Chapter 427 New World, Strong Onlookers
And Wang Ming, taking advantage of his own consciousness that was about to disappear completely, clicked the button on the tablet to travel through the world. The next moment, the gray dimension wall unfolded from behind him, and Wang Ming fell directly into it.

He doesn't want to harvest Fujii Ren's bond value anymore, because if he doesn't leave, the time will be reset for the mercury snake.

Although he is not afraid, he does not want to lose a piece of memory inexplicably. After all, as long as he wants to come back, he can come back through his own ability, and he has also given coordinates to this world.

Running now is just annoying the feeling of losing memory. After all, no one likes to rely on guesswork to know what he has done, so Wang Ming ran away.



Wang Ming fell while his consciousness was blurred, and then came to this new world, but when he landed, he found that the ground was not as hard as he imagined.

Then Wang Ming heard a scream, which made him a little confused, because he was a little confused by the aftermath of the explosion just now.

"I rely on."

After Wang Ming got up, he realized that he had fallen from the sky and hit a monk, seeming to have killed him.

"Amitabha, sin is sin."

Wang Ming quickly got up and apologized, and then he was ready to take over the time of this world and resurrect the monk who was smashed to death.

But what Wang Ming didn't realize was that not far above his head, the spirit body of the monk was looking at him in bewilderment, and then the spirit body looked up at the sky with some doubts and asked a question.

"World Honored One, did you arrange this too?"

But the monk's spiritual body didn't know what answer it got, and the whole person's face became weird. He was a little strange, and he looked at Wang Ming below with some gloating.

And Wang Ming also felt that something was wrong at this time, he couldn't control the laws of this new world. He originally thought that the world of Day of Wrath was an exception, but he didn't expect that after the new world, he still couldn't do anything. .

"Strange, isn't this a powerful world?"

Wang Ming muttered with some doubts, because there is only one explanation for this situation, that is, he came to a very special and powerful new world.

And when Wang Ming was in doubt, the strongest group of people in the world also felt Wang Ming's appearance, and the secret of heaven changed accordingly.

A few strong men who were good at calculating raised their heads in astonishment, looked at the illusory Nine Heavens, and then murmured to themselves inexplicably.

"The person who should be robbed has actually changed. This kind of change shouldn't happen. Teacher, what are you planning? Forget it, let's take a look."

The amount of information in this short sentence is terrifyingly large. At this time, Wang Ming tried several times to take over, or imitate an administrator's authority, and control the law of time in this world.

But in the end, they all ended in failure. You must know that he is now loaded with the ability card of the Mercury Snake. What the hell is this world? !
Wang Ming raised his head a little irritably, and then he was a little dazed the next second. He didn't know when six figures appeared in the sky above his head. At this time, these six people were looking at him curiously.

Wang Ming glanced over and was surprised to find that none of these guys was weaker than him, that is to say, these six were all strong at the peak level of infinite diversity.

He looked over one by one, and always felt that these six people looked familiar. These six people were a beautiful girl who was half human and half snake. At this time, she was still playing with a red hydrangea in her hand.

There is also a white-haired old man riding a big green ox, and a majestic old man wearing a white robe with a fairy style, who can be seen as powerful and majestic.

A middle-aged Taoist with four fairy swords on his back and a black and yellow aura flowing around his body, and two Taoists standing on colorful peacocks who looked like monks but didn't look like monks.

Wang Ming stared at these guys in a daze for a long time, and suddenly a flash of inspiration finally came to his mind, and he was a little speechless at this moment.

If Wang Ming guessed correctly, he should have come to the Great Desolate Continent, and it was the time when all the saints had been sanctified.

And these six people... If Wang Ming is not mistaken, they are in order: Nuwa, Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Zhunti and Jieying. The teacher's name is Hongjun.

The six saints are all infinitely diverse and peak-level existences, so Hongjun, who fits the Dao of Heaven, is definitely an all-powerful universe-level existence.

"This is really a big prize..."

Wang Ming was completely speechless. If it was another world, it might be fine for him to sneak in, but the powerful people in this world are very good at deducing secrets, and if there is a little difference, it will attract everyone's attention.

But after Wang Ming, a powerhouse no less than a saint, came in, he would definitely cause a huge change. It was only natural for him to be watched now, but he didn't know what the attitude of these guys was, whether to fight or talk?
"Friends of Daoism, please be polite. I come from outside the territory, and I have no intention of intruding. If you don't welcome me, I can leave on my own."

Facing this group of ancients, Wang Ming forcibly changed his speaking habits, and began to speak in a somewhat polite manner, but the six sages of the wilderness did not answer Wang Ming's words. They just looked at Wang Ming quietly, making Wang Ming a little flustered. .

Just when Wang Ming wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, bursts of Dao voices suddenly came down from the sky and the earth. Just when Wang Ming was puzzled, a seemingly ordinary, but in fact extremely terrifying existence descended.

This is a Taoist in simple Taoist robes, but when Wang Ming wanted to see the Taoist's face clearly, he found that no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the other's face clearly, as if blocked by a layer of water mist.

"Meet the teacher."

And when this Taoist appeared for a moment, the six sages of the prehistoric world all worshiped, and said very respectfully, now Wang Ming can figure out who this person is with his toes. Who else posted besides Hongjun?
"Well, no need to be polite."

Hongjun responded to his disciples with a simple nod at first, then he shifted his gaze to Wang Ming, and in Wang Ming's nervous mood, he spoke slowly.

"People outside the territory, what do you want to do?"

"Passing by, it's purely passing by, if Daozu despises me, then leave."

Facing Hongjun, Wang Ming couldn't bring up any resistance. After all, he really couldn't beat him, and this guy was so indifferent after being in harmony with heaven, it was impossible to get bond points. He was also an oAA-level character. It belongs to the existence that Wang Ming can't afford to mess with now.

(End of this chapter)

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