Chapter 426 Obtained the Golden Beast Card
"You two!"

Seeing the Mercury Snake and Wang Ming who sang together and cooperated very tacitly, the Golden Beast was about to go mad at this moment, and he didn't know if he had an illusion.

The Golden Beast always felt that Wang Ming and the Mercury Snake in front of him were too much alike in some respects. He felt that the two were like long-lost brothers, equally sinister and cunning, and equally ruthless.

"Dark Celestial Creation!" ×2
Before the Golden Beast could swear or utter any other rebuttals, Wang Ming and the Mercury Snake raised their right hands at the same time, and the two extremely terrifying huge dark celestial bodies began to slowly condense again.

The situation in front of him is that the Golden Beast hits two Mercury Snakes alone, not to mention that it can't beat it, at least it is very difficult to fight back.

After all, the strength of the two is only a small difference, but now, no matter how angry and crazy the golden beast is, he can only fight, so the golden beast no longer has any illusions, and he immediately mobilized his whole body power, for the final eruption.

"Super. Great golden light!"

At the cost of consuming its own source, the Golden Beast directly completed the steps that required a lot of time to accumulate power ahead of time, and surpassed the full version of the great golden light one by one.It was held up by his hands, but one thing to say, that posture is indeed a bit like a bullet for gathering vitality.

"Fuck, this guy is playing for real."

Seeing this, the Mercury Snake uttered a swear word, and his expression changed. He wasn't afraid of being beaten to death, anyway, he couldn't die.

He is mainly afraid that this will destroy all the multiverses in the entire seat space. In this case, the stage universe he created will definitely collapse and dissipate directly in a chain reaction.

In that case, he really won't get anything, and he was beaten for nothing. You must know that the most basic idea of ​​his cooperation with Wang Ming is to keep his own universe, and tossing about the golden beast is secondary. the goal of.

But now that the arrow is on the string, he has to shoot, stretch out his head, retract his head, and still keep the stage universe. If he doesn't resist, everything will start again after he dies, and the future variables he was looking forward to will no longer exist. .

Originally, Mercury Snake wanted to give Yin Wang Ming a hand at the critical moment later, but he didn't expect the Golden Beast to be so straight-tempered, saying that he would die with you without any hesitation.

After all, the Golden Beast also knew that as long as he killed the Mercury Snake, everything would start all over again, so he wouldn't fall or be insulted, because everyone would forget the past.

Anyway, reopening if you can't beat it, this is the idea of ​​the golden beast, and Wang Ming almost laughed when he saw the soaring bond value on the tablet.

That's right, this is a good comrade, he likes opponents with such a violent temper, the more violent the better, he wished that every opponent was a reckless man like Hulk.

There is no doubt that as long as the two sides finish this battle, the bond value between him and the golden beast will be full, because Wang Ming can foresee that when the two dark celestial bodies and a huge golden light collide together, the entire seat The space will be instantly destroyed.

So Wang Ming didn't have any intention of backing down, he immediately turned his head and shouted at the mercury snake.

"Do your best, or we will all be blown to death by him. You can think about it carefully. If you die, you will start everything from scratch. If you fight hard, there is still a glimmer of hope. Fuck him!"


Wang Ming's words were exactly what Quicksilver Tongue thought in his heart. He was still a little shaken at first, but he was so provoked by Wang Ming that he immediately strengthened his confidence, and then roared angrily, and began to frantically accumulate strength.

Wang Ming didn't intend to be lazy, he also directly used all his strength to try to completely blow up the golden beast at this moment, because the resentment and bond value generated at the time of death are the most, and generally the moment of death is generated The bond value can increase the progress of the entire bond by more than 40.00%.

Therefore, Wang Ming generally adheres to the purpose of brushing the bond value. If you don’t deserve to die, you will be beaten to death, but you will not be beaten to death, and you will be beaten to death, and you will be beaten to death. In fighting, whether to be merciful at the end is the difference between a good guy and a bad guy.

And as Wang Ming and the Mercury Snake started to move, the dark celestial body in their hands began to expand violently in a state of infinite acceleration.

However, in terms of the speed of condensation, it is still not comparable to the huge golden light of the golden beast. After all, what they condense is an entity, and the opponent is an energy body, and the speed is not an order of magnitude.

However, Wang Ming and the Mercury Snake are dark celestial bodies condensed together by two people. They originally condensed all the multiverses and parallel universes into a huge black hole, so the two people's tricks can't cause twice the power. It is to work together to accelerate the completion of this move.

And after the two fused the dark celestial bodies in their hands together, they completed the cohesion of the celestial bodies in their hands almost at the same time as the golden beast.

"Super. Great golden light!"

"Creation of a super dark celestial body!"

Both sides were a little impatient at this time, and both sides roared and threw out the big move that had been condensed for a long time in their hands.

A black hole whose volume alone exceeds the size of hundreds of billions of metaverses was thrown out by Wang Ming and the snake of mercury. This is a body shape that can only be controlled after extreme compression and condensation.

And the other one is the golden sun, which is almost the same size as it. Two extremely terrifying behemoths collided violently!
The moment the two sides collided, the entire world lost its color. The first few seconds were suffocating silence, and then Wang Ming saw the most tragic and spectacular big explosion he had ever seen in his life.

Three seconds after the impact, everything in the entire seat space was directly destroyed, and five seconds after the impact, the seemingly infinite seat space was destroyed in an instant.

The space was obliterated directly from the source, and the aftermath of the attacks from both sides destroyed the entire space of Zao in just five seconds, and Zao was the only one that was not affected at all.

And Wang Ming, the Mercury Snake, and the Golden Beast all flew backwards in different directions because they were hit by such a terrifying aftermath.

The moment he was hit by the aftermath, Wang Ming only felt that his consciousness was blurred. Just the power generated by the aftermath had knocked an infinitely diverse and peak-level powerhouse into a blur. This shows that the center of the explosion Just how terrifying the power is.


No wonder no one could withstand their terrifying attack, and at the last second before his consciousness became blurred, Wang Ming heard the crisp notification tone on the tablet around his waist, and immediately a satisfied smile appeared on his face .

(End of this chapter)

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