The condition for future changes is that Ren Fujii defeated Reinhard in the final battle. Before the final battle, Reinhard could not directly kill Ren Fujii.

Because Ren Fujii had never succeeded once before, and kept failing, failing constantly, the future was always the same. If the future remained the same, the Mercury Snake would not be able to fulfill his perverted desire to die in Mary's arms.

So the two hit it off almost immediately, a sick and delicate guy wanted to die in the arms of the goddess, and a domineering guy wanted to kill his opponent and snatch the seat.

So this world, this stage, and this farce were born like this, and Reinhard is inclined to change in the future, and he is also looking forward to Ren Fujii's defeat in the final battle in the near future.

Because in this way, the Mercury Snake will really die, and die with satisfaction and no regrets. In this way, he will be able to master the seat and become the owner of the seat on the fifth day.

However, Reinhard was finally swayed by the mercury snake, and the two almost died together. In the end, the position of the fifth celestial lord fell into Mary's hands.

Here, Wang Ming would like to complain that the plot of the original book is too nonsense, and what he can’t stand the most is that whether it’s watching the original anime or playing the original game, none of the guys in it talk about people. Speaking, a simple sentence, the meaning of just a few words, can be broken down into hundreds of words and spoken, which is more watery than the author.

The conversations became more and more complicated, and he kept saying things of unknown meaning to pretend to be cool and handsome. Among them, Wang Ming was most annoyed by Reinhard, the most powerful second-year-old, who basically didn't speak normally, and it was quite difficult to understand.

"very scary……"

Fujii Ren felt great fear, and Mary in his body also began to feel fear because of this terrifying aura, but the next second, Fujii Ren didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly yelled fiercely, he The totem of the holy relic of the Mercury Serpent flickered in his eyes.

"But as long as you knock him down here, everything will be over!"

Ren Fujii yelled loudly, very much like a real protagonist who was violent at a critical moment, and then his appearance changed again.

Six spears like spider legs protruded from Fujii Ren's back, and his appearance was no longer red and white, but completely turned into a red that was biased towards black. It was just a moment of effort, Kamen Rider The holy blade turned into the appearance of the villain boss.

Compared to the brilliant Reinhard standing opposite him, Fujii Ren at this time is more like a villain. After seeing this scene, Reinhard said calmly with a somewhat lonely smile on his face.

"Very well, come on."



Fujii Ren uttered a terrifying cry as if going mad, and then turned into a blood-red afterimage and rushed towards Reinhard!

Before he rushed in front of Inhard, suddenly there was an extremely huge golden skeleton hand in the sky, pressing down hard!
In just a split second, one-third of the entire bridge disappeared, and Fujii Ren was also ruthlessly thrown into the sea.


The spirit guide took Sakurai Hotaru to quickly retreat and left the scene. Sakurai Hotaru looked at the scene like a natural disaster with some lingering intentions, and was deeply shocked.

"Your Majesty."

"Look carefully, that is Sir Heydrich, as our master, a real monster..."

The attractor looked at the huge six-armed golden skull and muttered to himself, it turned out that the palm of the golden skull just now was just a part of the huge golden skull. Nearly [-] meters high.

"What a powerful soul."

"That's right, Sir Heydrich has an army of more than several million. It is a Shura army composed of the dead, the undead in the death hall, and now there are only two who have opened the gun. I don't need to say more about what this means. Alright."

The god-inducing person looked at the huge golden skull in the air with some fascination, and Reinhard floating like a true god, Sakurai Hotaru was also a little unbelievable, and even felt that the world view was about to be shattered.

"In other words, this is just the extent of his playfulness, and it is far from being serious?"

"That's right, Sir Heydrich is just a shadow now. No one knows how serious he is, and I don't want to know. There is only one thing I can know. He was born in the wrong world. He just stood there, can lead everything to destruction."

The spirit guide said this in an extremely pious tone, and Sakurai Hotaru beside her was too shocked to speak, and was even trembling with fright.

Because the strength of the man in front of her is beyond her imagination, Reinhard has millions of six-armed golden skeletons of that scale, what is this concept?
This means that what the god-leader said just now is quite pertinent. As long as this guy thinks, he can destroy the entire planet in an instant. This is indeed an overwhelming force that makes people desperate.

"Is it the shadow of the shadow of the domineering god? This is really good at nesting dolls, but it's really arrogant."

Just when the two were whispering and marveling at Reinhard's strength, a slightly provocative and careless voice sounded behind them.

The two looked back subconsciously, and found that the person who came was a handsome young man wearing a black suit, with a camera hanging around his neck, and walking a bit unprincipled.

"Teacher Wang Ming?!"

Sakurai Hotaru looked at Wang Ming with some astonishment and said, before she was a lurking student and entered the high school where Fujii Ren was, and she was even in the same class as Fujii Ren, so she naturally knew the new substitute teacher.

"Hey, good evening, it's quite lively, Lian seems to be being beaten, it's really tragic."

Wang Ming stared at the sky with a gentle smile that he usually had in school, and a diametrically opposite arrogant smile. It was as if his personality had switched at this time.

"Teacher, you are..."

Sakurai Hotaru looked a little strangely at Wang Ming who was taking pictures with a camera in his hand. At this time, Wang Ming had some habits. Whenever he encountered some beautiful famous scenes, he would first take two pictures as a souvenir. Unfortunately, there was no Moments, otherwise, I can see him posting to Moments every now and then.

The strangest thing about Sakurai Hotaru is that in her perception, her teacher is exactly like an ordinary person, and she can't see the slightest clue at all, but he can be so calm and take pictures in such a dangerous environment , Does it mean that he is heartless, or that he is too strong?
"It's very interesting, you teacher, you seem to have a strong mental capacity."

After seeing Wang Ming's performance, the god-leader also found it quite interesting, after all, in his opinion, Wang Ming was just an ordinary person.

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