Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 456 Immortals and Buddhas join forces and besiege Pingdingshan!

Chapter 456 Immortals and Buddhas join forces and besiege Pingdingshan!

For a moment, the eyes of the immortals and the Buddha focused on Pingdingshan, not to mention the gods and Buddhas, even some powerful monsters cast their gazes over, wanting to see what was going on, could it be Pingdingshan There is a Monkey King, are you ready to turn against the sky?
All in all, Pingdingshan has become the most eye-catching place in the Three Realms at this time. Whether it is the sky, the world or the underworld, there are powerful people watching here quietly, waiting for the follow-up development.

"Report, report to the army commander! Something is wrong, then Monkey King and Zhu Bajie have invited gods and Buddhas from all over the sky to besiege us!"

King Golden Horn saw that something was wrong, and rushed to report to Wang Ming. King Silver Horn also stood beside him with a flustered look on his face. Neither of them expected that the incident would turn out to be so big and develop so exaggeratedly. .

They are boys next to the Taishang Laojun, so both their vision and cultivation are very high. They know almost all the people sent by the Heavenly Court and Buddhism. It is not enough to watch.

"Don't panic, start the air defense system, prepare the drones, prepare the anti-aircraft guns, first hit the enemy to the ground, and don't let them attack from the sky, otherwise they won't be able to defend."

Wang Ming still arranged everything very calmly, he didn't intend to personally participate in the battle, he was just directing.


After seeing Wang Ming's calm appearance, King Golden Horn and King Silver Horn were also encouraged and became less flustered, and then they also went down to start making arrangements.

At this time, the sky around Pingdingshan was completely surrounded by gods and Buddhas and 10 heavenly soldiers. The little demons on their bodies were almost frightened when they saw this scene, but fortunately they were confident in the weapons in their hands. There were no outright rout scenarios.

"How to fight this battle, does Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun have an idea?"

After the meeting of the gods and Buddhas, Bodhisattva Lingji looked at Erlang God, the representative of the heavenly court, as if asking, and said, but Erlang God still expressed his thoughts after being silent for a while.

"The weapons in the hands of the monsters below are really powerful. We can use the heavenly soldiers as the vanguard to attract firepower, and then attack up the mountain in one fell swoop."

Erlangshen's plan is very simple. To put it bluntly, it is to use the [-] heavenly soldiers as cannon fodder to attract firepower, and then they can take advantage of the weak firepower to break into the Lotus Cave, and the mission of rescuing Tang Seng is over.

As for the life and death of the Heavenly Soldiers, it is not within the scope of Erlang Shen's consideration at all. In fact, all the generals or marshals of the Heavenly Court did not take the lives of the Heavenly Soldiers seriously. The true spirits of these Heavenly Soldiers who are generally only cultivated as Earth Immortals are stored in the Heavenly Court Among them, even if it is dead, it can be resurrected at any time.

Therefore, the style of battle in the heavenly court is generally that the heavenly soldiers go up first, and then the heavenly generals go up after they are dead, and the real combat power only goes up when they are almost dead. This is to consume the enemy's strength.

At that time, playing one and a half states at full state is almost guaranteed. After all, these heavenly soldiers are said to be cannon fodder, but in fact they still have some strength. If you really don't care, they will easily capsize in the gutter.

Buddhism, on the other hand, took the opposite path to Heavenly Court. Buddhism took the elite route. Although there were fewer people coming this time, their overall combat power was not inferior to that of Heavenly Court, and even a bit stronger.

After all, when the four bodhisattvas join hands, the general quasi-sages have to run away. It is impossible for two quasi-sages to beat the four bodhisattvas. Basically, the current situation is equivalent to the mid-to-low-end power of the heavens. , Buddhism has developed high-end power.

At this time, they had already launched a general attack on Pingdingshan. Yang Jian held up the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand, and waved at Pingdingshan's big hand and ordered.

"Army attack!"


After receiving the order, the heavenly soldiers also turned into streaks of light and landed on the ground, and then charged towards the Pingdingshan without fear of death.

Anyway, they know they can't die, just like playing games, they can be resurrected from the spring after death, so no one has a little bit of fear.


And when the monsters in Pingdingshan saw the heavenly soldiers rushing over, they also began to pour out their firepower without hesitation, thanks to the three-three system of infantry tactics.

The entire Pingdingshan is divided into four large isosceles triangles, these four triangles can echo each other, and the range of the weapons in the hands of these monsters is not only hundreds of kilometers, but the effective killing range is at least [-] meters. .

So an impenetrable firepower network was formed in this way, basically as many heavenly soldiers came and died, the weapons in the hands of the little monsters were lethal to these heavenly soldiers.

These heavenly soldiers with the cultivation of earth immortals are no different from ordinary people in front of the guns produced by Wang Ming, but these heavenly soldiers did play a role in restraining firepower, and the attention of the little monsters was attracted by the heavenly soldiers. Jiang and Arhat Bodhisattvas also felt that they had an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Everyone, now it's our turn to take down Pingdingshan in one go!"

Seeing that the plan was carried out according to his imagination, Yang Jian also confidently gave the order for the final general attack. After all, in the eyes of these gods, tactics are not important, as long as they are crushed by force.

"Okay! Take Pingdingshan today!"

"So that these demons and ghosts will know how powerful we are!"

"Amitabha, subjugating demons and eliminating demons is the bounden duty of my fellow Buddhists, and it's time for us to show our talents."

Whether it is the people in the heavenly court or the people in the Buddhist sect, they are all full of interest and confidence at this time. They seem to think that taking down Pingdingshan is already a matter of finding something.

And when they were about to directly assault Pingdingshan from the sky, Wang Ming let them know what is meant by the power of anti-aircraft weapons.

Whoosh whoosh!
Da da da!
Just when a group of gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were about to arrive, small anti-aircraft missiles and rockets were activated one after another as arranged by Wang Ming on the top of Pingdingshan. These missiles and rockets all have tracking systems, so there is almost no possibility of missing.

Moreover, each of these rockets and missiles has the power close to the strike of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and the level of power is roughly equivalent to Monkey King's full blow.

In other words, as long as you are hit by one of the missiles, it is equivalent to getting a full blow from Monkey King, which is not so easy to suffer.

Of course, the power depends on whether the gods and Buddhas reacted. If they didn't react, it was equivalent to being hit directly.

After realizing it, it would be better to end up, which is equivalent to these gods and Buddhas fighting hard with Monkey King who was swinging his stick with all his strength.

A strong man of the same level would at most suffer from turmoil of qi and blood, which would be a little uncomfortable and consume strength, rather than those of the same level, who might be directly killed or severely injured by the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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