The next stop is naturally to go to Saitorak. After getting the opponent's card, there is no need to stay in the Marvel Universe. After all, there is an oaa that can obliterate him at any time. Wang Ming stays here for a day. I can't sleep well, I can't eat well, and I feel uncomfortable all over.

"It's a weird guy."

Doctor Strange looked at Wang Ming's leaving back and shook his head helplessly. Sometimes he really couldn't figure out what this man wanted to do and what his purpose was, as if this man was born with nothing to desire.

And Wang Ming directly used space magic to teleport himself into the void, and after entering the void, Wang Ming also directly let go of his aura, shaking out countless dimensional spaces in an instant.

After the lords felt this familiar scene, they cast their eyes over one after another, and then they saw Wang Ming in the state of God Lord, and they were a little dazed. After feeling this familiar operation, everyone thought it was the man in golden armor again. Came to make trouble again.

In the end, they found that they seemed to be wrong, but this familiar technique made everyone think that it was the armored man who changed his armor and came to make troubles.

But the facts were basically consistent with what they had guessed. Wang Ming directly shuttled between the nothingness to search, especially after encountering a powerful lord, he slapped him without saying a word, and first swiped the bond value to the full card and took it. Ask him if he knows where Cytorak is.

And the multi-level dimension lord who was beaten felt quite aggrieved, just asking for directions, can you speak well?What does it mean to slap me when you come up and beat me up again?
In this way, when Wang Ming was asking for directions, he took three cards of multi-level dimension lords by the way, and then he finally found the place where the crimson universe was located.

Without any hesitation, Wang Ming broke the barrier of the Crimson Universe with one punch, and then stepped in. He did not demonstrate at all when he signed up. The idea of ​​his powerful aura, such a terrifying existence like him, entered the Crimson Universe. Cytorak sensed it.

"Which strong man came here? I think I haven't offended anyone recently, and I haven't even stepped out of the crimson universe for hundreds of millions of years. Why did you come to trouble me?"

After feeling the terrifying aura that Wang Ming was countless times stronger than himself, Setorak's voice became softer, and he even wanted to reason with Wang Ming.

If it were someone else, he would be unreasonable. Saitorak would probably slap him with a slap. Regardless of the existence of the other party, if he dared to trespass into his crimson universe, kill him first.

"In the early stage of infinite diversity level? Just crossed the threshold of infinite diversity, but it is not bad, enough to become my favorite."

Wang Ming looked at Settorak who was tall and thick standing opposite him, and commented with a kind of eyes like looking at goods. His eyes made Saitorak quite unhappy, but the latter did not dare to turn his face directly, even he Still have to be patient and continue.

"excuse me, you are?"

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, don't talk about it, let me fight, let me beat you up and I'll let you go."

Wang Ming looked at Saitorak while talking, and clicked on the tablet to bind the bond value of the two of them. At this time, Saitorak was a little confused. What is the situation?
"Can't you understand what I'm saying?"

After binding the bond value, Wang Ming saw that Seltorak was still standing there, dazed and unresponsive, and immediately slapped him in order to stimulate the other party.

The unsuspecting Saitorak was slapped just like that, he was completely stupefied, let me talk to you, you are a big asshole?

After reacting, Cytorak felt a little crazy. He was not a good-tempered person. To be precise, among the powerful villains in Marvel, none of them had a good temper. Easy.

Even the clay figurines are still angry, not to mention Settorak, who was already a little irritable. After being slapped for no reason, he immediately didn't care about the difference in strength. He just wanted to fight this person desperately now!

"You bastard, you deceive people too much, I will kill you!"

Terrifying red light erupted from Saitorak's body, and the entire crimson universe resonated with him at this moment. He erupted with terrifying power, and then punched Wang Ming!

Obviously, this guy is also a power player who works hard to perform miracles. After all, he gave the Red Tank in the X-Men the power.

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There is no doubt that after Wang Ming wins Saitorak's card, his violent form will also have an extra strong man with infinite multi-level as the leader. If he uses it, it will not be much weaker than the current law form.

"What's it called? Is it loud and powerful?"

Wang Ming was not at all used to Saitorak who was in a rage, and immediately slapped him with a backhand. It has to be said that his strange fighting style awakened in the Ultra world, when he was brushing the bond value Quite easy to use.

Saitorak, who rushed over aggressively, was slapped by Wang Ming and flew out. Wang Ming didn't even need to use magic to beat him. After casually using a few power-enhancing magics, he was able to suppress the opponent.

Although his form is called the law form, it doesn't mean that his close combat ability is much weaker. He is now at the peak of infinite diversity. Simply using physical strength to fight Setorak is bullying him. After all, this guy is just a It's just the beginning of infinite diversity.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Settorak, who was slapped and insulted twice, finally fell into an irreparable berserk state. He has completely lost his mind now. The only thing he wants to do is to kill Wang Ming, and he is very angry now!
"Why are you yelling so loudly?"

Wang Ming came to Saitorak's side as if teleporting, raised his hand and slapped him, and then Wang Ming switched various movements and positions, and kept slapping Saitorak's face, which did not hurt much but was extremely insulting .

At this moment, that person flew away, and half of Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light's slap maniac descended again. Although Wang Ming felt that this move was indeed a bit insulting, it doesn't matter if the opponent is a villain, right?
The current Wang Ming still has some bottom lines, not like he had no bottom lines like before, and used all means to achieve his goals. At least he didn't slap the other party when he brushed up the bond value of Doctor Strange.

Wang Ming also had this idea when brushing Doom's Bonder, but before the Doom's bond value was maxed out, Wang Ming couldn't touch Doom at all, and he was beaten unilaterally, so it didn't work.

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