Chapter 422 Have you ever felt pain?
"Hehehe! Hahaha! You deserve it! This is what happens when you fight against me!"

The Mercury Snake looked at Wang Ming, who was almost on the verge of death, and laughed wildly when the energy fluctuations on his body were minimal. At this time, Wang Ming only felt a gushing out of anger from his heart.

A wild heartbeat suddenly resounded in the extremely quiet space of the seat, and then the expression of the mercury snake gradually became serious, and he looked at Wang Ming in the center of the hollow with some vigilance.

Because at this time he suddenly had a bad premonition, he always felt that something was coming, and at this time, Wang Ming, with the increase of anger, the characteristics of Hulk's ability and Saitama's ability The characteristics of the card began to play a role beyond the boundaries.

An indescribably huge force surged from Wang Ming's heart to his limbs, although the battle armor on Wang Ming's body was already scarred and worn out.

But this actually added a trace of terror and fierceness to him. At this time, Wang Ming's wild nature was awakening, and a trace of fanatical light was emerging in his eyes.

Suddenly, Wang Ming, who had been motionless for a long time, suddenly raised his head, tilted his head to stare at the mercury snake, and asked in a somewhat disturbing tone.

"I said, have you ever felt pain?"


The Mercury Snake was taken aback by Wang Ming's weird question, but before he could answer or say anything, Wang Ming's figure came to him at an incredible and unimaginable speed.

A punch without fancy and without any emotion slammed on Quicksilver Tongue's head, causing half of his face to collapse.

Before the Mercury Snake could make any more reactions, Wang Ming kicked him in the crotch again without hesitation.


Although for existences of their level, there is no fatal weakness on their bodies, as long as the source is not harmed, it will be fine, but their pain points and comfort points are no different from ordinary people.

The Mercury Snake, who had never been injured even in a fight, could bear such sudden pain. In the past, he had no opponents in the entire space except the Golden Beast, and he was directly invincible.

And the Golden Beast will not attack these lower three lanes when fighting. Both of them are extremely powerful, and their moves collide until the entire seat space is beaten to the brink of destruction, and the Mercury Snake will restart time and go back in time.

So in terms of suffering, the Mercury Snake can't even compare to some professionally trained agents, and Wang Ming doesn't speak martial arts like the Golden Beast when fighting.

Now Wang Ming has completely let go of the shackles he set for himself. He will do everything possible to make the Mercury Snake feel the pain, and maximize his bond value. Whether it's insulting or provocative, It's just a means to his end.

Having just been kicked in the crotch, the Mercury Snake, who hadn't recovered from the severe pain, received another slap on the face, and this slap knocked down the other side of his face. The facial features are distorted together, and it is impossible to see that it is a human figure.

How could Wang Ming let him go so easily? He punched the Mercury Snake hard on the head again, blasting his entire head.

A large amount of flesh and blood splashed on Wang Ming's battle armor, but to the Mercury Snake, or a powerhouse of their level, this level is not even considered a skin trauma, at most it can be regarded as the degree of scratching some skin , can recover in an instant.

If Wang Ming didn't use that powerful attack that could destroy countless multiverse levels, it wouldn't be able to hurt the Mercury Snake at all.

But Wang Ming's current actions are not harmful and extremely insulting, and what follows is Wang Ming's unilateral beating and insulting towards the Mercury Snake for more than half an hour.

Blowing the head, slapping the face, kicking the crotch, and even killing Wang Ming for a thousand years, of course he didn't use his own hands, he made a hard metal spear casually, and shot the mercury snake like It's like a barbecue, skewered from top to bottom, and then slapped his head with a slap.

These actions are very hate-inducing, and the damage to the mercury snake is almost zero, but it does drive the opponent crazy.

Moreover, this series of attacks was extremely painful, at least it was the first time that Mercury Snake experienced this level of pain in his life.

Wang Ming was trying to vent his anger here. After all, he was killed almost 200 billion times in a flash by this guy just now. The death pain of 200 billion times is much more terrifying than this level.

That's why Wang Ming asked him if he had ever felt pain. If he hadn't felt pain, let him experience life and accept the beatings from society.

"You give me enough time!"

Finally, after continuous beatings and tortures, the Mercury Snake finally broke out uncontrollably. He even gave up part of his strength to fight against the Golden Beast. A terrifying shock wave erupted directly from his body. Wang Ming flew out.

It wasn't until this moment that Mercury Snake got a chance to breathe and ended the process of being beaten. At this moment, he was staring at Wang Ming furiously, and the will of anger in his body could hardly be suppressed.

And Wang Ming didn't continue to beat him, but took the time to glance at the progress of the bond value on the tablet, and then Wang Ming's face that had been tense under his battle armor finally showed a smile.

Because the bond value of the two showed on the tablet, it had reached 90.00% nine, and he was only short of the critical point of the last kick, and he could get the ability card of the Mercury Serpent.

When the time comes, his beating of this guy will not be as insulting as it is now, but will really hurt him. If he doesn't get seriously injured, Wang Ming vows not to stop.

There are not so many reasons, it's just that Wang Ming wants to do this. To be honest, this series of battles with the Mercury Snake just now was the most difficult and most embarrassing battle he has fought since his debut.

"You bastard, when I don't fight back, you think I really only have this ability, right? Now you have completely pissed me off. I want to let you know what real despair is!"

Mercury Snake's eyes were narrowed into a slit, and an extremely angry and ugly expression appeared on his face, while Wang Ming was still indifferent, and even said in a provocative manner.

"It's useless to give you a chance. With your level, who can you beat? You are a trash. You are not only a trash, but also a pervert. You are a perverted trash. Fighting with you is my face. , don't be shameless."

In a villainous tone, Wang Ming said something that made blood pressure soar. To be honest, when he said this, he wanted to slap himself twice, let alone the Mercury Snake on the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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