Chapter 428 Journey to the West
"You can't leave for the time being, you have something to do."

Hongjun said something with a little humor in Gujing Wubo's tone. After Wang Ming heard this, he was a little confused, and Hongjun didn't care about his reaction, and said to himself.

"The catastrophe of Journey to the West is imminent, but you smashed the person who should be calamity to death. The person who should be calamity was reincarnated in the ninth life, and the catastrophe was opened in the tenth life, and this happened to be his tenth life. You destroyed the catastrophe. Now the destiny Change, you have become a new person who should be robbed, so you can't leave."

After Hongjun calmly explained the cause and effect, Wang Ming finally realized that the monk he killed just now was the legendary Tang Sanzang, Tang Seng?
"Ah this..."

Wang Ming was speechless for a while. What Hongjun meant by saying this was to let him replace Tang Sanzang to complete the Journey to the West. At this time, the more courageous Jieyin and Zhunti also nodded with a smile.

"That's right, fellow Taoist, Buddhism should prosper because of the destiny, where the destiny lies. I think this fellow Taoist has a predestined relationship with our Western religion, so why don't you complete the journey to the West on behalf of the man of destiny, and then become the master of our Western religion?" , to become the third saint in the West, we will absolutely welcome you."

At this time, these two people have already started to make small calculations. Among the six sages of the prehistoric world, these two people are the most shrewd, and the most greedy are these two people.

Because if Wang Ming agrees to join the Western Sect, then their Western Sect will have three saints, basically the most powerful force in the Great Desolation. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Hong Jun does not take action, they can run amok in the Great Desolation Continent.

After hearing his words, the remaining four sages of the Great Desolation also reacted differently. Among them, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was the most powerful, had his eyes flickering. He didn't know what he was thinking. The intrigue at the scene.

Lao Tzu looked like he was indifferent to the world, and he didn't pay attention to the scene at all. The leader of Tongtian, who had just finished the confinement period, was gnashing his teeth to see Zhun Zhun mention and guide him.

"Okay, this karma is considered to be contaminated by myself, so I should pay it back by myself, and I agree."

Wang Ming thought about it for a while and finally compromised. After all, it was indeed his fault. He smashed Tang Sanzang to death in a daze.

That's why Wang Ming chose to agree directly. As for becoming the master of the Western Church...he didn't bother to pay attention to these two stinky and shameless guys. If he cooperated with these two people, he might be cheated. .

But Wang Ming is really greedy for all kinds of innate spirit treasures in this world. After all, he doesn't have many weapon cards now. The only thing he can get is the emperor's war halberd inlaid with six gems, innate spirit treasures and so on. He didn't even think about it, he couldn't get it, and he couldn't afford it.

But this time I came to the Great Desolate Continent, and it was still the post-prehistoric era, basically all the innate spirit treasures that should have been unearthed had already been unearthed.

And the background with the Xiantian Lingbao is not ordinary, it is not something that Wang Ming can steal by chance, so there is only one chance to obtain a weapon of the Xiantian Lingbao level, so Wang Ming continued to speak directly.

"Father Dao, I have one more request. I'm still young and haven't obtained a suitable weapon yet, so I'd like to ask Dao Ancestor for mercy. After the trip to the west, can I give you a precious weapon."

Wang Ming's attitude was very low, he almost said that he was a pauper, and this also reassured Hongjun, because as long as he was driven and driven by interests, the other party would not have to be afraid of him running away halfway.

After all, it is best to deal with those who desire, and the most difficult to deal with are those who have no desires, because as the saying goes, if you have no desires, you will be strong. Wang Ming is actively exposing his weakness of greed.


After Hongjun thought for a while, he agreed to Wang Ming's seemingly unreasonable request. After Hongjun finished speaking, he disappeared in place and left the scene without giving everyone any time to react.

The purpose of his coming to the position this trip is to ask Wang Ming to have an attitude, and the newly appointed person who should be robbed. For some reason, he has indeed become Wang Ming, so Hongjun himself is a little curious, so he came to have a look. glance.

Now that his goal had been achieved, he had no reason to stay any longer, so he left, leaving only the Six Primordial Sages looking at Wang Ming in dismay.

Because Wang Ming actually asked Hongjun directly for benefits just now. You must know that this is something they dare not do, but Wang Ming did it, and it was successful.

"So what should I do next? Where is the Journey to the West? Has it started yet?"

Just when everyone was a little confused about the situation, Wang Ming asked in a dazed way. Jieyin and Zhunti exchanged glances, and then they also took the initiative to answer.

"Fellow Daoist, don't panic, this is the process."

The Taoist guide smiled and nodded, and then shot a golden light at Wang Ming. As soon as Wang Ming picked it up, he felt that there was a lot of information in his mind. This is probably something similar to the script of Journey to the West.

"Okay, I understand. Goodbye fellow daoists, I have to prepare."

After Wang Ming understood the progress, he also directly clasped his fists at the Six Sages of Honghuang, and left the spot and walked towards Hongfu Temple in the distance.

Now the script of Journey to the West has arrived. Xuanzang Hongfu talks about Buddhism, and the time when Avalokitesvara appears in the world and travels to the West. To put it simply, Wang Ming will pretend to be a Tang monk to talk about Buddhism, and then Avalokitesvara will come out to talk about Journey to the West. The whole Journey to the West has just begun .

Seeing this, the six saints also looked at each other, and left without saying anything. After all, it is not easy for them to participate in the next thing. The participation of the saints directly in the catastrophe will cause very serious consequences.

Although I don't know why, Wang Ming is also a saint-level strength, but he can become a person who should be robbed, but these things are not considered by the Six Saints.

Their vision has already developed to what happened after Journey to the West. The appearance of Wang Ming will greatly change the situation of Honghuang. After all, there is an extra saint-level power out of thin air. It is a lie to say that it has no impact.

In the process of walking to Hongfu Temple on foot, Wang Ming also released the ability card load of the Mercury Snake, and restrained his aura, and by the way, transformed his appearance into one, exactly the same as the Tang Monk he smashed to death before. the point.

Since it was an act, he had to do a full set. At this time, Wang Ming also began to think about what to do next. Honestly, Journey to the West like the original work must not work.

Because Wang Ming doesn't have so much time to spend here, and it feels quite boring. Acting for these people makes him feel like being tricked, so he is going to play a speedrun Westward Journey. Of course, he will definitely not go too far. It's just that it's a little cleaner than the original.

(End of this chapter)

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