Wang Ming's strength will rise accordingly and reach the peak of the real multi-level. In fact, this proves that Dum has completely failed.

Because it is impossible for Doom to be Wang Ming's opponent, no matter in the outside world or in the fighting world, because the undead have already obtained his power and brought in additional power, so it is normal to suppress him.

"Okay, leave it to me."

After the transformation was completed, Wang Ming was quite confident, and it happened that two seconds later, Doom had already broken free from Doctor Strange's shackles. Just when he was about to growl and say something, Wang Ming waved his hand, A mysterious magic circle covered Du Mou's body, and the latter was immediately trapped inside by a beam of light.

"be honest."

Wang Ming flew in front of Dumu with a relaxed and flat tone. At this time, he had absolute suppression against Dumu whose strength was only infinitely diverse.

"This power... No, who are you? How can you have power beyond the gods!?"

The trapped Doom wanted to try to break through the blockade of this beam of light, but he couldn't break through for a while. He was trapped inside for a short time, and at this time Doom also felt that there was a familiar power in this beam of light. , this power has the same source as his own power, so he can feel it immediately.

Even Doctor Strange was a little confused when he saw the beam of light condensed by the magic circle, because this thing is a very advanced blocking magic, even if he wants to cast it now, it will take about 1 minutes to release it, but now it is blocked Wang Ming released it casually, which is simply unbelievable.

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me."

"It's inexplicable, break it for me!"

Wang Ming said in a somewhat arrogant tone, and Dum, who was trapped inside at this time, also accumulated all the strength in his body, and punched the beam of light fiercely!

There was a terrifying explosion sound, and the beam of light was actually cracked by Doom. It is estimated that the blocking magic will be broken if he uses it a few more times.

"It's really dishonest, let me let you know what absolute crushing is."

Wang Ming shook his head helplessly. People like Du Mu belonged to the typical type who would not shed tears when he saw the coffin. He would not give up the idea of ​​fighting unless he was truly desperate.

Wang Ming wouldn't kill him directly. After all, Doctor Strange and Mister Fantastic wanted to take his power, so Wang Ming put him in a semi-disabled state.

After Dum couldn't resist, he would leave it to Doctor Strange to deal with it himself, and the rest of the matter was none of his business, and he was about to run off to find Cytorak in the void.

"Let me also use a little magic that violates the rules, the Seven Sins Deprivation Magic, it seems that this is the right name."

Feeling the skill information, Wang Ming said slowly, and Doctor Strange's face changed drastically when he heard his words. This magic trick is a real forbidden technique, and it will take a lot of time and consume a lot of energy to use it.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to remind, Wang Ming had already made a move. He saw Wang Ming draw it casually, and a purple magic circle appeared in front of him, and then Wang Ming directly patted the magic circle on Dumu .

"Deprivation of the five senses."

As Wang Ming's voice fell, a purple magic circle imprint appeared on Dum's chest, and in the next second Dum only felt his five senses of shape, sound, smell, taste, and touch all disappear.

Of course, for strong people like them, there is also a more powerful sixth sense, and the seventh and eighth senses that can directly affect reality, and it is impossible for Wang Ming to give him this opportunity, so Wang Ming drew another A red magic circle shot at Dum.

"High-dimensional perception deprivation."

With a red magic circle imprinted on Doom's chest, all Doom's extra senses disappeared. At this time, he completely lost all the ability to perceive the outside world. He couldn't hear, see, read, or touch. There is only endless darkness.

And Wang Ming has to do more than that, he has to seal Dum like a vegetable, so as to minimize the possibility of Doctor Strange's failure.

In fact, the current Dum, after being sealed with all his senses, could no longer beat Doctor Strange, but Wang Ming didn't want to take the risk, so Wang Ming drew a blue magic circle again and slapped Dum.

"Energy deprivation."

As a blue magic circle appeared on Dum's chest, he lost all control over the energy in an instant. Wang Ming did not directly deprive him of his energy.

Instead, he deprived Dum of his control over these energies, which was considered a tricky method, but the effect was the same as directly depriving him of energy, mainly because it was more convenient.

"Power stripping."

"Mind deprivation."

"Memory deprivation."



As the rays of light flickered one after another, magic circles of various colors were imprinted on Dum's body by Wang Ming. Dum was like a small garbage advertisement covered in stamps, completely losing any ability to resist. .

Now Dum can't do anything, has nothing, even the body's instinctive reaction and muscle memory have been deprived by Wang Ming, even in the end Wang Ming felt a little tired.

After all, although this illegal little magic is easy to use, the consumption is quite terrifying. Rao, with Wang Ming's current strength and stature, he felt a little tired after using it continuously.

But the effect is quite good. In layman's terms, Doom now has become a piece of flesh that can only breathe, and has completely lost all fighting abilities. After doing all this, Wang Ming turned to Doctor Strange with a smile and said.

"Okay, let him deal with it. Don't you want to extract his power beyond the gods? Then you can take it and use it well. I will go to the void first. I have some things to deal with. Reshape I leave the responsibility of the multiverse to you."

After Wang Ming left this sentence, he slipped away, leaving only Doctor Strange who was at a loss and looked confused. To be honest, he had a lot of things to ask.

Especially the magic that Wang Ming used just now, that is obviously the little magic that violates the rules that he can use, how come it is 6 more than him in Wang Ming's hands?

And why Wang Ming has power beyond the gods, etc. Too many questions need to be explained by Wang Ming, and Wang Ming is obviously more afraid of trouble, so he just ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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