That's right, after hearing Wang Ming's words, Fujii Ren immediately suspected that he was with those people. After all, after hearing such a strange thing, she still believed it, and finally said something to give her strength.

No matter how you think about it, it shouldn't be something a normal person can say, so Fujii Ren's immediate reaction was suspicion and vigilance.

"So, what is your purpose?"

Fujii Ren unconsciously distanced herself from Wang Ming and asked, but Wang Ming showed a playful smile to his question.

"No purpose, I just thought it might be more fun. Besides, the purpose of that group of people is much more simple than mine. Are you really going to refuse the opportunity to gain power now? Are you really willing to let those people, at any time, Are you a threat to those around you?"

Every word of Wang Ming spoke out Fujii Ren's heart. He himself didn't long for power, and he even took an indifferent attitude, but if it is to protect the people around him, having power is a must.

"I, I do need strength..."

Fujii Ren hesitated for a while before speaking. He didn't really want to say this in person. To say this would mean that he admitted his incompetence.

"Very good, I heard your wish, so what kind of power do you want? Magic? Pure violence? Or high-tech weapons, or do you want to become a Kamen Rider?"

At this time, the smile on Wang Ming's face became brighter and brighter. He flicked in the void while talking, and then many vivid pictures appeared in the void.

Now Fujii Lian completely believed in Wang Ming's words, and he also dispelled some doubts about Wang Ming, because what Wang Ming revealed now really didn't look like he was in the same group as those people.

Because Fujii Lian felt that the things Wang Ming gave were too novel and speechless. He could understand magic and pure violence, and the power those people used just now was almost the same.

But what the hell are high-tech weapons and Kamen Riders?This is definitely not something that can't be joked, so Fujii Ren asked with an attitude of giving it a try.

"Is this Kamen Rider serious?"

Fujii Ren became an authentic Japanese high school student. He definitely watched Kamen Rider when he was in elementary school, so this thing is the most attractive to him.

"Really, and it's very powerful, do you want to try it?"

Wang Ming also said with a bewitching smile on his face, after hearing what he said, Fujii Ren really couldn't bear it anymore, he said cautiously and expectantly.

"If possible... I really want to try."

"Hehehe, don't be shy, this is a powerful force of seriousness, let me see, which mask is more suitable for you."

Wang Ming replied with a see-through smile on his face, and then he began to quickly search in his mind, which Kamen Rider is more suitable for Fujii Ren.

"Yes, what do you think of this? Kamen Rider Holy Blade Courage Wyvern."

Wang Ming suddenly thought of a Kamen Rider that is very suitable for the theme of this world, that is the Kamen Rider Holy Blade series that also focuses on swords and magic. Wang Ming built the Kamen Rider Holy Blade series in the void while talking. Dragon form of courage.

"So handsome!"

Ren Fujii exclaimed immediately after seeing the courageous dragon form, because their time here is still at the beginning of the 21st century, so even if there are Kamen Riders here, they are all Showa-style hardcore styles, which don't look so fancy , but also lacks a lot of beauty. The Kamen Rider here looks wild.

So Fujii Ren fell in love with Kamen Rider almost immediately after seeing the Kamen Rider Sacred Blade. After all, no matter how precocious Fujii Ren's mind is, he is only a high school student. Doubt said to Wang Ming.

"I want this!"

"Hahaha, yes, you are very discerning, then you have to make good use of this power."

Wang Ming also showed a gratified smile when he heard the words, and then he casually grabbed the void, and directly used his own power to create a set of holy sword blade drivers on the spot.

With Wang Ming's current strength, even the original version of the Emperor's Armor can be copied perfectly one-to-one, and even mass-produced, let alone masks and armors, even if he wants to become a magical girl or Little Moxian and so on, Wang Ming can also fulfill his wish.

After all, the Emperor's strength in the Ming Realm barely reaches the multi-level at best, and if he can create it, Wang Ming can naturally do it too.

It's just that he can't make the Six Paths Emperor Armor, because the power of the Six Paths is very special, if Wang Ming doesn't have ready-made materials, he can't make it out of thin air, so Wang Ming can make the original version of the Ultimate Emperor Armor, but the Six Paths Wang Ming couldn't get the emperor's armor because he didn't have the materials.

"This is the holy sword blade drive, with it, you can transform."

Wang Ming handed the driver of the holy sword blade that he had just made to Ren Fujii. The latter held the driver in a very novel way and kept looking at it, and even put it on his waist without a teacher.


The next second, there was actually a belt tied around Ren Fujii's waist, and he yelled excitedly again.

"Oh, it's true! Then how should I transform?"

"You put this on the driver, that's right, those three empty places, and then pull out the hilt next to the driver. Remember to shout loudly when you pull it out, so that it is enough Handsome and imposing."

Install the latest version. 】

Fujii Lian looked at Wang Ming with some doubts and asked, but Wang Ming handed him a small book the size of a palm, which was exactly what he needed to transform into the form of the courageous flying dragon, the book on the fantasy control of the courageous flying dragon.

"Okay! I'll try it!"

Fujii Ren said with some excitement, and then he also directly inserted the courage flying dragon fantasy driving book in his hand into the driver of the holy sword blade. In the next second, he followed Wang Ming's instructions and directly pulled out the holy sword on the driver. !
"The fire draws the sword!"

Following the movements of Fujii Ren, the fantasy driving book of courage flying dragon on his belt was opened suddenly, and the next second a raging fire was burning around him, and after a flash of red light, Fujii Ren transformed successfully, and following him The transformation was successful, and the dagger-like short sword that was drawn out of his hand also became a normal size and became a treasured sword.

"It's amazing! Here, I really succeeded in transforming!"

Ren Fujii looked at her body up and down, and then let out a cry of surprise. After all, transformation or something, let alone a high school student, even an adult is irresistible. After all, it is a childhood dream.

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