"What an idiot, you back off the Lion Heart Sword, what's the point of talking to him, just beat him up and grab him!"

Just when the atmosphere was deadlocked, an impatient male voice rose from the top of Fujii Ren's head, and then countless spikes of blood fell from the sky.

Fujii Ren is not an ordinary person anymore, so her reaction speed is quite fast, and she avoided these spike attacks with a few jumps, and these monitors made of blood hit the ground like grenade explosions , smashing the ground into potholes looks quite difficult.

And when Fujii Ren had just jumped a few steps back, a figure appeared in front of him and kicked out fiercely. Fujii Ren also blocked with both arms, and her legs plowed out on the hard concrete floor A ravine stopped.

"Huh? That's not bad. There are two things. You killed Starscream, right? In short, let's praise you first. This is the appearance of war. If your enemy is too weak, it won't work."

Wearing black-rimmed glasses and white hair, Wilhelm Ereberg, the fourth impaler of the black round table, appeared at the place where Fujii Ren was standing just now. He was the one who suddenly attacked Fujii Ren just now.

"War? Since you have repeatedly provoked me and threatened me, then I will take over this war!"

Fujii Ren was already a little angry at this time, this group of inexplicable guys, one or two came to break his peaceful life, he just wanted to live a peaceful life, why is it so difficult?
While talking, Ren Fujii took out his holy sword blade driver without hesitation, and then the driver was automatically tied to his waist, Ren Fujii also pulled out the holy sword in the driver without hesitation!
"The fire draws the sword!"

The raging flames burned around him, and a red and white Kamen Rider walked out of the flames. Of course, these old antiques who have lived for hundreds of years will not know the Kamen Rider, they will only regard this as a A set of special battle suits.

Last night, Fujii Ren relied on his transformation to kill the member of the Black Round Table codenamed Starscream. When he transformed at that time, his rank had already reached the 'Active' level, and his physical strength was already high. Beyond the scope of human beings, coupled with the increase after transformation, it is much stronger than the original version.

And now his rank has reached the stage of "formation" after killing Starscream, so after transformation, his strength is many times stronger than before. There is no reason to panic about color changes.


And Ren Fujii did not start fighting immediately after the transformation. A black and red light appeared on his body surface, and then the holy sword in his hand also changed with this light, and finally transformed into another weapon, a bit like The sickle is a bit like a big sword.

But this is actually a part of the guillotine. The essence of the holy relic in his body is a guillotine. Strictly speaking, this power is the power deep in the soul and does not belong to the scope of the influence of the laws of physics. Therefore, it can cover and change the shape of the holy blade .

To put it simply, this is a new form newly developed by Ren Fujii himself. If you have to choose a name, it should be called Kamen Rider Holy Blade Wyvern Guillotine Form!
"Come on, don't you want a war? I will fight!"

Fujii Ren's tone was very firm, and he raised the guillotine blade in his hand. It looked a little ugly, but its power was not bad.

"Oh, this is an unexpected situation. I have never heard of this guy having such power. It seems that things are getting more and more interesting."

At this time, Duke Piercing also took off his black-rimmed glasses and put them in the pocket of his jacket. His expression gradually became solemn. He could feel the powerful strength on the opponent, so he didn't dare to make trouble.

"It seems that I can't talk properly, get ready to fight."

Sakurai Hotaru also pulled out her sword and stood in front of her, while Wang Ming was standing quietly on top of a signal tower on the top of a tall building more than ten kilometers away from them, with an inexplicable expression on her face. smiling at them.

"One or two, they are both so annoying and ruined my peaceful life, don't think about it!"

Ren Fujii roared and took the initiative to attack the two of them. In fact, he was already extremely angry and angry, but he just kept silent, and today he finally had a chance and an excuse to vent his anger.

Fujii Ren was the first to attack the Impaler, and he had already reached the limit of his patience with this guy. Every time he jumped out to punish him, he still looked high and high, and it was your honor that I hit you. The clay figurine still has three As for the fire, let alone him as an ordinary high school student.

Facing the menacing Fujii Ren, the Impaler still had no intention of evading, so he directly used two blood spikes as weapons to strike Fujii Ren recklessly.

Then the impaler regretted it. The guillotine blade in Ren Fujii's hand contained extremely violent and terrifying power. He was thrown away at a speed far beyond the speed of sound after just touching it for the first time.

His body directly smashed through countless trees in the park, and then slammed into the bridge pillars on the other side of the park, smashing the entire huge bridge pillar into a deep pit before barely stopping.

And while Fujii Ren was attacking the impaler, Sakurai Hotaru also slashed at Fujii Ren with a dagger. In fact, she didn't want to engage in this meaningless battle at all.

That's why Sakurai Hotaru waited until the Impaler was beaten before pretending to shoot. In fact, she still wanted to persuade Fujii Ren again. If the two sides broke up at this time, then they really couldn't go back.

The existence behind them cannot be resisted by Ren Fujii. To be precise, that existence is invincible, and no one in this world can resist that existence.

Fujii Ren's act of jumping out of the script without authorization made that existence a little uncomfortable, so there was a scene where Sakurai Hotaru and the piercer came to arrest people.

Sakurai Hotaru came to arrest people because she wanted Ren Fujii to explain the matter clearly, so that the adult would not blame too much and correct the script, but what she did not expect now was that Ren Fujii's resistance was so strong.

Sakurai Hotaru didn't say a word or even a word before she was slammed into the air by the blade of the guillotine thrown by the other party. The terrifying force was unimaginable and unbearable, and she also took the stabbing step. The father's footsteps were smashed to the bridge on the river.

If it wasn't for Hotaru Sakurai's frantic rotation in the air to vent her force, her current fate would probably not be much better than that of the Impaler. At this time, Ren Fujii was already a little angry, so she was merciless in her strikes.

(The world of God's Wrath still has about twenty or thirty chapters. The next world will go to Journey to the West, the next world will go to DC, and the next world will go to the Holy Ruins to settle the karma in the later stage. I can’t go to a few chapters, either to write a complete world, or to establish karma, maybe ten or twenty chapters will be over)

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