Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 401 New World, Day of God's Wrath

Now that he has finally come across Saitorak, a suitable grievance, Wang Ming definitely wants to relive the feeling he had at the beginning.

In this way, after Wang Ming slapped Saitorak more than 80,000 times, he finally filled up the bond value of the two of them. At this time, Saitorak was about to go mad with anger, and only Anger, if he has Hulk's setting of getting stronger as he fights, and stronger as he gets angry, his strength is estimated to have reached the infinitely diverse middle level at this time.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!


How angry is Seltorak at this time?To put it simply, he was so angry that he couldn't even speak, he only knew the impotent and furious roar.

After Wang Ming had maxed out the bond value, Setorak had lost its use value in his eyes, so he kicked it to the edge of the universe without hesitation, and then clicked a few times on the tablet and said.

"Okay, big man, just get angry with you, and I'll slip away first."

Wang Ming's tone was full of satisfaction. This trip to the Marvel universe has brought him a lot of money, and he has made a lot of money. Most of his high-end battle cards are obtained from here.

So Wang Ming clicked on the icon of crossing the world without nostalgia. He has stayed here long enough. It's a tragedy.

In the next moment, a gray dimension wall appeared in front of Wang Ming, and Wang Ming walked in without hesitation.

The moment Wang Ming left, a supreme gaze was cast on the position where he was standing just now. After seeing that Wang Ming had really passed by, that existence also put away his gaze, and did not care about it anymore. down below.

From the beginning to the end, Wang Ming has been watched intentionally or unintentionally by the other party. After all, he is an outlier, but all Wang Ming's actions have not caused any bad effects.

In a sense, it even helped this existence's plan, so the other party acquiesced in his existence. Even if Wang Ming wanted to stay, as long as he didn't destroy it, he was acquiesced. Now that he is gone, the other party naturally wants to come Take a peek and pay attention.

At this time, only Setorak was left in the crimson universe, who was so angry that he was about to go crazy. From the beginning to the end, he was the most unlucky guy.


"This world has a modern background, and it's Japan again. I don't know what kind of world it is."

Wang Ming walked from an alley to the bustling street. His casual suit was not too out of character.

The people around him all spoke Japanese. Wang Ming let out his senses to investigate, and found that this seemed to be an ordinary universe. Wang Ming mainly explored the boundary of the universe. Although there are some special energy fluctuations on this earth, but It's not very strong, it's enough to reach the cosmic level.

"It seems that this is a place similar to the ordinary anime world?"

Wang Ming murmured thoughtfully to himself, but since we have come here, we have to survive these thirty days even if we are on vacation. Although you and his current strength, you can directly forcibly leave this world and explore some unknown worlds .

But this world is not unknown to Wang Ming, explore it before considering whether to run or not, after all, he is not omniscient and omnipotent, almost no omniscience and omnipotence exists in this world.

Most omniscient and omnipotent are pseudo-omniscient and omnipotent. As long as they cannot escape a paradox, they are not truly omniscient and omnipotent. It is very simple. Can an omniscient and omnipotent create a shield that they cannot defeat?
If it is made, it cannot be broken by itself, so it is not omniscient and omnipotent, and if it cannot be manufactured, it is not omniscient and omnipotent. Therefore, the word omnipotent is usually used by some strong people who like to brag to raise their own status.

"This is a misunderstanding, miss, I just want to ask for directions!"

"Hate it! Didn't you say it? Don't lean over!"

When Wang Ming was thinking about some strange questions for others, there was a sudden commotion in front of him, and then Wang Ming saw a rather iconic woman rushing over with a bag. Behind him was a man in a priest's uniform who was knocked to the ground by a slap.

Wang Ming's gaze moved forward along the blond priest, and then he saw a somewhat familiar person, a high school student with short blue hair and a somewhat delicate appearance.

"Fujii Ren... I see, this is the world of Day of Wrath."

When Wang Ming saw this high school student, he immediately realized it. His memory is quite good, and he will never forget the anime he has watched before, so he has an impression of this place.

The water in this world is quite deep. Wang Ming only perceived the size of an ordinary universe just now. He thought that was all there was, but it turned out that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world view of this world is not much worse than that of Marvel. When Wang Ming first watched this anime, he just thought it was quite interesting. It is a rare Japanese manga of school war opera.

But after watching it, he searched the background of the original game, only to find that the water in this world is incredibly deep. In this world, the universe that Wang Ming is in now is just a stage.

A stage created to watch the protagonist, Fujii Ren is the protagonist of this stage, and the person who created the stage is also the person who created Fujii Ren, whose name is the snake of mercury.

This guy is the master of the seat on the fourth day. In this world view, there is a very powerful thing called: seat. If you control this thing, you can control infinitely many parallel universes and multiverses.

The fourth day is not the fourth day in the sense of time, but that the Mercury Snake is the fourth person who controls the seat. The setting of this world is that the world of the seat extends into countless multiverses and parallel universes.

The universe that Wang Ming is in is just one of them, and it is a stage specially created. There is no doubt that this world is definitely filled with infinitely diverse, even omnipotent universe-level powerhouses.

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However, the Mercury Snake should not be that strong. At the highest estimate, it should be the peak of infinite diversity, because his strength performance is at the level of infinite diversity.

Because his most powerful move can merge all the multiverses and parallel universes that spread out from all the worlds of the seat, and rub them into a huge black hole to smash people.

Judging from this expressiveness, it is a proper peak of infinite diversity, and this is not the most perverted point of him. The most perverted point of this guy is his immortality.

As long as he doesn't die in a way he agrees with, then he will never die, time and everything will start all over again, and he will retain his memory and go back to the past time. Simply put, it is a forced file read.

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