Chapter 468 Tongtian River

And Wang Ming and the others' next destination is the Eight Hundred Li Tongtian River in the original book, which is comparable to the Liusha River. I don't know if Wu Chengen has any obsession with the word eight hundred miles. .

What is the eight hundred li Liusha River, the eight hundred li Tongtian River, the eight hundred li Huoyan Mountain, and the eight hundred li wide are not called rivers, they are called straits.

And Wang Ming and the others soon arrived at Tongtian River, eight hundred miles away, but unlike the deserted Liusha River, there were people living along the Tongtian River, and there was even a small fishing village.

But at this time, the fishing village looked very strange, everyone in it was mournful, and the atmosphere was very depressing, so Monkey King said to Wang Ming on his own initiative.

"Master, I'm going to see what happened."

"Well, it's good to go and have a look."

Naturally, Wang Ming knew it well, since it was Tong Tianhe, then the boss of this level was the King of Inspiration.

I heard that this is a very fat red goldfish. Although I don't know how this ornamental fish tastes, it must be good to make sweet and sour goldfish.

At this time, Sun Wukong had already come to these villagers very arrogantly.

"Hey, you guys, where is this place? Why do you all look like dead children?"

Sun Wukong's question was very simple and rude. The villagers were taken aback when they saw Sun Wukong, but after seeing clearly that Monkey King was wearing a monk's robe, they reluctantly calmed down and answered.

"Master, this is the Tongtian River. We are all villagers in the village by the river. The reason why we have become like this is actually..."

The villager, who was caught by Monkey King for questioning, told all the things in the village, that is, the matter that the king of inspiration asked them to worship boys and girls every year.

After Sun Wukong heard what the villagers said, he immediately became furious. It is unforgivable to mutilate young children no matter what race they are in, even if they are in the monster clan.

Brother Hou still had a sense of justice in his heart, so he immediately decided to take care of this matter. After he returned to Wang Ming, he also explained the matter in detail.

"Master, this is probably the case, but the King of Inspiration is hidden at the bottom of the Tongtian River, and it will be a bit difficult to find him."

"However, today is the day in this village. When the boys and girls are being handed over, we can wait for him to come over and take them down!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he also added his own opinion. Wang Ming was actually a little angry when he heard the words. He had read the original book, but he still had some emotional fluctuations when he was really on the scene.

"Okay, just follow what you said. In my opinion, let Honghaier go directly as the bait. He doesn't need to change. It's just right to go directly."

After thinking for a while, Wang Ming decided to take care of this matter. After all, this was the disaster he was supposed to get through, so it didn't matter, and Hong Hai'er was selected as an important person for this mission.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Hong Haier didn't feel disgusted or evaded this task, on the contrary, he raised his hands excitedly and shouted.

This bear child has always watched the excitement and is not afraid of big things, especially after colluding with Wang Ming and the others, this child seems to have opened the door to a new world, and has become even more fearless.

Banditry is contagious, if you stay with a group of bandits every day, you will become a bandit yourself sooner or later.

After deciding what to do next, Wang Ming also successfully entered the village with a group of apprentices, and then met the village chief. After explaining the purpose of coming, Wang Ming and the others started their arrangement amidst the gratitude of the village chief.

Sun Wukong turned into a pink virgin, while Honghaier remained the same, and the two entered the ruined temple where the villagers used to make offerings.

The only thing left is to wait, wait for the night to fall, and the king of inspiration will come up to arrest people, and then it will be time for Monkey King and Honghaier to play their role.

In other words, the four of them, Monkey King, couldn't wait a long time ago. From their point of view, this king of inspiration has long been a dish on the plate.

It’s okay if you haven’t met it usually, but now you have to have a good taste of it. High-quality monsters are not so easy to find.

Soon, it was late at night. In the ruined temple near the river, there was also a strange wind blowing at this time, and the doors and windows were blown and made strange noises.

The scene inside the whole temple became quite scary and terrifying, which belongs to the classic opening scene of ghost movies.

However, the eyes of the two boys and girls whose heads were covered in the temple were glowing with enthusiasm and excitement. This is indeed a good start for a classic ghost film, but it is uncertain who is the ghost.

In this way, the dark wind blew bigger and bigger, until finally the temple door was blown open, and a tall figure with a fish head and a human body stepped into the temple.

"Hehehe, I can finally enjoy this year's tribute again. I can only eat it once a year, but it's killing me. If the Bodhisattva hadn't told me not to mess around, I would at least grab boys to eat every day."

This monster with a fish head and a human body gave out a strange smile with malicious intentions while walking, and the amount of information in his words was a bit large.

After Sun Wukong and Honghaier heard his words, they were stunned for a moment, and then showed contempt and disdain on their faces. Now they understood why all kinds of monsters kept coming down to earth.

Of course, they only realized it later, while Wang Ming knew about these nasty things from the very beginning. For those who didn't know, they would really think it was a coincidence.

"Hey, baby, here I come~"

After the King of Inspiration let out a strange laugh, he rushed towards Sun Wukong and Honghaier. The King of Inspiration was very anxious, and directly lifted the hijabs on their heads.

Then he was greeted by three black muzzles, two of which were Red Boy's Glock G19, and one was Monkey King's AK-47.



Sun Wukong greeted the other party with a smirk, but Honghaier got off the flight without any difficulty!


Following Honghaier's unintelligent eyes aiming, and after two gunshots, two bullets passed through the two eyes of King Inspiration, pierced his head, and exploded with his soul.

After all, although the pistol that Wang Ming gave to Honghaier was a pistol, it also had the power to instantly kill Taiyi Golden Immortal at the later stage.

Although this king of inspiration is not weak, he is a goldfish raised by Guanyin, and his cultivation level is at the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, so he can be regarded as a middle-level monster on the westbound road.

But in the face of the big weapon made by Wang Ming himself, he still couldn't resist, and was directly shot to death by the red boy twice.

"Monster, times have changed."

After the red boy killed the Inspiration Queen with two shots, he blew on the muzzle of the gun very coquettishly, and the blue smoke that came out said something faintly.

(There is only one update today, and the saved manuscripts are used up. I have been a bit busy recently, and the saved manuscripts will resume two updates tomorrow.)
(._)ノ—◎●●●● Eat candied haws
(End of this chapter)

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