"Thank you so much!"

Fujii Lian thanked Wang Ming very excitedly. At this moment, he didn't look like he had gained some powerful power, but rather like a big child who got a toy he liked very much.

"You don't need to thank me. You will awaken your own strength in a short time. You can treat this thing as a toy and play with it. Anyway, you won't be able to use it in a few years."

"By the way, I would like to remind you that the greater your own power, the greater the power you can use it to exert. Of course, there is an upper limit. As for the upper limit, it depends on your own exploration."

"Okay, you can explore slowly by yourself, I have to go beforehand."

Wang Ming looked at the excited Fujii Ren and said a few words casually, then left the scene directly, leaving only the excited Fujii Ren bowing to his back and thanking him loudly.

"Thank you!"

Wang Ming didn't answer, but just waved his back to him, and then the whole person disappeared under the thick night, leaving Fujii Ren excitedly experimenting with the newly acquired ability on the spot.


next day
When Fujii Ren came to school as usual, he met the person he least wanted to meet in the stairwell.

"Hi, did you sleep well after that? Hello, Fujii Ren, my name is Lusaruka Hughwegalin, and this stern-faced one here is Sakurai Hotaru, this is a good place, this I like the school very much, and I will be classmates from now on, let's get along well."

"You and Xiangchun, and us, I think it will be very interesting."

A delicate female voice came from the steps above Ren Fujii, and Ren Fujii looked in the direction of the sound, and found that the speaker was the witch Hammer in a school uniform, Lusaluka Hughwegarin, also It was the red-haired girl from last night.

"Bastard, what on earth are you trying to do!"

After seeing the witch's hammer, Fujii Ren immediately became vigilant, and he stretched out his hand unconsciously. On the waist bag he bought yesterday, it contained the holy sword blade drive that Wang Ming gave him.

In order to carry it easily and deal with any crisis that may arise at any time, Ren Fujii carried this thing with him, if he was not afraid of being called the second disease by others, or it just made people feel weird.

He wished to hang this thing on his waist 24 hours a day, and by the way, insert the book of courage flying dragon fantasy control, as long as he draws his sword, he can transform. Compared with other masked drives, the drive of the holy blade can be said to be quite It's convenient.

And it can be said to be the most practical type of drive, without so many fancy movements, and it can be transformed by drawing the sword after preparation in advance.

If it was replaced with other flashy drives, it is estimated that Fujii Ren would have been killed before he had time to transform. This is why Wang Ming thought for a long time and gave him the holy blade drive, because as long as he is not afraid of embarrassment, this thing is You can enter the combat state at any time.

"What do we want to do?"

"Yes, what is the purpose of you coming to this school! No, what is the purpose of you coming to this city? And why did I become like that last night? Did I really kill that person?"

Witch Hammer said something to herself, and Ren Fujii emphasized her question again, and asked a bunch of things he cared about by the way.

He has now opened the zipper of his waist bag, and he can take out the holy sword blade driver to transform at any time. If he is not speculative, he can only fight. Anyway, no one can recognize him after transforming. The convenience of Kamen Rider is just it's here.

This is also the reason why Ren Fujii chose the power of the Kamen Rider. He himself is a very troublesome person, and the only thing he thinks about is to live a normal life.

Therefore, Kamen Rider's power characteristics are very suitable for him. After the transformation, all information is hidden. The dark hero is an ordinary person on the surface. This is the way Fujii Ren likes.

"Do you want to know? But, after hearing it, you can't go back~ We haven't confirmed you yet, our team hasn't confirmed yet, maybe it's a mistake or not, there's no need to be so anxious to know the answer Right? You should cherish and enjoy it even more, this is barely enough to maintain your daily life~"

For Fujii Ren, who had a serious face, Witch Hammer only showed a mocking smile, and at this time Fujii Ren's hand had already reached into her pocket.

However, Witch Hammer didn't care about his small moves. After all, people like them are not afraid of anything at all. Even if Ren Fujii has a pistol in her waist bag, she can just stand and let the opponent hit him, so Witch Hammer uses very much. Said with confidence.

"But it's not impossible to reveal to you in advance. We are rushing for a plan, which started decades ago, and you are the most likely pawn mentioned in this plan, but we are not sure yet. , Are you that chess piece, so I have no plans to attack you yet."

"What are you kidding! I don't care what your plans are, but if it hurts those around me..."

When Fujii Ren said this, he directly took out the holy sword blade driver. At this time, the face of the witch's hammer also became gloomy. She stared at Fujii Ren with a bit fierce eyes and said coldly.

"Then what do you want to do? I'm looking forward to it. Let me tell you first. If I want to destroy this school, it will take less than ten seconds. If you want to continue the conversation with me, at least let me see that you have one or two points." It's up to you, little brother."

"The fire draws the sword!"

What responded to her was Ren Fujii's resolute yell, Ren Fujii directly put the holy sword blade drive that had already been plugged in in the fantasy control book of the courageous flying dragon on his waist, and it was only a moment later, the drive was on The belt was already connected, and Ren Fujii decisively pulled out the holy sword on the driver at the waist!
A large area of ​​flames rose around him, and Ren Fujii successfully transformed into the form of the Kamen Rider Holy Blade Courage Wyvern. This is the shortest transformation time he has prepared and calculated. Insert the book into the drive in advance , as long as the belt is tied and then draw the sword, the whole process is only a second at the fastest.

So even if the two are in a hostile state, Fujii Ren has this second to transform. Of course, this is a head-on confrontation. If it is a surprise attack, it is another matter.

"what about now?"

Fujii Ren directly waved the holy sword in his hand, causing a large flame, and the whole corridor was filled with fiery heat. At this time, he was bathed in the raging fire, like an angry western fire dragon.

Although the form of the courageous flying dragon is the most basic form, it also has a characteristic, that is, if the user's courage and determination are particularly strong, its power will also increase accordingly, and Fujii Ren's awareness can be said to be quite high. It's an exaggeration to say that he uses this form now, which is stronger than the protagonist in the original book.

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