Chapter 421 Pseudo-Dark Celestial Creation!
Fortunately, Wang Ming has found a way to deal with him, which is to use the things he cares about most to provoke him.

"To be honest, you really pissed me off, how many years, how many years have I not been so angry, you are the first person to make me so angry, so as punishment, you also try my trick Bar!"

The Mercury Snake looked at Wang Ming with a sneer on his face and said, then he forcibly withstood the huge pressure, controlled those multiverses with one hand and continued to bombard Wang Ming.

The consciousness in the brain was fighting against the golden beast, and with the other hand he started to grab the multiverse on the other side, a black light lit up in his hand, and multiverses flew towards him like marbles shoot over.

Countless multiverses turned into a small black ball in his hands, and this small ball was getting bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, at least hundreds of millions of multiverses were fused in his hands.

At this time, the black ball had swelled to the size of a hill, and Wang Ming felt a very bad aura from the black ball, which could pose a threat to him.

"Although it may not kill you, you can experience it well, experience my anger! Hahaha!"

"Pseudo-dark celestial body creation!"

The Mercury Snake had a crazy smile on his face, and then he raised up the huge black ball in his hand and laughed wildly. Also showed a faint smile.

"It seems that this guy has really been pissed off. Obviously, this move was only used on me once, and I blocked it. Although it is not a complete version, it is just a castrated version with less than one ten-millionth of its power. But that can also mean that this guy is really angry."

The Golden Beast's words are full of ridicule. In fact, he is not afraid of the Mercury Snake at all in a frontal battle. He can even directly kill the opponent alive. When the Mercury Snake is beaten, it will passively trigger the return of eternal calamity. Now he is doing this kind of stealing The matter is entirely because of following the trend.

The Golden Beast also has a similar skill, even more powerful than the opponent. Its name is the Great Golden Light. Although the name is a bit rustic, this guy has the power of the seat by virtue of his own strength. The added Mercury Serpent is infinitely close to the Almighty Cosmic Rank in terms of combat effectiveness.

"go to hell!"

The Mercury Snake laughed and threw the huge black hole in his hand at Wang Ming, which was composed of hundreds of millions of multiverses. After Wang Ming saw this scene, he couldn't help but swear.

"Fuck! What a fucking lunatic!"

But before Wang Ming could make any response, the huge black hole fell towards him. During the process of the black hole falling, all the surrounding multiverses were sucked in, causing the power of this black hole to keep increasing. enhanced.

In the end, when this thing hit Wang Ming, its power increased by at least one-third, and in just a split second, the entire space seemed to lose its color.

Then the entire seat space began to tremble violently, as if it was about to fall apart, it looked very scary, and this was just a castrated version of the Mercury Snake's move.

If it is created by the full version of the dark celestial body, it can definitely destroy the entire space of the seat, there is no doubt about it.

Of course, only the space of the seat is destroyed, and the seat itself is almost indestructible. As long as more time is spent, the space of the seat will be rebuilt by the seat, and these destroyed multiverses will also be recreated.

The existence of the constellation itself is considered to be almighty universe level, but it is only good at creation, not good at destruction, so it will always be contested, if it itself has a terrifying aggressiveness, then no one would dare to be its master .

And such a powerful blow, even if Wang Ming forced it to take it under this situation, it would be quite uncomfortable, but fortunately at the last moment, Wang Ming summoned through the skill card, inlaid with six infinite gems. Aurora Shield.

If he had fully charged his defense power in an instant, he would have been seriously injured, but Wang Ming is not having a good time now.

A large piece of the place where he was turned into endless darkness was because the space here had been completely destroyed, but under the control of you, the golden light was also rapidly spreading and covering, and it was frantically repairing this unimaginably large space. the void.

At the very center of the hollow, Wang Ming's body was floating feebly in the void. At this time, he was in a rather poor condition. The armor of the God Lord was covered with large and small cracks. Blood is oozing from it.

This blow almost directly shattered Wang Ming's suit of battle armor, and at this time the Aurora Shield protecting most of his body was also dimmed, and the light of the six infinity gems on it also became extremely gray in an instant.

Obviously, both the Aurora Shield and the God Master Battle Armor have reached their limits, and at the last moment, the Aurora Shield was quite powerful, creating a shield with a defense beyond the specification.

The combination of these kinds of defenses allowed Wang Ming to offset most of the damage, and when the final impact hit him, at most only [-] to [-]% were left.

But the power of these two or three layers should not be underestimated. Wang Ming's body was almost completely destroyed. The moment the energy hit his body, Wang Ming's internal organs and blood were evaporated.

However, in this state, his physical recovery ability is extremely strong. He was destroyed in an instant, and then returned to its original state in an instant. This process was repeated at least more than 2000 billion times in just a few seconds.

It was only now that Wang Ming had resisted the full power of this blow, and during this whole process, Wang Ming's consciousness was completely clear, because if he lost consciousness, he would instantly cancel his transformation and die on the spot, not even scum left.

So these few seconds are equivalent to him being killed more than 2000 billion times, and during this process, Wang Ming stayed awake and experienced all the pain.

This kind of pain is unimaginable. It surpasses all the pain in the world. It makes people shudder to think about it. More than 2000 billion times of near-death pain burst out in just a few seconds. It is hard to imagine that anyone in this world can Take this level of pain.

What are the top ten tortures and inhuman abuse, at this level of pain, they are all pediatrics in the pediatrics, belonging to the kindergarten level.

But Wang Ming endured it abruptly. Although this process almost caused his mental breakdown and almost made him go crazy, Wang Ming still carried it.

Because his whole will, after several major tempering and integration, has long been unimaginably tough.

(The new book "Comprehensive Man: Ten Thousand Times Return, Starting from Destroying the Lord God" has been synchronized with the starting point, and now has 15 words. Readers of the starting point can read it. It should be reversed when it is released, so read it now if you can.)
(End of this chapter)

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