Chapter 450 Kuimu Wolf

"Oh! You are indeed holy monks! Those holy monks must help the little old man decide!"

Although there is a taste of flattery in it, the shock in King Baoxiang's words cannot be concealed, because of the introduction made by Zhu Bajie.

They were all gods and Buddhas descended from the sky. How could King Baoxiang, who is an ordinary mortal, not be shocked, but after the shock, a kind of hope and confidence also emerged in his heart, so he immediately took advantage of the atmosphere Said quickly.

"Several holy monks, the thing is like this, a few years ago, the little girl..."

King Baoxiang spent 5 minutes explaining the cause and effect, and Wang Ming listened patiently. After all, he could afford to wait for these few minutes. After listening to King Baoxiang's description, Zhu Bajie, who seemed to feel the same way, immediately complained. And rise.

"It's a bit out of character for you as an old father-in-law. Since your daughter has written a letter from home halfway, saying that she is doing well, why do you care so much? Aren't you a mandarin duck?"

Zhu Bajie was a little bit aggrieved, did he think of himself and Gao Cuilan, but Monkey King slapped him on the head fiercely, and said bitterly.

"You pig brain, are you really stupid? Can a family letter written under the threat of someone be taken seriously? You can figure it out if you think about it carefully. A big girl with yellow flowers was suddenly taken away by a monster. Afraid? You are lying to ghosts!"

"That's right, I think Eldest Brother is right."

Sha Wujing also nodded in agreement, Zhu Bajie was speechless now, but Wang Ming waved his hand very boldly and said.

"Okay, we'll take over this job, the target is in the black pine forest, right? Disciples, let's go!"


As soon as Wang Ming finished speaking, he rode the white dragon horse and ran towards the outside of the palace, and several apprentices followed closely behind, and the group of people disappeared in the blink of an eye. , King Baoxiang nodded very satisfied and said.

"As expected of a holy monk."


A few minutes later, Wang Ming and his party came back to the black pine forest outside Baoxiang. They didn't pay attention when they passed by before, but now a few people discovered that the place is full of evil spirits, and it seems that there are big monsters entrenched here.

And the next thing they have to do is much simpler, they just need to follow the evil spirit to find the source, and the source of the strongest evil spirit must be where the yellow-robed monster is.

"Master, in this direction."

Sun Wukong was the first to discover the abnormality, and then pointed in a direction and said, Wang Ming immediately waved his hand and said.

"Disciples, go!"

A group of people rushed towards the source of the evil spirit aggressively again, and within a short while, they came to a majestic cave. Sha Wujing's eyes lit up again when he saw this, so he said hastily.

"Master, let me call the door!"

"Well, let's go."

Wang Ming also nodded in agreement directly, and then Sha Wujing took the rifle Wang Ming gave him, commonly known as a sprayer, and the official name is a shotgun, and came to the gate of the cave, and then he opened it directly to the gate of the cave. shouted after one shot.

"Listen to me, everyone inside. You are already surrounded by me. Put down your weapons and come out and surrender, or I will shoot you one by one!"

Sha Wujing shouted imposingly, as for why he said such words, it was purely because Wang Ming taught him.

And Sha Wujing's voice was obviously very useful. After he finished shouting, there was a noisy noise in the cave, and the gate of the cave was opened automatically after a while.

"Who dares to act wildly on my territory!"

With a domineering roar, a handsome man with orange hair rushed out of the cave with a group of little monsters.

"Hey, I still met an old acquaintance today, Kui Mulang, you guys are not on duty in Tiangong, when did you go to the lower realm to become a monster!?"

After Zhu Bajie saw the person coming, he recognized him at a glance. Because of the reason that the sky is one day and the earth is one year, it is only 14 years away from the Kuimu wolf's lower realm at this time, so only [-] days have passed in the heaven , It is actually normal not to be found.

Those of them who work in Tiangong actually have their own vacations. Although each position is very important, they can take turns if they can't hold it, right?
As long as you don't stay in the lower realm for hundreds of years and act in a low-key manner, it is still not easy to be discovered. When Kui Mulang heard that someone recognized his true identity, he was taken aback immediately, and then stared at Zhu Bajie with some vigilance. Said.

"You pig demon has good eyesight and actually knows me, but since you recognize my true identity, then don't even think about leaving today!"

"Hey, you dead dog, you've forgotten your grandfather in just a short time! I'm your Grandpa Canopy Marshal!"

After Zhu Bajie heard this, he was also furious, and immediately burst into foul language. Now he is most annoyed by others talking about his appearance.

"Kui Mulang, I heard that you kidnapped the third princess of Baoxiang Kingdom? Hurry up and let me go, or you will die on the spot today!"

At this time, Monkey King also spoke to help, and Kui Mulang also had some aftertaste at this time, he did not pay attention to Monkey King, but stared at Wang Ming with some doubts, and asked in a respectful tone.

"May I ask if this master is Tang Sanzang who came from the Tang Dynasty in the east and went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures?"

"Exactly, the poor monk Tang San was buried, burying the sky, burying the ground, and burying all living beings. This benefactor is very polite."

Wang Ming said the most frightening words in the calmest tone. When Kui Mulang heard Wang Ming's self-report, his legs trembled in fright, and he almost lost all the weapons in his hand.

Unlike the previous monsters with no background, he is one of the 28 stars in the sky, and a group of fairy brothers always tipped him off.

Therefore, Baoxiang Kingdom, where Kui Mulang is hiding, is a must pass on Tang Seng's westward journey, and he also pays special attention to Tang Seng's news.

And when he knew that Wang Ming had punched the Five Elements Mountain into the air, that the Yellow Wind Monster had been beaten to death with a tin stick, and that there were hardly any monsters on the path he had to pass, he had already had trouble sleeping and eating, sleeping all night, and recently he kept a low profile in everything he did. Quite a lot.

But Kui Mulang never expected that this man was sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky. He obviously didn't kill or set fire, and he didn't do anything serious, but now he was found by this dead monk for no reason.

At this time, Kui Mulang's hands and feet were weak and his body was cold. He was obviously frightened by Wang Ming's vicious name. At this time, Wang Ming also stared at the other party and said with a smile.

"This benefactor's Yintang is black, and he is sick at first sight. How about a poor monk send you to the west to see a doctor? My Buddha Tathagata has superb medical skills, and I guarantee that the medicine will cure your life. Bah, it will cure your illness when the medicine arrives."

(End of this chapter)

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