Chapter 455
At this time, King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn looked at Wang Ming, as if they were looking at a monster, and they made such a terrifying weapon so lightly.

The background of this guy in front of him is not simple at all!

At this time, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie, who were blown out, also woke up from a short coma. The two of them were really beaten up just now.

"Ahem, cough, monkey brother, are you alright?"

Zhu Bajie coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood in disgrace, and then said to Monkey King, and Monkey King who was not far away from him also shook his head and barely got up from the ground.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the qi and blood are concussed, and it's just a little uncomfortable."

At this time, both of them were a little confused and shocked, because the opponent's weapon was too powerful, and just a few small pieces of iron directly blasted the two of them to pieces.

This feeling even reminded Monkey King of the fear of being dominated by Tathagata back then. This is definitely an attack that has reached the quasi-sage level.

"Brother Monkey can't do it anymore. Our brothers alone can't break through this lotus cave, and we can't break down this Pingdingshan. We must ask for foreign aid!"

Zhu Bajie breathed a sigh of relief before slowly saying, his physique is no better than Monkey King, Monkey King only suffered a little skin trauma, while Zhu Bajie is almost considered a minor injury.

"The only thing we can do now is to ask for help. Although I don't really want to ask these gods and Buddhas, the road to the west cannot stop here. We must move forward to regain our freedom."

Monkey King also nodded in agreement, he and Zhu Bajie had a rare agreement, and then Monkey King began to assign tasks.

"How about this, I'll go to Lingshan to ask Tathagata for help, you go to Heaven to ask Jade Emperor for help, we will split up and come back with an army of gods and Buddhas to wipe out this Pingdingshan!"

"Okay! It's not too late, let's start now!"

Zhu Bajie also got up and echoed directly, and then the two of them flew up to the sky and the other to the west. Monkey King's arrangement still makes sense.

After all, Monkey King once made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, and he had formed a relationship with most of the gods in the sky. Now it is a bit embarrassing to ask for help. Although he was suppressed by the Tathagata, Journey to the West is also a matter of Buddhism, so it is understandable for him to go to Buddhism.

As for Zhu Bajie, going to Tianting is like going back to his mother’s house. He is one of the oldest elders in Tianting. Basically, he entered Tianting not long after the establishment of Tianting. Therefore, most of the gods in the sky are regarded as him. younger generation.

The situation here has long been seen by Tianting and Lingshan, and before Zhu Bajie and Monkey King arrived, the two sides had already thought of countermeasures.

Obviously both the Jade Emperor and Tathagata understood why Wang Ming did this. It was because he was too sloppy before, and the Heavenly Dao reluctantly approved it to dissipate the catastrophe. Now there must be a vigorous battle to counteract more calamity gas.

So both sides have already counted their troops and are ready for a real shocking battle!


"My Buddha, Sun Wukong is seeking to see him outside."

On the Lingshan Mountain, all the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas were listening to the Tathagata explaining the Dharma. Suddenly, a Dharma Protector King Kong hurried into the hall and reported in a low voice.

"Let him in."

Tathagata also said indifferently, at this time his action of explaining the Dharma was also forced to stop, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas turned their eyes to the entrance of the hall, and then Monkey King hurried in and shouted loudly.

"Buddha, help me! My master is dying!"

Sun Wukong howled like this when he came in, and the eyelids and mouth corners of all the Buddhas twitched slightly when they heard this, who are they?They have already observed the current situation of Pingdingshan through their own means.

"I already know the matter, so I don't need to say much. Since you are asking for help, I will send some people to help you rescue Tang Sanzang."

Tathagata obviously didn't want to listen to Sun Wukong's pressure, he said straight to the point, Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then he also reacted, and immediately he also clasped his fists and shouted respectfully.

"Thank you Buddha!"

"In that case, Lingji Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Manjusri Bodhisattva, and Vajrapani Bodhisattva, you can lead the eighteen arhats on a journey."

Tathagata immediately began to call names one by one. The four bodhisattvas he called were all half-step multi-level cultivation bases similar to Sun Wukong, equivalent to the peak strength of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and each of the eighteen arhats also had the power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal. The strength in the later period is no worse than Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

It can be said that Tathagata has directly mobilized the backbone of the entire Lingshan. The low-end ones are useless, and the high-end ones cannot be played. After all, it is just acting, so there is no need to go too far.

And when Monkey King went to Lingshan to ask for help, Zhu Bajie had already come to Lingxiao Palace to meet the Jade Emperor. After seeing the Jade Emperor, Zhu Bajie also started to shout directly.

"Help, Your Majesty! There is no way to go on this westward journey. There are two big monsters on Pingdingshan who are too fierce and captured my master alive. Even my brother Monkey is no match for him. Please send troops to rescue him!"

Above the Lingxiao Palace, after hearing Zhu Bajie's words, many gods and gods also raised their eyes and became interested, which is different from the constant attention of Buddhism.

There are only a few gods who gossip in the Heavenly Court, and they like to watch the progress of the westward journey. After all, this matter has nothing to do with them in essence, so most of the gods don't care much.

So when Zhu Bajie talked about this topic, especially when he said that Monkey King was no match, he was also aroused.

After all, this monkey made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace back then, and the gods cooperated in acting in it, but its strength is not weaker than Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, but there is no doubt about it.

There is such a big monster that the other party can't do anything about it. It shouldn't be someone who is silent and unknown, and the Jade Emperor obviously expected this to happen a long time ago, so he also started to call names very calmly.

"In this case, Li Jing, the king of Tota, the third prince of Nezha, the four heavenly kings, and Yang Jian, the god of justice, will lead one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals to the lower realm to help Tang Seng and his party cast down demons."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Bajie was overjoyed when he heard that the Jade Emperor had dispatched such a luxurious lineup, and immediately saluted very respectfully. Although he is no longer a member of the heavenly court, he still deserves the respect he deserves. He is not a smug kid people.

Then a spectacular spectacle appeared on the Great Desolate Continent, the western Buddha light filled the sky, and four bodhisattvas led eighteen arhats to fly to Pingdingshan.

And the sky in the east is also full of fairy air, and the [-] heavenly soldiers and generals headed by Yang Jian and others are also coming towards Pingding Mountain mightily. On the hill!

(End of this chapter)

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