Chapter 410 Reinhard
Seeing that the two were being beaten into the air by him, Fujii Ren stepped on the ground fiercely and flew towards the bridge. Now that he has made up his mind to go to war, he has to completely subdue his opponent and beat him to the ground. They dare not do anything!

It has to be said that Ren Fujii's awareness is still very high. Before the two sides formally confirmed the hostile relationship, he did not make any outrageous actions. To this day he can't take it anymore.

A group of inexplicable self-talking guys destroyed his peaceful life and threatened the people around him. When his strength was not enough before, he could only choose to endure silently. Now that he has the ability, he chooses to repay it double!
After a few jumps, Fujii Ren successfully came to the bridge, but when he came here, he found that Sakurai Hotaru and Piercing were standing behind one person.

This person has long blond hair and wears the costume of a priest. This person is none other than the priest Wang Minggang saw when he traveled through time. And this priest Fujii Ren also knows him. This is a woman who has a good relationship with Fujii Ren. an acquaintance of a classmate.

This priest is none other than Valeria Chufa, the third member of the Black Round Table, who is code-named God Attractor. At this time, he also said with a smile after seeing Fujii Ren.

"Is it finally here? You should have heard from our Lion Heart Sword. I want to have a good talk with you about this war."

"There is nothing to talk about. Since you have chosen to start a war, then I will fight. As long as I win this war, there will be no more troubles, right?"

Fujii Ren said with a serious expression, he didn't mean to be joking at all, he had made up his mind at this moment, but after hearing his words, the smile on the God-leader's face could no longer be restrained, and finally he directly addressed Looking at the sky, he laughed wildly.

"Hahaha! So that's how it is. This is really brave. You want to say that you won't lose, will you win? Win against me? Win against us? Just rely on you?"

There was an incomprehensible smile on the face of the god-leader, and then two lines of blood and tears slid down from the corners of his eyes. For a while, Fujii Ren was a little confused, not sure what was going on, as if he hadn't done anything. What, why did he shed tears of blood?But Fujii Ren replied very firmly.

"Yes, I want to win this war!"

"Hehehe, your determination is really dazzling, then, did you hear what he said, Sir Heydrich?"

After hearing Fujii Ren's affirmative answer again, the God-introducer stopped his frenzied laughter. With a strange smile on his face, he looked at the sky above his head and asked softly.

In the second after the God-leader finished asking this sentence, an incomparably terrifying coercion instantly enveloped Fujii Ren, but at this time Fujii Ren had extremely powerful power, but was also suppressed in an instant He had to lie on the ground, unable to move an inch, it felt as if the world had stepped on him!
Shocked by this strong slight pressure, the entire river-crossing bridge trembled violently, and then a faint golden light fell from the sky.Followed by a voice full of arrogance, but very flat.

"That's right, how dare you say you won't lose to me, this soul is worthy of being my enemy."

As the sound fell, a more intense light shone in front of Fujii Ren, and then a beam of light descended from the sky, and a tall figure exuding golden light walked out of it. A young man with long hair, he looked at Ren Fujii and said lightly.

"Give me your name. My name is Reinhard Tristan Eugene Heydrich. I'm Taboo Love Light. According to your understanding, I seem to be a devilish man."

Even though Fujii Renko was suppressed by his aura, he couldn't feel any resistance. A deep fear surged from the depths of his heart. The man in front of him was so powerful that it was suffocating!

Just standing like this, Reinhard seemed to have completely suppressed Ren Fujii, and not only Ren Fujii, but also Mary in his body was trembling with fright at this time.

It's not because they behaved so unbearably, but the man in front of him was indeed powerful to such a degree. Wang Ming, who was more than ten kilometers away, immediately showed a playful smile after seeing the figure shining under the golden light.

"The golden beast, Reinhard, the strongest 14-year-old, the strongest secondary disease in history, rank 'outflow', one of the strongest domineering gods, although it is only a phantom that appears in front of you, but this can also be seen How strong is the whole picture."

Wang Ming slowly recalled himself. Regarding the information about this guy in front of him, this guy and the Mercury Snake are of the same sex, and they both projected his false avatar into this lower universe.

His main body is the same name as the Mercury Snake, and has been famous for an unknown number of years. His real strength is not much worse than the Mercury Snake, and even stronger.

Because the Mercury Snake is abnormal because of his file-reading skills, he can infinitely pull this guy into the file-reading, and every time he goes back in time, only the Mercury Snake can retain all the memories. The words of the Golden Beast are at most a little A vague impression, no specific details recalled, just a feeling of deja vu about what happened in the future.

So the scene in front of me may have been repeated, I don’t know how many billion times, but Reinhard himself didn’t realize it, he just felt familiar.

After all, at the end of the fourth day and when the fifth day was about to be born, the Mercury Snake and the Golden Beast fought each other and almost died together. There is basically no need to describe how strong this guy is, and he is also a peak of infinite diversity. exist.

It's just that he made a bet with the Mercury Snake, and according to the bet, he made a clone and projected it into this universe.

But even if it is a clone, it is also a clone of infinitely diverse peak level, what does this belong to?This belongs to the protagonist Ren Fujii who met at the beginning, the final big boss among the final big bosses.

If it weren't for the content of the bet to change the immutable future, Ren Fujii would have been pressed to death by Reinhard's finger at this time.

As for why you want to change the future, it is because of Reinhard.Although he doesn't have the memory of going back in time, he knows that the Mercury Serpent has such a skill.

Moreover, this skill is not a passive skill, but an active skill. It doesn't mean that it will be activated passively after the death of the mercury snake, as long as he wants to, he can activate it at any time.

Therefore, the Golden Beast is tired of this kind of time going back, because it will create an illusion that one's own destiny is in the hands of others, so this bet is made.

(End of this chapter)

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