Chapter 451

"Holy Monk, please forgive me! I am Kui Mulang, the star king from the sky who descended to earth. This time I descended to earth to fulfill my promise with the person I agreed to. We are in love with each other. I did not do anything to harm anyone's life." !"

Kui Mulang was also a sentimental person, and when he heard Wang Ming's prestige, he immediately bowed down and surrendered, while Wang Ming narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

"You and the maid from the Pixiang Temple went down to earth to continue your relationship. I agree with that. After all, the two are in love. But now that maid has no memory of her previous life, is she willing to do this?"


Wang Ming's words immediately hit Kui Mulang's weakness, because he belongs to the lower realm that violates the rules and still retains the memory of his previous life, while the maid of the Pixiang Temple took the regular path to the lower realm, removed the fairy book, and reincarnated. Heaven has nothing to do with it.

This is the true descending to the mortal world that even the Heavenly Court recognizes. It can be said that this is giving up all the power and power of being a fairy. On the other hand, Kui Mulang, who claims to be affectionate, but thinks about himself everywhere he does things.

He didn't do the promised reincarnation, but chose this illegal lower bound to preserve memory, and then what did he do after the lower bound?
Don’t talk about a good relationship, just turn into an ugly monster and snatch back your lover from the previous life. You must know that Kui Mulang was quite handsome when he was the star king in the sky, otherwise he wouldn’t be so fascinated by other girls that he would just give up everything.

And this Kui Mulang is also a strange thing. There are many ways to continue his relationship, but he chose the simplest and most wrong way.

Just keep the appearance of Xingjun from before, and pursue their three princesses in Baoxiang Kingdom openly. With Kui Mulang's mana and ability, he becomes King Baoxiang's son-in-law in minutes. What's wrong with having a happy family?
And what did Kui Mulang do?To snatch the person back directly, and use the image of a monster that was maliciously uglified after the Nether Realm, any woman should panic, okay?The three views follow the five senses, it's not a joke.

Then what Kui Mulang did was even more extreme. He directly raped others. In the TV series version, there were no children, but in the original book, a half-human, half-wolf monster was indeed born.

Because Kui Mulang's body can be regarded as similar to a divine beast, but the so-called divine beast is actually a demon in essence. Wang Ming just doesn't know whether Kui Mulang has a son in the version he is in.

"Looking at your lack of confidence, I know it too. Isn't this just wishful thinking? I'll give you a chance to go back to heaven, or you'll go to hell."

Wang Ming looked at Kui Mulang who had been speechless for a long time, and spoke indifferently, and Kui Mulang was a little panicked, and began to make the last effort.

"But I really love her with my heart!"

"True love? Hehehe, what a beautiful word, then look at what you have done, illegal imprisonment, QJ women, domestic violence, it turns out that this is true love, then I can understand it. The world is gone."

When Wang Ming said this, his tone had completely turned cold, and an incomparably terrifying coercion suddenly enveloped the audience, and everyone was frightened into silence.

"I'll give you ten seconds to send the person out and go back to the sky obediently, otherwise I'll let you go to the west to find the Buddha."

While talking, Wang Ming took out his Desert Eagle and pointed it at Kui Mulang's head. Although the latter didn't know what kind of weapon it was, a sense of crisis from deep inside made him have to pay attention.

Seeing that the master was like this, the apprentices naturally expressed their opinions one after another. Sun Wukong took out his ak-47, Zhu Bajie directly warmed up Gatling, and Sha Wujing also pointed the shotgun in his hand at Kui. Timber wolf.

Any weapon produced by Wang Ming has the power to instantly kill a cosmic-level powerhouse. Although this Kui Mulang is powerful, it is only a late-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal, which is equivalent to the appearance of a late-cosmic level. A single weapon can instantly kill him.

"Okay! I'll do it, holy monk, don't be impulsive!"

Kui Mulang was so frightened that he ran back to the cave immediately. He could see that none of the four masters and apprentices was good, and each of them was quite difficult to deal with. If he didn't follow suit, the other party would 100% gun.

"Holy Monk, someone brought it here for you."

After a while, Kui Mulang gave away his wife with a look of reluctance. If you didn't understand the scene in front of you, you might think that the four masters and apprentices were robbing other people's wives.

"Are you still watching the show? If you don't come down again, I'll kill him with one shot. Pull him away quickly."

Seeing this, Wang Ming nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at the empty sky and yelled loudly. Following Wang Ming's yelling, a group of people suddenly appeared in the sky. The other 27 stars who work together with Kui Mulang.

"Kui Mulang, you have violated the rules of heaven, and the Jade Emperor told us to take you back for punishment."

Jiaomujiao, the leader of the Eastern Azure Dragon Qisu, looked at Kui Mulang and said calmly, he and Kui Mulang are equal in terms of identity, and there are four leaders in the 28 Constellations.

There are four directions, east, west, north, south, and there are seven stars in each direction. Each star leader is equivalent to a small captain. Any one of them has strong strength. In a sense, they are considered to be the four great beasts. Dependents.

The head of the seven constellations of the Eastern Azure Dragon: Jiaomujiao
Head of the Northern Xuanwu Qisu: Doumu Xie
The head of the seven constellations of the western white tiger: Kuimu wolf
The head of the seven Suzakus in the south: Jing Muyan
This is the four commanders of the 28 constellations. To be honest, this strength is really not weak, even when Zhu Bajie was still Marshal Tianpeng, he was about the same strength.

This shows how powerful the heavenly court is. When Monkey King made a big disturbance in the heavenly palace, there were really few powerful gods who really contributed.

"Follow the Jade Emperor's decree!"

Kui Mulang accepted his fate now, and after simply saluting with his fists, he followed 27 Stars back to the Heavenly Court, nonsense, if he didn't leave, he would be shot.

Seeing that the matter was over, Wang Ming returned to Baoxiang Kingdom with the princess of Baoxiang Kingdom who had just been rescued. After arriving at the place, he let people go casually, said hello, and hurriedly led his disciples away.

After all, this is just a few hardships, and there are still many difficulties waiting to be overcome in the future. In terms of time, we must hurry up, and the destination of Wang Ming's next stop is the legendary Pingdingshan.

And the golden horns and silver horns are also monsters with status and status, so don't even think about it, they must know Wang Ming's prestige, but they don't quite know how these two unlucky children can get through this difficulty.

That's right, now in the eyes of those monsters who know Wang Ming's strength, one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties is what he has to overcome.

(End of this chapter)

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