Chapter 467 Don't come here!

"Master, this is easy to deal with. When you go up and let them beat you, we have a reason to take action."

Monkey King approached Wang Ming, plotting their evil plans loudly without any scruples, Huli Daxian and the others standing opposite everyone were quite speechless at this moment, and even a little scared, because these monks were really weird , something is wrong!

"It makes sense, Wukong is smarter than you."

After Wang Ming heard Monkey King's words, he also praised without hesitation, and then he walked directly towards the three of Hu Li.

"Monk, what are you doing?"

"Monk, I warn you, we have practiced before, and three or five people will not be able to get close to us!"

"Don't come here!"

As Wang Ming approached step by step, the three of Huli Daxian also felt unprecedented pressure. They finally discovered that things were developing into an uncontrollable and very bad state.

So every time Wang Ming took a step forward, the three of them took a step back, which seemed quite rhythmic. After taking several steps like this, Wang Ming suddenly fell to the ground and shouted in a very exaggerated tone.

"Disciples, these three monsters attacked me as a teacher, he hit me, and rushed to the street!"

"You fucking meow, which eye saw me do it!"

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense, you!"

"Pengci, right!?"

Hu Li, Yang Li, and Lu Li were all shocked by Wang Ming's shamelessness, but what Sun Wukong and the others were waiting for was this unfounded reason, and immediately Sun Wukong and the others took out the guy.

Bang bang bang!
Sun Wukong and the others opened fire on Hu Li Daxian and the others without saying a word. After a few gunshots, the three monsters were headshot directly, and fell to the ground on the spot showing their original shapes, and died quite terribly.

"Wukong, you are really, why are you so impulsive, Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful, I have brought three more people here for you."

After seeing these three monsters turned into their original form, Wang Ming got up from the ground and uttered the Buddha's name with compassion on his face. His hypocrisy was much stronger than those of the Western Bodhisattvas.

The reason why Wang Ming wanted to kill Hu Li and the other three was not because he was greedy, nor was it because they were disciples of Taoism. Wang Ming wanted to oppose them deliberately from the standpoint of Buddhism, but that they really deserved what they deserved.

Although these three monsters looked wronged in the TV series, after all, they were the ones who blessed Che Chiguo for 20 years, and they were played to death one by one by Monkey King. It really looked a bit miserable.

But in fact, there are explicit and implicit hints in the original book that the severe drought 20 years ago was caused by these three monsters, and they first pulled the entire Chechi Kingdom into the brink of doomsday collapse.

The entire Che Chi country fell into despair, and after batches of people died of drought, the three of them reappeared as saviors, saved all the people from the fire and water, and successfully became the national teacher
Then, during these 20 years, he kept controlling the weather in Che Chi Country, causing some natural disasters from time to time, either a severe drought or a severe flood.

The spells used by these three people are all the orthodox Taoist spells of Taoism, whether it is praying for rain or returning rain, they all followed the formal procedures and were approved by the heaven.

However, although these three people inherited the orthodox Taoist sect, they had already entered crooked ways. This was the main reason why Wang Ming killed them.

And unlike the slightly changed details in the TV series, the original book clearly stated that these three monsters wanted to wait for the king to die of old age, and then naturally inherit his throne and control the entire Che Chi Kingdom.

The reason why they didn't kill the king directly was because the king of Che Chi Kingdom had good luck, and if he was killed, it would be more troublesome. That's why these three monsters chose to wait for the king to die of old age naturally. A hundred years is a snap of the fingers.

As for what they want to do after mastering Che Chiguo, no one knows, but they have tried their best to swallow Che Chiguo, and it is estimated that what they have to do should not be a trivial matter.

"Here, where is my national teacher?!"

At this moment, the king of Che Chi Kingdom led all the civil and military officials to rush out of the palace, and then they saw three animal corpses lying on the ground in their original shape, still wrapped in Taoist robes.

"The three of your national teachers are all monsters. We have done justice for the heavens and sent him to see me, Buddha Tathagata. You don't need to thank us. Hurry up and cover the customs clearance disk for me."

Wang Ming said carelessly, and then Sun Wukong and the others lifted up the corpse on the ground, and then the king of Che Chi Kingdom stamped a stamp on Wang Ming's customs clearance disc in a daze.

After getting the customs clearance disk, the master and apprentice hurried out of the city. They wanted to find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to start today's dinner.

After a busy day like this, Master Wang began to prepare for cooking. Tigers are used for barbecue. For sheep, there are various traditional eating methods such as lamb chops and mutton soup. As for deer, Wang Ming is also very particular about it. Frying and frying.

All in all, the meal was well received by several disciples, even though they were reluctant to join Honghaier at first, they have now fully integrated into the team.

It is estimated that the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan want him to leave now, and he may not necessarily leave. After all, there is meat to eat with the master. Are you kidding about Journey to the West on the tip of your tongue?
After seeing these scenes, the gods and Buddhas have become completely numb and even used to it. Tang Seng is really good at being a demon.

And quite a few gods are very curious, are these monsters delicious?No other ideas, just pure curiosity.

After all, Sun Wukong and his eating habits are too exaggerated, making these gods and even the Buddha eager to try.

"Fourth Junior Brother, see, this is the benefit of being with Master, otherwise, even if you go to the Jade Emperor, you won't be able to eat such good food."

After drinking and eating, Zhu Bajie praised Wang Ming as usual. At this time, the red boy was eating oil all over his face, and he also kept praising Wang Ming.

"Let me just say, how can my father and mother harm me, I will be promising if I follow Master."

The silly boy had already completely forgiven him, and Hong Boy even felt that the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan had left him behind. This was deliberately arranged by his parents, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence.

After everyone was full of wine and food, they continued on the road. Before they knew it, half of the journey to the West had already been passed, and it would not be long before they reached Xitian. To be honest, Wang Ming was quite looking forward to what Hongjun would give him. magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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